Here are some ideas from the easiest one:
- [Report a bug](<bug.html>)
- Build the [community](<>), help answer questions in the forum
- Write or improve documentation
- [Submit an add-on](</howto/Pack.html>) (a SWI-Prolog "pack")
- [Submit a patch](<howto/SubmitPatch.html>)
You can edit pages like this by making pull requests on these GitHub repositories:
- The source code for these wiki pages (static content) is in
- The source code for this web server is in
You can preview your edits in your local machine. Follow the instructions in the plweb repository.
The documentation is part of the source code and thus the general guidelines of Submit a patch apply. The documentation itself appears in three formats:
- LaTeX, mostly in the ``man`` subdirectory. The files have
extension ``.doc``, but are in fact LaTeX files that are
preprocessed to create automatic links to predicates and functions.
- Markdown files, mostly ``.md``, but ``.txt`` is also used.
- Documentation in the source code
using [PlDoc](</pldoc/package/pldoc>)
To preview your new documentation, build the system and use help/1:
?- help(mypredicate).
See in the source directory for building the PDF documentation.