The designs were created to the following widths:
- Mobile: 375px
- Desktop: 1440px
Blue: hsl(246, 80%, 60%)
Very dark blue: hsl(226, 43%, 10%)
Dark blue: hsl(235, 46%, 20%)
Desaturated blue: hsl(235, 45%, 61%)
Pale Blue: hsl(236, 100%, 87%)
Soft blue (play): hsl(195, 74%, 62%)
Light red (work): hsl(15, 100%, 70%)
Light red (study): hsl(348, 100%, 68%)
Lime green (exercise): hsl(145, 58%, 55%)
Violet (social): hsl(264, 64%, 52%)
Soft orange (self care): hsl(43, 84%, 65%)
- Font size: 18px (card titles e.g. Work, Play)
- Family: Rubik
- Weights: 300, 400, 500