Control your server over SSH with a CLI
StatCLI is a script writed in Python. It use the known library Paramiko, who allow to do some actions on a host over the SSH protocol. The main idea here is to access to your server, run commands, return the results as strings to this script and have a kind of monitoring tool.
This script hasn't been released to be officaly released as a public tool. It has been done for my school to show my skills for a test. If you love the idea, feel free to use it but credit me please !
Used library:
- paramiko
pip3 install -r requirments.txt
It's realy easy:
usage: [-h] [--all] [--ram] [--os] [--cpu] [--network] [--users]
Commands to choose which informations show
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--all, -a Get all informations from this script
--ram, -r Get informations about your RAM (free command)
--os, -o Get informations about your OS (lsb_release -a command)
--cpu, -c Get informations about your CPU (lscpu command & top)
--network, -n Get informations about your NIC (nstat & netplan)
--users, -u Get informations about users in the system
It's because the user I writed in the credentials file is a user with privileges and without password need. If you want, create a user on UNIX / Linux:
sudo adduser statcli
(You will need to set a password)...
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
And write it in:
statcli ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: free, lsb_release, lscpu, top, cat, nstat, groups
With this, statcli will be able to run everything with root rights and only the free (etc...) without password. The others commands would require a password !