diff --git a/.forceignore b/.forceignore
index c11e60b0..0ca98e27 100755
--- a/.forceignore
+++ b/.forceignore
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# List files or directories below to ignore them when running force:source:push, force:source:pull, and force:source:status
# More information: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_exclude_source.htm
diff --git a/.github/workflows/feature_test.yml b/.github/workflows/feature_test.yml
index dc688149..f2f43bd0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/feature_test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/feature_test.yml
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Install sfdx
run: |
mkdir sfdx
- wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
- ./sfdx/install
+ wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx/channels/stable/sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
+ echo $(realpath sfdx/bin) >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Authenticate Dev Hub
+ run: |
echo ${{ secrets.SFDX_AUTH_URL }} > sfdx_auth
sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
- name: Set up Python
@@ -46,8 +48,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Install sfdx
run: |
mkdir sfdx
- wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
- ./sfdx/install
+ wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx/channels/stable/sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
+ echo $(realpath sfdx/bin) >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Authenticate Dev Hub
+ run: |
echo ${{ secrets.SFDX_AUTH_URL }} > sfdx_auth
sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
- name: Set up Python
@@ -70,10 +74,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Install sfdx
run: |
mkdir sfdx
- wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
- ./sfdx/install
+ wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx/channels/stable/sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
+ echo $(realpath sfdx/bin) >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Authenticate Dev Hub
+ run: |
echo ${{ secrets.SFDX_AUTH_URL }} > sfdx_auth
- sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
+ sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
diff --git a/.github/workflows/packaging.yml b/.github/workflows/packaging.yml
index ef614bcb..e7f83d1b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/packaging.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/packaging.yml
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Install sfdx
run: |
mkdir sfdx
- wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
- ./sfdx/install
+ wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx/channels/stable/sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
+ echo $(realpath sfdx/bin) >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Authenticate Dev Hub
+ run: |
echo ${{ secrets.SFDX_AUTH_URL }} > sfdx_auth
sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
- name: Set up Python
diff --git a/.github/workflows/production_release.yml b/.github/workflows/production_release.yml
index 8c60822d..ed39f953 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/production_release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/production_release.yml
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Install sfdx
run: |
mkdir sfdx
- wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
- ./sfdx/install
+ wget -qO- https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx/channels/stable/sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz | tar xJ -C sfdx --strip-components 1
+ echo $(realpath sfdx/bin) >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Authenticate Dev Hub
+ run: |
echo ${{ secrets.SFDX_AUTH_URL }} > sfdx_auth
sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f sfdx_auth -d
- name: Set up Python
diff --git a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Admin.profile-meta.xml b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Admin.profile-meta.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e2cd72..00000000
--- a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Admin.profile-meta.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1052 +0,0 @@
- AuntBerthaDataWrapper
- true
- AuntBerthaServiceBatchClass
- true
- AuntBerthaServiceProvider
- true
- AuntBerthaServiceProviderResults
- true
- AuntBerthaServiceQueueable
- true
- AuthParams
- true
- EmailService
- true
- MockHttpResponseGenerator
- true
- OneDegreeDataWrapper
- true
- OneDegreeServiceProvider
- true
- OneDegreeServiceProviderResults
- true
- ServiceProvider
- true
- ServiceProviderAbstractFactory
- true
- ServiceProviderClient
- true
- ServiceProviderFactory
- true
- ServiceProviderFactoryCreator
- true
- ServiceRecommendation
- true
- ServiceResults
- true
- ServiceResultsFactory
- true
- Test_AuntBerthaMockService
- true
- Test_CarrierSettingsData
- true
- Test_EmailService
- true
- Test_ServiceHide
- true
- Test_ServiceProvider
- true
- Test_getRecommendations
- true
- carrierSettingsData
- true
- getRecommendations
- true
- serviceHide
- true
- false
- true
- Account.External_ID__c
- true
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt.Attribute_Tag__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.API_Key__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Hostname_Program__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Hostname__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Password__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Username__c
- false
- true
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Carrier_Name__c
- true
- true
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Email_Domain__c
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c.Contact__c
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c.Date_of_Birth__c
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c.First_Name__c
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c.Last_Name__c
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c.Postal_Code__c
- true
- true
- Contact.Mobile_Phone_Carrier__c
- true
- true
- Open_Hours__c.Day__c
- true
- true
- Open_Hours__c.End_Time__c
- true
- true
- Open_Hours__c.Start_Time__c
- true
- true
- Referral__c.Preferred_Channel__c
- true
- true
- Referral__c.Score__c
- true
- true
- Service_Exclusion__c.Contact__c
- true
- false
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt.Zipcode__c
- false
- true
- Service__c.Account__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.City__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Description__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.External_ID__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Maximum_Age__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Minimum_Age__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Phone__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Street__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Type__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Website__c
- true
- true
- Service__c.Zip_Code__c
- true
- Account-Account Layout
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Attribute Setting Layout
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Auth Setting Layout
- Carrier_Setting__mdt-Carrier Setting Layout
- Client_Profile__c-Client Profile Layout
- Contact-Contact Layout
- Open_Hours__c-Open Hours Layout
- Referral__c-Referral Layout
- Service_Exclusion__c-Service Exclusion Layout
- Service_Provider_Auth_Setting__mdt-Service Provider Auth Setting Layout
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt-Service Provider ZipCode Search Layout
- Service__c-Service Layout
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- Client_Profile__c
- DefaultOn
- Referral__c
- DefaultOn
- Service__c
- DefaultOn
- Salesforce
- true
- ActivateContract
- true
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- true
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- true
- AddDirectMessageMembers
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- CanVerifyComment
- true
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- true
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- true
- ChatterEditOwnRecordPost
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- EditPublicDocuments
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- EnableCommunityAppLauncher
- true
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- true
- ExportReport
- true
- FieldServiceAccess
- true
- GiveRecognitionBadge
- true
- ImportCustomObjects
- true
- ImportLeads
- true
- ImportPersonal
- true
- InstallPackaging
- true
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- true
- LightningExperienceUser
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- ManageSolutions
- true
- ManageSubscriptions
- true
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- true
- ManageTranslation
- true
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- true
- ManageUsers
- true
- MassInlineEdit
- true
- MergeTopics
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- ModifyMetadata
- true
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- true
- Packaging2
- true
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- true
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- true
- ResetPasswords
- true
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- true
- ScheduleReports
- true
- SelectFilesFromSalesforce
- true
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- true
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- true
- ShareInternalArticles
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- SubscribeReportToOtherUsers
- true
- SubscribeReportsRunAsUser
- true
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- true
- SubscribeToLightningReports
- true
- TransactionalEmailSend
- true
- TransferAnyCase
- true
- TransferAnyEntity
- true
- TransferAnyLead
- true
- UseTeamReassignWizards
- true
- UseWebLink
- true
- ViewAllData
- true
- ViewAllUsers
- true
- ViewDataAssessment
- true
- ViewDataCategories
- true
- ViewDataLeakageEvents
- true
- ViewEventLogFiles
- true
- ViewFlowUsageAndFlowEventData
- true
- ViewHealthCheck
- true
- ViewHelpLink
- true
- ViewMyTeamsDashboards
- true
- ViewPlatformEvents
- true
- ViewPublicDashboards
- true
- ViewPublicReports
- true
- ViewRoles
- true
- ViewSetup
- true
- ViewUserPII
- true
- WorkCalibrationUser
diff --git a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Marketing Profile.profile-meta.xml b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Marketing Profile.profile-meta.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d784cc9..00000000
--- a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Marketing Profile.profile-meta.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
- AuntBerthaDataWrapper
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceBatchClass
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProvider
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProviderResults
- false
- AuthParams
- false
- EmailService
- false
- MockHttpResponseGenerator
- false
- OneDegreeDataWrapper
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProvider
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProviderResults
- false
- ServiceProvider
- false
- ServiceProviderAbstractFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderClient
- false
- ServiceProviderFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderFactoryCreator
- false
- ServiceRecommendation
- false
- ServiceResults
- false
- ServiceResultsFactory
- false
- Test_AuntBerthaMockService
- false
- Test_CarrierSettingsData
- false
- Test_EmailService
- false
- Test_ServiceHide
- false
- Test_ServiceProvider
- false
- Test_getRecommendations
- false
- carrierSettingsData
- false
- getRecommendations
- false
- serviceHide
- false
- true
- true
- Account.External_ID__c
- true
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt.Attribute_Tag__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.API_Key__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Hostname__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Password__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Username__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Carrier_Name__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Email_Domain__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Date_of_Birth__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.First_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Last_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Postal_Code__c
- false
- false
- Contact.Mobile_Phone_Carrier__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Day__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.End_Time__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Start_Time__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Preferred_Channel__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Score__c
- false
- false
- Service_Exclusion__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt.Zipcode__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Account__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.City__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Description__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.External_ID__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Maximum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Minimum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Phone__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Street__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Type__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Website__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Zip_Code__c
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Attribute Setting Layout
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Auth Setting Layout
- Carrier_Setting__mdt-Carrier Setting Layout
- Client_Profile__c-Client Profile Layout
- Contact-Contact %28Marketing%29 Layout
- Open_Hours__c-Open Hours Layout
- Referral__c-Referral Layout
- Service_Exclusion__c-Service Exclusion Layout
- Service_Provider_Auth_Setting__mdt-Service Provider Auth Setting Layout
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt-Service Provider ZipCode Search Layout
- Service__c-Service Layout
- Client_Profile__c
- Hidden
- Referral__c
- Hidden
- Service__c
- Hidden
- Salesforce
- true
- ActivitiesAccess
- true
- AllowViewKnowledge
- true
- ApexRestServices
- true
- ApiEnabled
- true
- AssignTopics
- true
- ChatterInternalUser
- true
- ChatterInviteExternalUsers
- true
- ChatterOwnGroups
- true
- ConvertLeads
- true
- CreateCustomizeFilters
- true
- CreateCustomizeReports
- true
- CreateTopics
- true
- DistributeFromPersWksp
- true
- EditEvent
- true
- EditOppLineItemUnitPrice
- true
- EditTask
- true
- EditTopics
- true
- EmailMass
- true
- EmailSingle
- true
- EnableNotifications
- true
- ExportReport
- true
- ImportPersonal
- true
- LightningConsoleAllowedForUser
- true
- ListEmailSend
- true
- ManageEncryptionKeys
- true
- RunReports
- true
- SelectFilesFromSalesforce
- true
- SendSitRequests
- true
- ShowCompanyNameAsUserBadge
- true
- SubmitMacrosAllowed
- true
- SubscribeToLightningReports
- true
- TransactionalEmailSend
- true
- UseWebLink
- true
- ViewEventLogFiles
- true
- ViewHelpLink
- true
- ViewRoles
- true
- ViewSetup
diff --git a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Sales Profile.profile-meta.xml b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Sales Profile.profile-meta.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91469649..00000000
--- a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Sales Profile.profile-meta.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
- AuntBerthaDataWrapper
- false
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- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProvider
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProviderResults
- false
- AuthParams
- false
- EmailService
- false
- MockHttpResponseGenerator
- false
- OneDegreeDataWrapper
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProvider
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProviderResults
- false
- ServiceProvider
- false
- ServiceProviderAbstractFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderClient
- false
- ServiceProviderFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderFactoryCreator
- false
- ServiceRecommendation
- false
- ServiceResults
- false
- ServiceResultsFactory
- false
- Test_AuntBerthaMockService
- false
- Test_CarrierSettingsData
- false
- Test_EmailService
- false
- Test_ServiceHide
- false
- Test_ServiceProvider
- false
- Test_getRecommendations
- false
- carrierSettingsData
- false
- getRecommendations
- false
- serviceHide
- false
- true
- true
- Account.External_ID__c
- true
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt.Attribute_Tag__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.API_Key__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Hostname__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Password__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Username__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Carrier_Name__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Email_Domain__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Date_of_Birth__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.First_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Last_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Postal_Code__c
- false
- false
- Contact.Mobile_Phone_Carrier__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Day__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.End_Time__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Start_Time__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Preferred_Channel__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Score__c
- false
- false
- Service_Exclusion__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt.Zipcode__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Account__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.City__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Description__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.External_ID__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Maximum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Minimum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Phone__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Street__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Type__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Website__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Zip_Code__c
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Attribute Setting Layout
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Auth Setting Layout
- Carrier_Setting__mdt-Carrier Setting Layout
- Client_Profile__c-Client Profile Layout
- Contact-Contact %28Sales%29 Layout
- Open_Hours__c-Open Hours Layout
- Referral__c-Referral Layout
- Service_Exclusion__c-Service Exclusion Layout
- Service_Provider_Auth_Setting__mdt-Service Provider Auth Setting Layout
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt-Service Provider ZipCode Search Layout
- Service__c-Service Layout
- Client_Profile__c
- Hidden
- Referral__c
- Hidden
- Service__c
- Hidden
- Salesforce
- true
- ActivitiesAccess
- true
- AllowViewKnowledge
- true
- ApexRestServices
- true
- ApiEnabled
- true
- AssignTopics
- true
- ChatterInternalUser
- true
- ChatterInviteExternalUsers
- true
- ChatterOwnGroups
- true
- ConvertLeads
- true
- CreateCustomizeFilters
- true
- CreateCustomizeReports
- true
- CreateTopics
- true
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- true
- EditEvent
- true
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- true
- EditTask
- true
- EditTopics
- true
- EmailMass
- true
- EmailSingle
- true
- EnableNotifications
- true
- ExportReport
- true
- ImportPersonal
- true
- LightningConsoleAllowedForUser
- true
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- true
- ManageEncryptionKeys
- true
- RunReports
- true
- SelectFilesFromSalesforce
- true
- SendSitRequests
- true
- ShowCompanyNameAsUserBadge
- true
- SubmitMacrosAllowed
- true
- SubscribeToLightningReports
- true
- TransactionalEmailSend
- true
- UseWebLink
- true
- ViewEventLogFiles
- true
- ViewHelpLink
- true
- ViewRoles
- true
- ViewSetup
diff --git a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Support Profile.profile-meta.xml b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Support Profile.profile-meta.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e6be3ed0..00000000
--- a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Custom%3A Support Profile.profile-meta.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
- AuntBerthaDataWrapper
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceBatchClass
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProvider
- false
- AuntBerthaServiceProviderResults
- false
- AuthParams
- false
- EmailService
- false
- MockHttpResponseGenerator
- false
- OneDegreeDataWrapper
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProvider
- false
- OneDegreeServiceProviderResults
- false
- ServiceProvider
- false
- ServiceProviderAbstractFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderClient
- false
- ServiceProviderFactory
- false
- ServiceProviderFactoryCreator
- false
- ServiceRecommendation
- false
- ServiceResults
- false
- ServiceResultsFactory
- false
- Test_AuntBerthaMockService
- false
- Test_CarrierSettingsData
- false
- Test_EmailService
- false
- Test_ServiceHide
- false
- Test_ServiceProvider
- false
- Test_getRecommendations
- false
- carrierSettingsData
- false
- getRecommendations
- false
- serviceHide
- false
- true
- true
- Account.External_ID__c
- true
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt.Attribute_Tag__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.API_Key__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Hostname__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Password__c
- false
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt.Username__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Carrier_Name__c
- false
- false
- Carrier_Setting__mdt.Email_Domain__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Date_of_Birth__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.First_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Last_Name__c
- false
- false
- Client_Profile__c.Postal_Code__c
- false
- false
- Contact.Mobile_Phone_Carrier__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Day__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.End_Time__c
- false
- false
- Open_Hours__c.Start_Time__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Preferred_Channel__c
- false
- false
- Referral__c.Score__c
- false
- false
- Service_Exclusion__c.Contact__c
- false
- false
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt.Zipcode__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Account__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.City__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Description__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.External_ID__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Maximum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Minimum_Age__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Phone__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Street__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Type__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Website__c
- false
- false
- Service__c.Zip_Code__c
- false
- Aunt_Bertha_Attribute_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Attribute Setting Layout
- Aunt_Bertha_Auth_Setting__mdt-Aunt Bertha Auth Setting Layout
- Carrier_Setting__mdt-Carrier Setting Layout
- Client_Profile__c-Client Profile Layout
- Contact-Contact %28Support%29 Layout
- Open_Hours__c-Open Hours Layout
- Referral__c-Referral Layout
- Service_Exclusion__c-Service Exclusion Layout
- Service_Provider_Auth_Setting__mdt-Service Provider Auth Setting Layout
- Service_Provider_ZipCode_Search__mdt-Service Provider ZipCode Search Layout
- Service__c-Service Layout
- Client_Profile__c
- Hidden
- Referral__c
- Hidden
- Service__c
- Hidden
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- true
- ActivitiesAccess
- true
- AllowViewKnowledge
- true
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- true
- ApiEnabled
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- ChatterOwnGroups
- true
- ConvertLeads
- true
- CreateCustomizeFilters
- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
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- true
- EditOppLineItemUnitPrice
- true
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- true
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- true
- EmailMass
- true
- EmailSingle
- true
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- true
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- true
- ImportPersonal
- true
- LightningConsoleAllowedForUser
- true
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- true
- ManageCases
- true
- ManageEncryptionKeys
- true
- ManageSolutions
- true
- RunReports
- true
- SelectFilesFromSalesforce
- true
- SendSitRequests
- true
- ShowCompanyNameAsUserBadge
- true
- SubmitMacrosAllowed
- true
- SubscribeToLightningReports
- true
- TransactionalEmailSend
- true
- TransferAnyCase
- true
- UseWebLink
- true
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- true
- ViewHelpLink
- true
- ViewRoles
- true
- ViewSetup