diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4cc4434..826ac2f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
[dark]: https://saltssaumure.github.io/w9x-discord-theme/preview/ninex2.png
[css-color]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value
+[css-string]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/string
[discord]: https://discord.gg/uy8nKQVatp
[BetterDiscord]: https://betterdiscord.app/
[Replugged]: https://replugged.dev/
-[Vencord]: https://github.com/Vendicated/Vencord
+[Vencord]: https://vencord.dev/
[shield-donate]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-ko--fi-orange?style=flat-square&logo=kofi&logoColor=orange
[ko-fi]: https://ko-fi.com/saltssaumure "Buy me a coffee!"
-[shield-bd-dl]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/NineX.theme.css?color=purple&label=BetterDiscord%20GitHub%20downloads&style=flat-square
+[shield-css-dl]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/NineX.theme.css?color=purple&label=BetterDiscord%20GitHub%20downloads&style=flat-square
[shield-asar-dl]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/net.saltssaumure.NineX.asar?color=purple&label=Replugged%20GitHub%20downloads&style=flat-square
[shield-repo-size]: https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme?style=flat-square "Total size"
@@ -22,13 +23,13 @@
[.theme.css]: https://github.com/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/blob/main/NineX.theme.css
[release-bd]: https://betterdiscord.app/theme/?id=933 "BetterDiscord store page"
-[release-bd-gh]: https://github.com/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/releases/latest/download/NineX.theme.css "Latest release"
+[release-css-gh]: https://github.com/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/releases/latest/download/NineX.theme.css "Latest release"
[release-rp]: https://replugged.dev/store/net.saltssaumure.NineX "Replugged store page"
[release-rp-gh]: https://github.com/Saltssaumure/w9x-discord-theme/releases/latest/download/net.saltssaumure.NineX.asar "Latest release"
# NineX Discord Theme
[![Buy me a coffee on ko-fi][shield-donate]][ko-fi]
-[![BetterDiscord GitHub downloads][shield-bd-dl]][release-bd-gh]
+[![BetterDiscord GitHub downloads][shield-css-dl]][release-css-gh]
[![Replugged GitHub downloads][shield-asar-dl]][release-rp-gh]
![Total size][shield-repo-size]
@@ -41,14 +42,21 @@
## Installation
### [BetterDiscord][BetterDiscord]
+ Click to expand
1. Download `NineX.theme.css`:
- [BetterDiscord store][release-bd]
- - [GitHub][release-bd-gh]
+ - [GitHub][release-css-gh]
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `BetterDiscord` > `Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Toggle on the theme card.
### [Replugged][Replugged]
+ Click to expand
#### Automatic
1. Click to install:
- [Replugged store][release-rp]
@@ -58,18 +66,23 @@
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `Replugged` > `Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Click `Load Missing Themes` and toggle on the theme card.
### [Vencord][Vencord]
+ Click to expand
#### Local
1. Download `NineX.theme.css`:
- [BetterDiscord store][release-bd]
- - [GitHub][release-bd-gh]
+ - [GitHub][release-css-gh]
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Local Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Click `Load missing Themes` and toggle on the theme card.
#### Online
1. Paste the link in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Online Themes`:
- `https://saltssaumure.github.io/w9x-discord-theme/NineX.theme.css`
## Customisation
@@ -77,7 +90,7 @@
| ----------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Background image | `--w9x-background-image` | Any image link encased in `url()`. | `none` |
| Background colour | `--w9x-background-color` | Any [colour][css-color]. | `#008080` |
-| Start menu text | `--w9x-start-text` | Any quoted text. | `"Windows95"` |
+| Start menu text | `--w9x-start-text` | Any [text][css-string]. | `"Windows95"` |
| Titlebar colour | `--w9x-titlebar-color` | Any [colour][css-color]. | `#000080` |
| Warning colour | `--w9x-warning-color` | Any [colour][css-color]. | `#FF0000` |
| Positive colour | `--w9x-positive-color` | Any [colour][css-color]. | `#008000` |
@@ -87,17 +100,28 @@
| Inner text colour | `--w9x-text-color` | Any [colour][css-color]. | `#000000` (light) / `#DFDFDF` (dark) |
### BetterDiscord
+ Click to expand
1. Open `Settings` > `BetterDiscord` > `Themes`.
2. Click the pencil icon on this theme.
3. Edit the variable values and save changes.
### Replugged
+ Click to expand
1. Enable `Automatically Apply Quick CSS` in `Settings` > `Replugged` > `General`.
1. Open `Settings` > `Replugged` > `Quick CSS`.
3. Copy and paste lines 15-41 of [`NineX.theme.css`][.theme.css].
3. Edit the variable values and save.
### Vencord
+ Click to expand
#### Local
2. `Open Themes Folder` in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Local Themes`
3. Open `NineX.theme.css` with your favourite text editor.
@@ -106,6 +130,7 @@
1. `Enable Custom CSS` in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Vencord` and click `Open QuickCSS File`.
2. Copy and paste lines 15-41 of [`NineX.theme.css`][.theme.css].
3. Edit the variable values.
## License
Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Saltssaumure