CanJS is now stolen and is the prefered way of doing things.
- Removed .Class access to instance's constructor function, use .constructor instead
- Removed callback, use .proxy
are replaced withon
- $.O is removed
- attrs is now just attr
- sort is removed (temporarily)
- model's implemented ajax methods do not take success / error, they produce methods that do
- model.update(attrs, success, error) is removed, use model.attr(attrs).save(success, error)
- model list does not get updated events, listen for change
- error message handlers get
handler(ev, attr, errorName)
in save's success handlersave(succes, error)
is now the deferred.- There are no default fixtures for models anymore.
- there is no error handler on attributes. Use an event handler.
- Abstracted element helper
to be applicable tocan.Observe
and renamed to.instances
- Returns a documentFragment
- All types are moved into can
- Helpers are removed
- plugin is gone, use <%= (el)-> el.pluginName(args) %>
- callback functions execute before the fragment is inserted into the DOM
- fixture.make returns a store
- Removed this.publish
- Fixed a bug in steal/html that made it unusable
- Fixed a bug in PhantomJS steal.browser
- Updated Getting Started Guide
- Added tutorials for FuncUnit, jQueryMX, and StealJS
- Added examples for Contacts, PlayerMX, Todo, and Srchr apps.
- Added Organizing your App, Searchable Ajax Apps, Migrating to 3.1, and Ajax Service Guidelines tutorial
- js accepts
to exit on error - steal works asynchronously
- steal uses suffix as type (using steal.type)
- removed steal.plugins, steal.less, steal.css, etc.
- added steal.parse
- fixed bug with not handling nested parenthesis
- added steal.html and steal.html.crawl
- IE loads more than 32 styles
- added steal.browser
- steal.get can follow steals and install dependencies
- added steal.loaded and steal.has
- Better distance calculation on drag-drop
- $.Range fixes for IE
- Added
$.Observe and $ .route - fixtures handle 0 based ids
- CoffeeScript generator
- Moved string helpers to lang/string
- Added $.Object helpers
- $.fixture can intercept a request and handle templated urls.
- Updated generators to insert steal requests auto-magically
- FormParams leaves values as strings by default.
- dimensions works when not provided an element
- upgraded to jQuery 1.6.4
- EJS escapes content by default. Use <%== to not escape.
- Bugs fixed jQuery modify helpers when not passing html.
- EJS filenames show up in firebug on the filesystem.
- Removed Document Controllers
- pluginName works right
- Controller's can bind on constructors or other functions.
- plugin helper code happens in setup
- update rebinds event handlers
- added beta $.Model.Store
- Removed associations, added convert
- removed wrap and wrapMany in favor of model and models.
- Model.List creates updated events instead of update events.
- Model uses static update and destroy for ajax events.
- 'inherits' from jQuery via .sub()
- Uses steal.browser so PhantomJS and browsers can work
- Faster Page Opening
- Uses latest QUnit
- rightclick works better
- caches content in localStorage
- better breadcumb
- handles .md files
- Added getjmvc script
- Added install script for windows
- Added new init page with framework overview
- Added error level (-e) support to the js.bat (Windows) and ./js (Mac, Linux)
- jQuery upgraded to 1.6.1
- .val method supports Views. EX: $('input').val('view_name', {});
- Added range plugin
- Added deparam plugin - Takes a string of name value pairs and returns a Object literal that represents those params.
- Deferreds and Converter Support.
- Added VERB support to parameterized CRUD urls. EX: update: "POST /recipe/update/{id}.json"
- Global model events. EX: Recipe.bind('update', func).
- Attribute update event. EX: recipe.bind('updated.attr', func);
- Model.list upgraded to handle findAll, findOne
- AJAX converters are renamed: wrap -> model and wrapMany -> models
- Added dataType optional param to the ajax function
- Added filters to Fixtures
- Models and Fixtures support create, delete, and update model encapsulation.
- Added swipe, swipeleft and swiperight events
- Swipe left and swipe right added to jQuery.event.special for autobinding with controller
- Hover can set leave. EX: $('.elem').bind('hoverleave', func)
- Hover only runs one Mouseenter / Mouseleave per selector at a time
- Added support for HTML5 history API
- Drag and drop allows adding drops after drag has started
- Drag doesn't select text anymore
- Limit and step take center param
- Limit can limit center of drag
- Added pause and resume for events
- Added object binding to parameterized controller events. EX: "{window} load".
- Deferreds support
- Better warning when templates don't exist
- Changes to the repeat API.
- Added eval.
- Added examples.
- Syn adjusts scrolling for drag / move positions not in the page.
- Syn loads in Rhino, and documentation can be generated.
- Syn works under Env.js.