- Run make command, it will give an executable file "shell"
- The clock command has the format :- clock -t -n
- main.c contains the main() function.
- pwd.c contains pwd_func() function for pwd command.
- cd.c contains cd_func() function for cd command.
- echo.c contains echo_func() function for echo command.
- ls.c contains ls_func() function for ls command.
- pinfo.c contains pinfo_func() function for pinfo command.
- remindme.c contains remindme_func() function for remindme command.
- clock.c contains display_clock(), gettime(), clock_func() functions for clock command.
- exec.c contains other_func() function for any other command.
- redirect.c contains function for redirection.
- pipe.c contains function to implement piping.
- job.c contains functions for jobs, overkill, kjob commands.
- makefile has been included.