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TPU setup guide

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NOTE: Please be aware that TPU support is currently in beta testing. While we have put significant effort into ensuring its functionality and stability, there might still be some undiscovered issues or bugs.

This guide focuses on setting up a tpu nodeset for a Slurm cloud cluster. But first it is important to take into account the following considerations.

  • A partition cannot contain simultaneously a normal nodeset and a tpu nodeset.
  • TPU nodes are expected to only run one job simultaneously, this is due to the fact that TPU devices cannot be constrained individually for every job.
  • TPU nodes take more time to spin up than regular nodes, this is reflected in the partition ResumeTimeout and SuspendTimeout that contains TPU nodes.
  • Slurm is executed in TPU nodes using a docker container.
  • TPU nodes in Slurm will have different name that the one seen in GCP, that is because TPU names cannot be chosen or known before starting them up.
  • python 3.7 or above is needed for the TPU API module to work. In consequence TPU nodes will not work with all the OS, like for example CentOS 7, see more in the compatibility matrix.

TPUs are configured in Slurm with what is called a nodeset_tpu, this is like a regular nodeset but for TPU nodes, and it takes into account the differences between both nodesets as well as the considerations stated above. This is configured in terraform modules slurm_cluster and slurm_nodeset_tpu.

Supported TPU types

At this moment the following TPU types are supported:

  • v2
  • v3

These TPU types are not fully supported, they are in BETA state:

  • v4

Supported Tensorflow versions

At this moment the following tensorflow versions are supported:

  • 2.12.0

Slurm-gcp compatibility matrix

Due to the fact that the TPU support has some requirements as having python >= 3.7 installed not all the OS support it, this table can be used to see the compatibility between TPU and slurm-gcp images, while TPU support is in beta state we will also include if it is tested or not.

Project Image Family Arch TPU Status
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-debian-11 x86_64 Untested
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-hpc-rocky-linux-8 x86_64 Tested
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-ubuntu-2004-lts x86_64 Untested
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-ubuntu-2204-lts-arm64 ARM64 Untested
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-hpc-centos-7-k80 x86_64 Unsupported
schedmd-slurm-public slurm-gcp-6-3-hpc-centos-7 x86_64 Unsupported


Terraform is used for creating the configuration for Slurm to spin up TPU nodes.

See the slurm_cluster module and the slurm_nodeset_tpu module for details.

If you are unfamiliar with terraform, then please checkout out the documentation and starter guide to get you familiar.

Quickstart Examples

See the simple_cloud_tpu example for an extensible and robust example. It can be configured to handle creation of all supporting resources (e.g. network, service accounts) or leave that to you. Slurm can be configured with partitions and nodesets as desired.

NOTE: It is recommended to use the slurm_cluster module in your own terraform project. It may be useful to copy and modify one of the provided examples.

Alternatively, see HPC Blueprints for HPC Toolkit examples.

TPU example job

A TPU example job can be found in the jobs folder in this repository, called, this will execute the python script, with the corresponding flags, by default it will print the tensorflow version and the number of working TPU chips in the system, in case that you are testing a multi-rank TPU (more on them in the next chapter) you can call the script with the parameter "multi", this will also show the worker_id of the vm you are currently testing on.

Multi-rank TPU nodes

Big TPU nodes like v2-32, v3-1024 and in general any TPU node with more than 8 TPU cores will have more than one virtual-machine in it, this causes a discrepancy between GCP TPU nodes and slurm nodes in order to work with that slurm-gcp does the following:

  • calculates the 'vmcount' for each TPU node type, that is the number of virtual machines that each GCP TPU node will have, for example for TPU type v2-32 this will be 4, as you will find 4 virtual machines in the TPU. This is also stated as ranks or TPU workers.
  • creates a network topology file that groups all the different slurm TPU nodes with their corresponding GCP TPU node, for example if we have 8 slurm TPU nodes that have a 'vmcount' of 4, we will have 2 groups stated in this topology file.
  • enables a lua jobsubmitplugin, this will make that at each jobsubmission the following is done:
    • check the 'vmcount' (vmcount is the number of virtualmachines per GCP TPU node) of the partition and increase the requested number of nodes accordingly.
    • set the --switch parameter to the original number of nodes requested, this will use the previously stated network topology file to ensure that all the slurm nodes belong to the same TPU group.
  • In the script the vmcount will be queried in order to know how to handle the TPU creation of the nodes. The first slurm node will be used to name the GCP TPU node, when the TPU node is created, the worker IPs will be retrieved and all the slurm nodes will be mapped to these different IPs of the TPU worker vm's in the node, this mapping will be also noted in the instance metadata for the workers node to retrieve and start slurm accordingly.
  • In only the main node of the TPU (the one which has the same name in slurm and in the GCP console) will be taken into account, all the others will be considered "phantom nodes" as they do not map to any cloud resource.

Usage information

Heterogeneous jobs

In order to be able to execute jobs on both the TPU nodes and regular nodes you need to have in your slurm-gcp configuration a regular nodes partition and a TPU nodes partition.

Assuming that the normal nodes partition name is "normal", and the TPU nodes partition name is "tpu" a job of the script "" that uses both would be like this:

sbatch -p normal -N 1 : -p tpu -N 1

This will allocate a node in the normal partition and a node in the tpu partition, both in the same heterogeneous job.

Static TPU nodes

Static TPU nodes can be configured the same way as regular nodes are, stating the count of it in "node_count_static" variable of each nodeset_tpu.