U-Net follows the encoder-decoder architecture, originally proposed by Ronneberger et al, here.
It learns an image-to-image translation between the input image and a heatmap centered on the landmark of interest.
Inspired by nnU-Net [1] for image segmentation, we hypothesize that a vanilla U-Net with a careful training regime contains enough expressive power to perform on par with tailored architectures.
We design a vanilla U-Net following the template of the original U-Net [2] and nnU-Net [1]. The U-Net follows the standard configuration of two blocks per resolution layer, with each block consisting of a
The config for the default model, explictly showing the relevent config options, trained for the Cephalometric dataset is in the file LaNNU-Net/configs/examples/U-Net_Classic/Cephalometric/unet_cephalometric_fold0_train.yaml
To see details of all the config options specific to this model, please see U-Net Config.
Training scheme: We use the standard landmark localization objective function: the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between the Gaussian target heatmap and the predicted heatmap (
We train for 500 epochs using Stochastic gradient descent with an initial learning rate of 0.01, decaying it using the ‘poly’ scheme,
Here, we report results on the Cephalometric dataset.
Table. 1 shows our vanilla U-Net produces fewer gross mispredictions than the previous SOTA, achieving a SDR_{4mm} result of 98.11% - a slight improvement over 97.82% [12]. However, our method is not the best in terms of precision, with an SDR_{2mm} of 86.47% compared to 89.7% from the approach by [12]. Overall, we achieve better or comparable results to tailored architectures [14, 12] and an approach using an attention mechanism [13].
Our model is trained on images of size 512 x 512, and we upscale the resulting heatmap to the original image size of 1935 x 2400. Consequently, a PE of a single pixel in the model output propagates to a ~4.2 pixel error (0.42mm) in the final upscaled prediction. Therefore, due to the convincing performance in the coarser SDR_{4mm} evaluation metric, we hypothesize that the slightly worse performance in SDR_{2mm} is in part caused by the quantization error from transforming the low-resolution output image to the final coordinate prediction.
Table. 1 also shows results varying the value of σ in our target heatmap. When the performance of recent models is so close, this hyperparameter alone has a significant impact on the standings of our method. It would be reasonable to expect that an extensive hyperparameter search would achieve SOTA on this dataset. Finally, Table. 1 shows the performance of our model under the constraint of smaller training set sizes. We show that even with 25% of the training data, our vanilla U-Net performs surprisingly robustly. However, future work is needed to test the validity of these results beyond a single dataset.
In summary, our results suggest that a vanilla U-Net holds enough expressive power for the task of landmark localization in Cephalograms, held back in terms of precision by the bottleneck of the input image size. Our future work will involve evaluating this automatically configuring U-Net on more imaging datasets, tackling the input-size bottleneck through refined patch-based training, and removing the hyperparameter σ by directly regressing it instead.
References only apply to this subsection, U-Net.
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[12] Franz Thaler, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler, Darko Štern, et al. Modeling annotation uncertainty with gaussian heatmaps in landmark localization. J. Mach. Learn. Biomed. Imag., 1:1–10, 2021. Art. no. 014.
[13] Zhusi Zhong, Jie Li, Zhenxi Zhang, Zhicheng Jiao, and Xinbo Gao. An attention-guided deep regression model for landmark detection in cephalograms. In Proc. MICCAI, pages 540–548. Springer, 2019
[14] Logan Gilmour and Nilanjan Ray. Locating cephalometric X-Ray landmarks with foveated pyramid attention. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, pages 262–276. PMLR, 2020.
PHD-Net as described by Schobs et al, here. It is a patch-based multi-task learning model that learns to localize landmarks through a heatmap regression and a displacement regression task.
PHD-Net formulates landmark localisation as a multi-task problem: (1) Heatmap regression: We regress a Gaussian heatmap centered around the landmark-containing patch to provide smoother supervision. (2) Coordinate calculation: To improve the robustness and accuracy of the final coordinate prediction, we propose a Candidate Smoothing strategy. We consider each patch's prediction from the displacement output as a small Gaussian blob, producing locally accurate candidate predictions, and then regularise them by the predicted Gaussian heatmap from the heatmap regression branch.
We adopt the architecture of Noothout et al. [1] as the backbone of our network. In short, it composes three convolutional layers of 32 filters with
@Tom - please could add this?
@Tom - please could add this?
We make two predictions for each patch: the heatmap value and the displacement from the centre of the patch to the landmark. This provides two opportunities to discover the landmark: the displacement regression branch focuses on generating pixel-precise candidate coordinates, and the heatmap regression branch focuses on the more coarse object-detection task. Framing the task in this fashion facilitates predictions that are pixel-precise despite the output map's low resolution compared to the full image (due to patch-wise predictions, not pixel-wise). The total loss
The displacement loss
The heatmap loss
The patch mapping's peak value is on the patch containing the landmark, with values smoothly attenuating with distance. Each patch's heatmap value now represents a pseudo-probability of the landmark being contained in it. Candidate Smoothing
The next challenge is to calculate the final coordinate values from the model's outputs. We propose a strategy to combine the outputs from both branches into a final coordinate prediction value, increasing robustness against misidentifications and assigning a confidence level to the prediction. The key idea behind this strategy is to use a large number of patches to produce locally precise but ambiguous candidate predictions, which are then regularised to filter out the globally unlikely locations.
[1] Julia Noothout et al., “Cnn-based landmark detection in cardiac cta scans,” in Proc. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2018, pp. 1–11.