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File metadata and controls

92 lines (69 loc) · 7.29 KB


Snakemake pipeline for parsing simulation outputs across scaling factors.


Two main things are needed to run this pipeline: snakemake and conda. Please refer to the conda and snakemake documentation for installation instructions.

Simulation outcome files

In order to use this pipeline, simulation outcomes must be stored such as that each scaling factor has its own directory named Q[scaling factor]. Inside each directory there should be three main categories of files:

  1. CSV files storing the mutation type, origin generation, and fixation generation for each mutation fixed after any burn-in. The headers for these files must be mutation_id, origin_gen, fix_gen and each file should be named fixation_[replicate].csv.
  2. CSV files storing the fraction of mutations fixed for each mutation types. The headers for these files are just the mutation SLiM mutation type ids (e.g. m1, m2, m3). Each file should be named fixation_prob_[replicate].csv.
  3. Samples of the population in vcf after the end of the simulation, each named sample_[replicate].vcf.

One thing to note here is that the replicate numbers should match up for each scaling factor. For instance fixation_1.csv, fixation_prob_1.csv, and sample_1.csv must correspond to the same simulation replicate. An example of directory structure for simulation results that includes scaling factors of 1, 2, and 5 would be:

└── simulation_results/
    ├── Q1/
    │   ├── fixation_1.csv
    │   ├── fixation_2.csv
    │   ├── ...
    │   ├── fixation_prob_1.csv
    │   ├── fixation_prob_2.csv
    │   ├── ...
    │   ├── sample_1.vcf
    │   └── sample_2.vcf
    ├── Q2/
    │   ├── fixation_1.csv
    │   ├── fixation_2.csv
    │   ├── ...
    │   ├── fixation_prob_1.csv
    │   ├── fixation_prob_2.csv
    │   ├── ...
    │   ├── sample_1.vcf
    │   └── sample_2.vcf
    └── Q5/
        ├── fixation_1.csv
        ├── fixation_2.csv
        ├── ...
        ├── fixation_prob_1.csv
        ├── fixation_prob_2.csv
        ├── ...
        ├── sample_1.vcf
        └── sample_2.vcf

We have included the simulations used in the paper "Population size rescaling significantly biases outcomes of forward-in-time population genetic simulations" in the sims directory. These files contain the eidos code used to output the simulation outcomes as specified. We have also included in that directory the python code used to generate the Drosohpila SLiM simulation files under the name

Configuration file

This file is located in config/config.yml and is required. The following variables must be specified:

src_data_dir: The location of the source directory for the recorded simulation outcomes. See file information and example directory structure in the previous section.

output_dir: The location of the output directory. The pipeline will create this directory and its two subdirectories (graphs and summary_stats) if they do not exist.

chr_len: The chromosome length as specified in SLiM for the simulation scenario. This is necessary for linkage disequilibrium calcuations.

batch_size: The number of replicates to be batched together during the initial parsing of the data. It is particularly important to select this appropriately when using a high-performance computing cluster as it will determine the number of replicates processed per job.

conda_env: The name of the conda environment to be used when running jobs on a high-performance computing cluster. Since snakemake=6.14.0, it is possible to specify the name of an existing conda envrionment. Otherwise, an environment file name can be specified as long as it exists in workflow/envs/. We have provided a conda environment file in this repository which contains all the necessary dependencies. Users may just specify this file and allow snakemake to handle the environment installation or they may install the environment themselves and specify its name in the conda_env variable. Please see the snakemake documentation for more information about integrated package management.

Other variables in this file are optional:

mutation_labels: Allows users to map mutation labels to the mutation type ids stored in the outcome files. This will affect how these mutations are labelled in the graphs and tables produced by the pipeline. If not specified, the pipeline will default to usig the SLiM muatation ids specified in the outcome files.

fixation, sfs, fixationprobs: Allow users to specify which mutations to be used for plots and statistics (mean percent error and KL divergence) for a specific outcome through the sub-variable muts. Additionally, they allows users to specify the limits of x axis for the plots of these outcomes using the sub-variable xlim.

sample_sizes: Allows users to specify the sample sizes for subsampling of replicates when calculating mean percent error, KL divergence, and average root mean squared error (for LD). Note that the pipeline will always calculate these with all replicates, but users may wish to see the impact of using a smaller sample size. The resulting plots and summary tables will have a suffix denoting the sample size (e.g. fixation_100.svg), with a suffix of 0 denoting the use of all replicates.


snakemake allows the specification of profiles using the --profile option. Each profile is located in the profile directory, and must contain a config.yml file. This allows the specification of default command-line arguments and a cluster job submission environment. It also allows the specification of job resources for a rule. We have included an example profile for the SLURM utility which also specified default resources and resources for two rules. Please refer to the snakemake profiles documentation for more information.

Running the pipeline

Once all the necessary variables in the config.yml file are specified, the pipeline can be run using the snakemake command. Please note that when not using a profile, snakemake requires specification for the number of cores to be used. For example, this runs the pipeline using 1 core:

snakemake --cores 1

Using the included slurm profile, for example:

snakemake --profile profile/slurm

Pipeline results

Once the pipeline is done, it should produce a full_data.csv file in the specified output_dir. In side the output_dir there should be two directores:

  • graphs: contains all the graphs including graphs of the outcomes, graphs of classifier accuracy, graphs of the mean percent errors, and graphs of KL divergence and root mean squared error (for linkage disequilibrium).

  • summary_stats: contains tables for the average values of the outcomes at each scaling factor, classifier accuracy, and values for mean percent errors, KL divergence, and linkage disequilibrium root mean squared error.