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SCION Workbench > How To Guides > Theming
SCION Workbench provides a set of design tokens to enable consistent design of the workbench. Design tokens are provided by the @scion/workbench
SCSS module.
An application can define a custom theme to change the default look of the SCION Workbench. Multiple themes are supported. A theme is a collection of design tokens, defining specific design aspects such as colors, spacings, etc. A design token can have a different value per theme.
An application typically loads the SCSS module @scion/workbench
in the styles.scss
@use '@scion/workbench';
SCION provides a light and a dark theme, scion-light
and scion-dark
. Custom themes can be passed to the module under the $themes
map entry, replacing the built-in themes. A custom theme can define only a subset of the available design tokens, with unspecified tokens inherited from the built-in theme of the same color scheme. The color scheme of a theme is determined by the color-scheme
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
dark: (
color-scheme: dark,
--sci-color-gray-50: #1D1D1D,
--sci-color-gray-75: #262626,
--sci-color-gray-100: #323232,
--sci-color-gray-200: #3F3F3F,
--sci-color-gray-300: #545454,
--sci-color-gray-400: #707070,
--sci-color-gray-500: #909090,
--sci-color-gray-600: #B2B2B2,
--sci-color-gray-700: #D1D1D1,
--sci-color-gray-800: #EBEBEB,
--sci-color-gray-900: #FFFFFF,
--sci-color-accent: blueviolet,
--sci-workbench-tab-height: 3.5rem,
--sci-workbench-view-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-100),
--sci-workbench-part-bar-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-300),
light: (
color-scheme: light,
--sci-color-gray-50: #FFFFFF,
--sci-color-gray-75: #FDFDFD,
--sci-color-gray-100: #F8F8F8,
--sci-color-gray-200: #E6E6E6,
--sci-color-gray-300: #D5D5D5,
--sci-color-gray-400: #B1B1B1,
--sci-color-gray-500: #909090,
--sci-color-gray-600: #6D6D6D,
--sci-color-gray-700: #464646,
--sci-color-gray-800: #222222,
--sci-color-gray-900: #000000,
--sci-color-accent: blueviolet,
A theme is selected based on the user's OS color scheme preference, or selected manually using the WorkbenchService
The selected theme is stored in workbench storage and will be selected when loading the application the next time.
SCION Workbench supports the following design tokens:
Named Color Tokens
Predefined set of named colors as palette of tints and shades.
Named Color Tokens (light theme), Named Color Tokens (dark theme)
Semantic Tokens
Tokens for a particular usage.
Workbench-specific Tokens
Tokens specific to the SCION Workbench.
Workbench-specific Tokens (light theme), Workbench-specific Tokens (dark theme)
The following listings illustrate how to customize the look of the SCION Workbench.
Change of Background Color
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
scion-dark: (
--sci-workbench-view-background-color: var(--sci-color-background-primary),
--sci-workbench-view-peripheral-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-75),
--sci-workbench-part-bar-background-color: rgb(144, 144, 144),
--sci-workbench-part-peripheral-bar-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-100),
scion-light: (
--sci-workbench-view-background-color: var(--sci-color-background-primary),
--sci-workbench-view-peripheral-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-100),
--sci-workbench-part-bar-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-500),
--sci-workbench-part-peripheral-bar-background-color: var(--sci-color-gray-100),
Change of Tab Size
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
scion-dark: (
--sci-workbench-tab-height: 3.5rem,
--sci-workbench-tab-min-width: 5rem,
--sci-workbench-tab-max-width: 15rem,
scion-light: (
--sci-workbench-tab-height: 3.5rem,
--sci-workbench-tab-min-width: 5rem,
--sci-workbench-tab-max-width: 15rem,
Change of Accent Color
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
scion-dark: (
--sci-color-accent: blueviolet,
scion-light: (
--sci-color-accent: blueviolet,
Change of Tab Corner Radius
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
scion-dark: (
--sci-workbench-tab-border-radius: 0,
scion-light: (
--sci-workbench-tab-border-radius: 0,
Change of Overall Corner Radius
@use '@scion/workbench' with (
$themes: (
scion-dark: (
--sci-corner: 3px,
--sci-corner-small: 2px,
scion-light: (
--sci-corner: 3px,
--sci-corner-small: 2px,