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Port of the lib sodium Encryption Library to Node.js.

This a work in progress but most of Lib Sodium as been ported already. Missing are the generichash functions, and the alternative primitives, like crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305, or crypto_stream_aes128ctr

There's a "low level" native module that gives you access directly to Lib Sodium, and a friendlier high level API that makes the use of the library a bit easier.

Check docs/ for a list of all lib sodium functions included in node-sodium.


Just a quick example that uses the same public/secret key pair to encrypt and then decrypt the message.

var sodium = require('sodium');        
var box = new sodium.Box();     // random key pair, and nonce generated automatically

var cipherText = box.encrypt("This is a secret message", "utf8");
var plainText = box.decrypt(cipherText);

Low Level API

A low level API is provided for advanced users. The functions available through the low level API have the exact same names as in lib sodium, and are available via the sodium.api object. Here is one example of how to use some of the low level API functions to encrypt/decrypt a message:

var sodium = require('sodium').api;

// Generate keys
var sender = sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
var receiver = sodium.crypto_box_keypair();

// Generate random nonce
var nonce = new Buffer(sodium.crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);

// Encrypt
var plainText = new Buffer('this is a message');
var cipherMsg = sodium.crypto_box(plainText, nonce, receiver.publicKey, sender.secretKey);

// Decrypt
var plainBuffer = sodium.crypto_box_open(cipherMsg,nonce,sender.publicKey, receiver.secretKey);

// We should get the same plainText!
// We should get the same plainText!
if( plainBuffer.toString() == plainText) {
    console.log("Message decrypted correctly");

As you can see the high level API implementation is easier to use, but the low level API will fill just right for those with experience with the C version of lib sodium. It also allows you to bypass any bugs in the high level APIs.

You can find this code sample in examples\low-level-api.js.


Please read the work in progress documentation found under docs/.

You shoudld also review the unit tests as most of the high level API is "documented" there. Don't forget to check out the examples as well.

Lib Sodium Documentation

Lib Sodium is somewhat documented here. Node-Sodium follows the same structure and I will keep documenting it as fast as possible.


Tested on Mac and Linux

npm install sodium

node-sodium depends on lib sodium, so if lib sodium does not compile on your platform chances are npm install sodium will fail.

Manual Install

Clone this git repository, and change to the local directory where you ran git clone to,

npm install

This will pull lib sodium from github and compile it by running the following commands

cd libsodium

Followed by

cd ..
npm build .
npm install

If you get an error similar to this

./ line 13: libtoolize: command not found

You'll need to install libtool and automake in your platform. For Mac OSX you can use Homebrew

brew install libtool automake    

Then repeat the steps from ./

Code Samples

Please check the fully documented code samples in test/test_sodium.js.

Installing Mocha Test Suite

To run the unit tests you need Mocha. If you'd like to run coverage reports you need mocha-istanbul. You can install both globally by doing

npm install -g mocha mocha-istanbul

You may need to run it with sudo is only root user has access to Node.js global directories

sudo npm install -g mocha mocha-istanbul

Unit Tests

You need to have mocha test suite installed globally then you can run the node-sodium unit tests by

make test

Coverage Reports

You need to have mocha test suite installed globally then you can run the node-sodium unit tests by

make test-cov