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Philippe Marschall edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 5 revisions


When building an application with Seaside, one often has a need to persist data. There are a lot of different technological solutions for this problem. This document should help you decide what is the right solution for you.


The number of different possible solutions is large:

  • do nothing, simply save the image
  • write binary files with objects
  • write SIXX, smalltalk interchange xml
  • use imagesegments
  • use a prevayler-like solution (SandstoneDB, sPrevayler)
  • use an object-oriented database (OODB) (Gemstone, Goods, Magma, Omnibase)
  • use an object-relational mapper (ORM) to a relational database (RDB) (SqueakDBX, ROE, GLORP)
  • store data in the cloud (Cloudfork)
  • use a service oriented architecture (SOA) where Seaside is only the presentation layer


Seaside is available on a number of different platforms. Not all persistence solutions are available on all platforms. It is useful to make a breakdown into:

  • operating system/version (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.)
  • smalltalk platform (Squeak, Pharo, Gemstone, VW, VA, Dolphin, GST etc.)
  • versions supported

Special features

Clustering/automatic fail-over etc.


In different situations, there are different storage needs

  1. You are writing a small demonstration program to show your customers, and want to populate the system with some representative data. Add a class instance variable to store the instances, and simply save the image.
  2. You have a small system with a few hundred/thousand objects, and are not dependent on external systems. A prevayler-like system like SandstoneDB might be a perfect fit. Each object save means a disk access, so scaling ends with disk speed. A few old versions of the data are kept around, so backing up or reverting is easy. If you want a readable representation, SIXX might help.
  3. You have a legacy (relational) database, with extensive reporting written for it. Use an ORM.
  4. You have a complex and large object model that has to support changing the object model while developing. The solution is an OODB. Gemstone is the large and proven commercial offering. It has a free version for smaller databases (4GB data, 1 core, 1G ram), and has proven scalability to 500 machines. Magma is an open source OODB, seeing active development and growing more and more advanced functionality.
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