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Lecture 08

The Python for-Loop

26 Pluviôse Year CCXXXI

  1. while-Loop Review
  2. Control Flow Structures (so far)
  3. The for-Loop
  4. When Should I Use A while-Loop And When Should I Use A for-Loop?

Song of the day: Spending all my time by Perfume (2012).

Part 0: while-Loop Review

Let's try making a number guessing game.

  1. Ask the user to enter a number between 10 and 100, inclusive. This number (let's call it hi_limit) will represent the highest possible random number that out program can generate. If the user enters any number that is not in the range of [10, 100], continue asking them to input a number until they do so (you can assume that they will always enter numerical characters).

  2. Generate a random number in the range of [9, hi_limit].

  3. Have the user enter numbers until they guess the number generated in step 2.

    • (Optional) You can make this easier on the user by telling them whether their incorrect guess was lower or higher than the correct answer.
  4. (Optional) If you want a challenge, give them only 3 chances to guess the correct number.

Sample behaviour (your output format need not look the same):

Enter a number from 10 to 100: -4
Invalid input! Enter a number from 10 to 100: 101
Invalid input! Enter a number from 10 to 100: 42

Guess the number: [9, 42] 20
Incorrect! Your guess was lower than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 42] 30
Incorrect! Your guess was higher than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 42] 25
Enter a number from 10 to 100: 50

Guess the number: [9, 50] -4
Incorrect! Your guess was lower than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 50] 35
Incorrect! Your guess was lower than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 50] 47
Incorrect! Your guess was lower than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 50] 48

With only 3 guesses:

Enter a number from 10 to 100: 30

Guess the number: [9, 30] 25
Incorrect! 2 guess(es) left.
Your guess was higher than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 30] 14
Incorrect! 1 guess(es) left.
Your guess was higher than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 30] 10
You lose! The correct answer was 9!
Enter a number from 10 to 100: 15

Guess the number: [9, 15] 12
Incorrect! 2 guess(es) left.
Your guess was higher than the answer!

Guess the number: [9, 15] 11

Part 1: Control Flow Structures (so far)

Recall the definition of control flow structures:

Control flow structures: language features that affect the order (flow) in which instructions are executed

Python executes from top to bottom. That is, if your program looks like this:

author_name = "David Hoon Kim"  # Line a
book_name = "Paris Is A Party, Paris Is A Ghost"  # Line b
print("My favorite book from 2021 was", book_name, "by", author_name)  # Line c

Python will always "execute" in the line a, line b, line c order. We can affect this flow by using some of the control flow structures that we already know:

genre = input("Enter a music genre: ")  # Line a

if genre == "pop":
    print("The 1975")  # Line b
elif genre == "jazz":
    print("Roy Hargrove")  # Line c
    print("Too many to choose from")  # Line d

Here, the order of "execution" could be any of the three below depending on the user's input:

  • Line a, line b
  • Line a, line c
  • Line a, line d

Similarly, in the case of while-loops:

turns = int(input("How many times do you want the while-loop to execute? "))  # line a

current_turn = 1  # line b

while current_turn <= turns:
    print("Turn number", current_turn)  # line c
    current_turn += 1  # line d

Code block 1: Counting from 1 to whatever integer the user enters.

The order will be line a, line b, (line c and d) * n, where n is depends completely on the user input. For example, if they enter 3 as a value for turns, the order of execution is:

Line a, line b, line c, line d, line c, line d, line c, line d

We have learned that what makes a machine an actual computer is its ability to make decision depending on its current situation (e.g. depending on whether the value of genre equals the string "pop", or whether the value of current_turn is less than or equal to the value of turns).

while-loops are most useful for situations where we don't know at which point the loop will end. For example, let's say we ask the user to enter character at random. If they enter the number 0, however, the program will end:

current_character = input("Enter a character to start: ")

while current_character != "0":
    current_character = input("Enter another character, or '0' to quit: ")

print("End of program.")

Code block 2: We don't know how many times the while-loop will iterate—it depends entirely on outside input.

In both code block 1 and code block 2, how many times our while-loop will run is depends on what the user inputs, sure. But there's a critical difference between the two of them.

In code block 1, the user inputs a single number at the beginning of the program, and the program takes care of the rest; it only needs to know until which number to count once. In code block 2, however, the code's execution is dependent on the user from start to finish; we simply don't know when the user will decide to enter the character "0". These are the types of situations that the while-loop excels at—when we can't reasonably predict at which point the loop will stop.

So, is code block 1 bad practice? No, not really. It's a perfectly fine execution of the task. There is, however, a control flow structure that is even better fitted for situations where we know exactly when the program will end:

The for-loop.

Part 2: The for-Loop

The "inefficiency" in code block 1 is that we have to manually increase the value of current_turn. This may not sound like a big deal, but imagine a situation where changing the value of current_turn was an expensive operation— that is, imagine it took a good chunk of your computer's RAM to change the value of current_turn. In this case, we definitely would not want to do this and, preferably, leave it up to the program to do it in the most efficient way possible. That is exactly what the for-loop does.

The general structure of the for-loop is as follows (in pseudocode):

for loop_var in sequence:
    # perform these instructions

In English, this would read like this:

For every value that our loop variable loop_var takes from sequence, perform these instructions.

This sounds a little abstract, so let's apply it to our counting program from code block 1 (pseudocode):

turns = int(input("How many times do you want the for-loop to execute? "))

for current_turn in range(turns):
    print("Turn number", current_turn)

Code Block 3: The for-loop equivalent of code block 1.

We see here a couple of things we haven't seen before, but let's first turn this code into English:

For every value that our loop variable current_turn takes from a range of numbers of 0 to turns, execute the line print("Turn number", current_turn).

So what exactly is Python doing here? Let's hard-code the value of turns to 3, and go line by line:

for current_turn in range(3):
    print("Turn number", current_turn)
  1. The for-loop starts, and automatically assigns current_turn a value of 0.
  2. The for-loop checks if the value of current_value (0) is less than 3. In this case, it is.
  3. Because it is less than 3, it executes the code inside the for-loop; the line "Turn number 0" is printed.
  4. The for-loop automatically gives current_value a value of 1.
  5. The for-loop checks if the value of current_value (1) is less than 3. In this case, it is.
  6. Because it is less than 3, it executes the code inside the for-loop; the line "Turn number 1" is printed.
  7. The for-loop automatically gives current_value a value of 2.
  8. The for-loop checks if the value of current_value (2) is less than 3. In this case, it is.
  9. Because it is less than 3, it executes the code inside the for-loop; the line "Turn number 2" is printed.
  10. The for-loop automatically gives current_value a value of 3.
  11. The for-loop checks if the value of current_value (3) is less than 3. In this case, it is not.
  12. The for-loop ends.

So, in this case, the for-loop is doing two things for you that you had to manually do in code block 1:

  1. It creates a loop variable for you and assigns it an initial value.
  2. It changes the value of the loop variable for you every single turn of the loop (iteration).

So what is this range() function? range() is a built-in Python function that creates a sequence of integers.

Here's a couple of examples:

# If we wanted the sequence 0, 1, 2
zero_to_two = range(3)

# If we wanted the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3
zero_to_four = range(4)

# If we wanted a sequence based on user-input
upper_limit = int(input("Enter an upper limit: "))
zero_to_limit = range(upper_limit + 1)

There are two other forms that the range() function can have. If we enter two integers inside its parentheses, it will accept the first one as its start, and the second one as its stop:

# If we wanted the sequence 2, 3, 4
two_to_five = range(2, 5)

# If we wanted the sequence 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
four_to_ten = range(4, 10)

The last form of the range() function allows us to specify the step—by how many numbers our values change—ever inside the sequence:

# If we wanted the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8
two_to_eight_skip_two = range(2, 9, 2)

# If we wanted the sequence 4, 7, 10
four_to_ten_skip_three = range(4, 11, 3)

# If we wanted the sequence 0, 5, 10, 15
zero_to_fifteen_skip_five = range(0, 16, 5)

# If we wanted the sequence 7, 6, 5, 4
seven_to_four = range(7, 3, -1)

So now our range() function in code block 3 makes a lot more sense. range(turns) would read in English as:

The sequence of number starting from 0 (inclusive; the default starting value) to the value of turns (non-inclusive), with a step of 1 (the default step value).

Part 3: When should I use a while-loop and when should I use a for-loop?

Invariably, the decision of whether to use a while- or a for-loop is something that programming newcomers always struggle with.

As we said before:

A while-loop is better suited to situations when we can't faithfully predict at which point the loop will stop.

Examples of this include:

  • A game running until the user selects "quit". (i.e. the game runs while the user doesn't select quit)
  • A light sensor leaving the lights on until the room is empty. (i.e. the lights stay on while there are people inside)
  • Instructing Turtle to move forward until the user quits the window, if they ever do. (i.e. Turtle will move while the window is open)

On the other hand:

A for-loop is better suited to situations when we are able to know at which points the loop will start and stop.

Examples of this include:

  • A program that changes the names of several selected files. (i.e. for every file in a selection, perform a name change)
  • Excel applying the same formula to every cell if you drag it across a row of cells. (i.e. for every cell in a group of highlighted cells, apply the same formula)
  • A shuffle program playing every single song from an album in a random order. (i.e. for every song in a collection of songs, perform some sort of play operation. Here, our start, stop, and step values are randomized).

Interestingly, while for-loops are far more common in professional programming situations, beginner programmers tend to gravitate towards using the while-loop for everything. I have no idea why this is the case, to be honest, but don't feel like you're doing something wrong by having a hard time choosing one. An inelegant solution is better than no solution at all.

And after a while, this decision becomes such second nature to you that choosing one comes as quickly to you as knowing that you have to print something, or ask the user for input.

Oh and, to reiterate: no, the break keyword is absolutely not allowed in this class.

Previous: Control-Flow Structures: The while-Loop || Next: Loop Review and Strings as Sequences