- work around for mmckinst#28
- drop ruby 1.9.3 support
- fix a warning from mmckinst#24
- fix incorrectly mapped facts in mmckinst#21
- fix variables in double quoted strings mmckinst#15
- release 1.0.0 because the gem is stable and fixing variables in double quoted strings will find more puppet-lint issues on code that was falsely believed to have no puppet-lint issues.
- document the linter only works on top scope facts
- fix and update links to facter documentation
- add comments to code
- fix correction of facts contained in strings in mmckinst#13
- fix ssh key regex in mmckinst#10
- add ruby 2.4 support in mmckinst#9
- fix error messages in mmckinst#6 and mmckinst#7
- code improvements
- initial release