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Diamond Governance

Diamond Governance is a very flexible plugin for AragonOSx. It acts as a bridge between the Aragon framework and ERC-2535 facets. Multiple facets to customize the plugin are included in the project. Currently, the plugin is only available on Mumbai, but it will launch on Polygon before the end of June.


A typescript sdk is available for this plugin, allowing developers to easily communicate with the plugin in their projects. It can be found on npm.



Partial Voting

This facet extends upon Aragon's token voting. Instead of wallets only being able to vote once with all their voting power, proposals can be configured to allow people to vote multiple times with a part of their voting power. This plugin also supports multiple proposal types and a cap on voting power for any single wallet. Partial voting is based on the idea that people do not have super strong opinions on all proposals and thus do not want to influence the vote massively.

Partial Burn Voting

This facet is partial voting, with the addition of all used voting power being burned. If the proposal voted on does not reach the participation threshold, the plugin can be configured to make the burned tokens refundable. Partial burn voting is a way to make sure people will only vote on proposals that they care about, with an amount of voting power based on how much they care.

Partial Burn Voting Proposals

This facet adds to the proposal creation of partial voting. Proposal creation will burn an amount of voting power of the proposer. The plugin can be configured to make the burned tokens refundable if the created proposal passes. Partial burn voting proposals is created to incentivize people to put effort and thought into their proposals and thus filter out ridiculous and low quality proposals.


Multiple governance structures have been defined for plugins to interact with each other. These structures allow future facets to be compatible with all existing plugins using the implemented structure interface.


These structures are related to what wallets are considered members of the DAO and other member-related information, such as ranks.


All these plugins are based on the IMembership of Aragon.


This interface requires the implementer to be able to tell if a wallet is a member at a certain timestamp and be able to provide a list of wallets that have been members at some point. This information can be used to loop over all members at a given timestamp on chain.


This interface also gives each member a tier instead of a yes/no value. These tiers can be used however wanted, for example, to give members who achieve a certain feat more permissions.


This interface can add a wallet to the whitelist. This is a special way for a wallet to become a member, although it does not meet the normal member requirements.

Voting Power

These structures are related to how much voting power a given wallet has and losing or gaining voting power.


The base governance structure should be able to provide information about the total voting power at a given block number and the total voting power of a certain wallet at a given block number.


This interface can mint voting power to a given wallet. This is done with a token id and/or amount, depending on what the voting token interface is (ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155).


This interface can burn voting power from a given wallet. This is just an amount, and the implementer should decide how this maps to token ids and amounts.



Governance ERC20

This token is identical to the Governance ERC20 contract made by Aragon, only converted to a facet.

Governance ERC20 Burnable

This facet is an extension of Governance ERC20, allowing the token to be burned.

Governance ERC20 Disabled

This facet is an alteration of Governance ERC20, allowing functionality to be disabled. This will most often be used to create non-transferable and/or non-delegatable tokens.

ERC721 and ERC1155

These token types can be implemented the future. In all the code written so far, they have been kept in mind, so after implementation, they will be compatible with the existing facets.


Time based

Allows time based rewards to be available to be claimed by members of the DAO. There is also a tiered version that allows members of different tiers to get different rewards. There is also a configurable maximum amount of claimable tokens at once, preventing inactive members from being able to claim a large sum of tokens after a long period of inactivity.

One time

Allows for a one-time reward to be claimed. The most basic claimable facet of this type will be claimable once per wallet, given that the wallet is a member of the DAO. There is a second, more advanced version that allows users to claim a reward for every verification that they pass.

Monetary ERC20

An option for a monetary token next to the governance token is provided. This allows a second way of rewarding people in the DAO. This token is stored in the DAO treasury, but it might require the DAO to approve the Diamond Governance to spend funds on its behalf for some functionality to work. Currently 2 options are provided for this monetary token, either a fixed supply that will mint all tokens on creation to the DAO treasury, or an augmented bonding curve.

Variable growth

Linear, exponential and contrant growth multipliers are supported. This allows certain rewards or number to grow over time according to a certain variable.


The permission management defines which wallets are allowed to do certain actions. 


Currently, this is the only permission provider using the grant functionality of the DAO. However, the implementation allows for more providers to be added easily in the future and also allows members to use their own custom permission provider if wanted.


SearchSECO Monetization

This allows users to pay for queries to the SearchSECO database. Part of the payment goes to rewarding mining reward pool and the other part goes to the treasury of the DAO. The facet emits an event whenever a user has paid for a query, which the SearchSECO server picks up. The server then returns the data to the user.

SearchSECO Rewarding

This allows miners to get rewarded for providing data to the SearchSECO database. A proof is provided by the SearchSECO server which is then verified by the facet. If the proof is valid, the miner is rewarded with a configurable amount to split between reputation tokens and SECOIN. The reputation tokens are minted by the facet and SECOIN is transferred from the mining reward pool (treasury). The amount of SECOIN rewarded to the miner is dependent on the amount of SECOIN in the mining reward pool. A number of configurable variables calculate the percentage of the mining reward pool that is rewarded using the balance of the mining reward pool.



Diamond Governance is the plugin to implement Secure SECO Verification, allowing wallets to become members of the DAO by verifying with their 1-year-old GitHub account or proof of humanity.

GitHub Pull Request Merger

Allows the plugin to merge pull requests on GitHub. This means that DAO members will be able to maintain the GitHub without needing to trust a centralized team of reviewers. This does however require some setup, which can be found on their GitHub.

This point onward is meant for developers of the projects; there will be no interesting information for regular users.



NodeJS (>=14.x.x)   npm (>=6.x.x)  

Build process

npm i  
npm run compile  


Copy the .env.example file to a file called .env (located in the same folder). In this file you are required to add the secrets for any of the features you would like to use (MUMBAI_PRIVATE_KEY if you would like to deploy to Mumbai for example).

Commands available

npm run compile

Compiles all the smart contracts and generates the typescript types.  

npm run deploy

Deploys the plugin to the Mumbai network. Currently, this also creates a DAO with the Diamond Governance plugin.   If the user would like to deploy to a different network, they can use the command npx hardhat run deployments/deploy.ts --network x instead, where x is the name of the network, such as polygon, mainnet, sepolia etc.

npm test

Runs the unit tests.  

npm run generate-abis

Copies the abis from the hardhat artifacts to abis.json, this allows us to fetch contract using ethers based on name and thus eliminates the hardhat dependancy of the SDK. This command is run automatically everywhere it is needed.

npm run generate-sdk

Generates the sdk with the latest interfaces defined in contracts/utils/IntefaceIds.sol.   Publishing to npm is done automatically on creating a release on the GitHub repo.

npm run generate-facet --name --output --includeStorage

This command will generate a facet, interface and optionally a storage contract for you based on the naming schemes. In case you want to add a facet, it is highly recommended to use this approach for developer comfort and to prevent typos. Please do note that output directory is from contract/facets onwards, was facets should not be placed in different directories.

npx hardhat run ./scripts/GenerateDiamondCutProposal.ts --network mumbai

Use this command to generate a proposal with a specific diamond cut, please provide the file with the desired cut and proposal metadata before running this command. Also make sure you private key is filled in the .env with a verified DAO member able to create proposals.

Facet development

To learn more about facet development you can look into the file.


The majority of the code is MIT licensed. However, there are some files that have been taken and modified from an AGPL-3.0 licensed project (aragon/osx). The specific license of a file can be found at the very first lines of the file.