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File metadata and controls

166 lines (119 loc) · 6.74 KB


  • Provides interface for .bam files
  • reference free consensus
  • Breadth and Depth of coverage

Requires samtools (> 1.x), numpy, pysam, matplotlib and seaborn

Use as Python Module

class BamFile

Represents a collection of contig/reference of a bam file

To create a new BamContig from an unsorted BAM file:

collection = cmseq.BamFile(BAM_FILE_PATH,sort=True,index=True,minlen=0)

an optional argument filterInputList can be passed to BamFile, to filter only some references. filterInputList can be:

  • a string of comma-separated IDs
  • the path to a FASTA file with the to-be-filtered IDs as FASTA IDs

To start from a pre-sorted and indexed bam file:

collection = cmseq.BamFile(BAM_FILE_PATH)

To set the pysam stepper to a custom value (e.g. all, that avoids secondary alignments or nofilter, that includes secondary alignments):

#Chose a custom stepper for all the contigs of the BAMFILE
collection = cmseq.BamFile(BAM_FILE_PATH,stepper='all')

To take into accounts only references (/contigs) longer than N, use minlen:

#Build the collection only on contigs / references longer than 5000
collection = cmseq.BamFile(BAM_FILE_PATH,minlen=5000)

class BamContig

Represents a reference to which some reads map against

To create a new BamContig: Note: this is NOT needed if a BamFile instance has been created before, as this is done automatically for each contig within the bamfile

contig = cmseq.BamContig(bamHandle,contigName,contigLength)
  • bamHandle: a pysam AlignmentFile instance, pointing to the original bam file (sorted and indexed)
  • contigName: the name of the contig/reference in the bam file
  • contigLength: the length of that contig/reference

Refernece Free Consensus

reference_free_consensus(): returns a string, long as the reference, with the consensus.

The function can use the optional parameters:

  • minqual: the consensus will be based only on those nucleotides with a mapping-quality higher than minqual. Default: 0, meaning everything is used

  • mincov: the consensus will be based only on those positions with at least MINCOV coverage (after the quality filtering of minqual). Default: 1, meaning everything is used.

  • consensus_rule: a custom consensus function that: takes as input a python dictionary. The function is applied to each column of the samtools pileup. The dictionary has this structre: {'A':0,'T':0,'C':0,'G':0,'N':0} and stores the counts (coverages) for each position in each nucleotide ("N" = anything else). The function must return a char The default function is: lambda array: max(array, key=array.get) (pure majority rule). The function is applied only to positions that meet the requirements of minqual and mincov. Other positions are reported as "-"

  • trimReads: a tuple specifying the range of each read to be skipped when computing the consensus. If set to (10,10) it means that the first and last 10 of each read will not be used to compute the consensus. Default is None, which means nothing will be trimmed. Examples

# Get the simplest majority rule (default) consensus of REFERENCE_NAME:
print a.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus()

# Get the simplest majority rule (default) consensus of REFERENCE_NAME considering positions covered by at least 5 reads with qualities higher than 33:
print a.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus(mincov=5,minqual=33)

# Use a custom consensus rule: return X for each position
print a.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus(consensus_rule=lambda array: 'X')

Depth of Coverage

BamContig.depth_of_coverage(): returns a tuple, with the (mean_coverage,median_coverage) values, calculated over the positions that have a coverage of at least 1 (at least one mapping read on that position). Optionally, can take:

  • minqual: the nucleotides considered are only those that have a quality score higher than MINQUAL. Default: 0, meaning everything is used
  • mincov: the depth is based only on those positions with at least MINCOV coverage (after the quality filtering of minqual). Default: 1, meaning everything is used.

Breadth of Coverage

BamContig.breadth_of_coverage: returns a float, with the percentage of the total reference length covered by reads. It takes as optional parameters mincov and minqual as depth_of_coverage

Polymorphic Rate

BamContig.polymorphism_rate: returns a DataFrame, with the statistics of polymorphic positions, over the total number of reconstructable positions. It takes as optional parameters mincov and minqual as depth_of_coverage.

Set the Pysam stepper

BamContig.set_stepper(VALUE): resets the pysam stepper for the reference. VALUE can be all or nofilter, as of the pysam specifications. By default the stepper is set to 'nofilter' (bedtools style).


Create a new instance of a BamFile. An unsorted, unindexed bam file can be provided and will be sorted and indexed within the module:

import cmseq
collection = cmseq.BamFile("CONTIG_NAME",sort=True,index=True)

Iterate over each contig represented in the BAM/SAM file:

for i in collection.get_contigs():
  print i,collection.get_contig_by_label(i).reference_free_consensus()
  print collection.get_contig_by_label(i).depth_of_coverage()  #(mean,median)
  print collection.get_contig_by_label(i).breadth_of_coverage()

Select a custom contig and get its consensus sequence by majoriy rule:

print collection.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus()

Select a custom contig and plot its coverage


Select a custom contig and get its consensus sequence by majoriy rule, only for positions covered by at least 10 high quality reads:

print collection.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus(mincov=10,minqual=33)

Select a custom contig and get a custom consensus sequence, with "+" where coverage is higher or equal 2, - otherwise:

print collection.get_contig_by_label("REFERENCE_NAME").reference_free_consensus(consensus_rule=lambda array: '+' if sum(array.values()) >= 2 else '-')

Do the same as before, without using the BamFile class, but with pysam only. The bam file needs to be sorted and indexed!

import pysam,cmseq
bamHandle = pysam.AlignmentFile(BAM_PATH, "rb")
lengths = dict((r,l) for r,l in zip(bamHandle.references,bamHandle.lengths))
contig = cmseq.BamContig(bamHandle,TARGET_CONTIG,lengths[TARGET_CONTIG])

print contig.reference_free_consensus(consensus_rule=lambda array: '+' if sum(array.values()) >= 2 else '-')