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Mohammed Niaz Ul Haque edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 112 revisions

Lab 4

Due Date

Sunday Oct 18 by Midnight.


This week we are going to practice using git remotes and merges to collaborate with our peers on some code changes. Instead of using GitHub's Pull Request feature, which automates the process, we're going to do this manually using just git.

To accomplish this we'll continue to add a new feature to our link checker repos. This lab will help you practice the following:

  • creating branches to work on new features and fix bugs
  • working on code changes in another project you didn't write
  • using git remote and sharing commits with git push, git pull, and git fetch
  • using git merge and doing practice merges
  • fixing merge conflicts

NOTE: it is highly recommended that you watch this week's video on git remotes before you start this lab.

Feature: Ignore URL Patterns

Users want to be able to run our link checker tools and be able to include an extra argument, a file of URL patterns to be ignored. This week's feature will add the ability to exclude URLs from our check based on a URL pattern file.


For example, imagine you want to check all the URLs in the file index.html, but you want to ignore all URLs that start with or First, create a text file that looks like this:

# Ignore All Seneca College URLs
# Ignore all Learn@Seneca URLs

The file is a simple text file where each line is either a URL (line starts with http:// or https://) or an optional comment (line starts with #, and can be ignored).

Assuming we saved that file to ignore-urls.txt, we could use it like this:

$ tool-name --ignore ignore-urls.txt index.html

This would check all URLs in index.html, but ignore and skip any URLs that start with or


The --ignore, -i, \i flag is optional, and if present should take a filepath and use it to load and parse an ignored URLs text file. If the ignore file isn't found, give an appropriate error message. Otherwise, all URLs should be checked against this list to see if they need to be ignored.

Here are some example ignore files.

First, a file with only a comment is valid:

# 1. Empty file, nothing will be ignored

Second, a file with multiple comments and a URL is valid:

# 2. File with a comment and single URL that matches any URL
# that starts with, for example:
# would match
# would match
# would NOT match

Third, a file that has no comments and only URLs is valid:

Fourth, a file with anything other than a comment (#) or URL (http://, https://) is invalid:

# This is invalid.  It doesn't use http:// or https://

If the file isn't valid, give an appropriate error message and exit. Otherwise, use the file's URL patterns to test all the URLs being processed, skipping any that match.

Step 1. Pick a Repo to Work In and File an Issue

You are asked to add this new ignore feature to another student's link checker repo. You may NOT add it to your own. Pick a repo from the 0.1 Submissions list, ideally one you haven't worked on before.

Only one student can add the feature per repo. Before you begin, check to see if an Issue is already filed for this feature. If not, file a new Issue in the other student's repo letting them know what you intend to do, and get their permission to start the work (e.g., via Slack or a comment in the Issue on GitHub).

If you notice two people filing the same issue in your repo, make sure you close the second (third, ...) one as a duplicate of the first.

Fork and clone their repo to your local machine.

Step 2. Create and Work on a Topic Branch

Create a branch for this work. If you filed Issue 6, consider naming your branch issue-6.

Do all of your work on this branch, committing changes as you go.

You should also push your branch to your fork on a regular basis. To do so (substitute your branch name for issue-6):

$ git push origin issue-6

Step 3. Collaborate with the Repo Owner

Throughout the week, as you work on the feature, keep in regular contact with the owner of the repo. You are likely going to run into problems, have questions, or need advice on how they want something handled.

Remember, you don't need to do this all by yourself. Make use of the community, talk to people, share your ideas and questions. Open source is about collaboration. Use Slack and the GitHub Issue you filed to discuss your work.

Step 4. Complete the Feature

As you work on the feature, commit and push all the changes on your branch to your fork:

$ git checkout issue-6
$ git push origin issue-6

Let the other student know that you're done in the GitHub Issue, and ask them to add your fork as a remote, fetch, and test your branch (see Step 5 below).

They will likely have feedback for you as you go, and ask you to make some changes. They may also want to share a branch with you, based on your changes. Work with the repo owner to get the code ready to be merged.

Step 5. Reviewing and Testing via Remotes

Normally we use GitHub Pull Requests to review and merge work from collaborators. This time, we'll use git remotes instead. For this to work, we'll need to add remotes, and share commits and branches between each other.

If your repo is being worked on by another student, get them to tell you the name of their fork and the name of the branch they are working on. Next, add them as a remote to your local repo:

$ git remote add <name-of-student> <https://git-url-of-other-studnet-fork.git>

Next, fetch their work into your local repo:

$ git fetch <name-of-student>

Now set up a tracking branch in your local repo, so you can track the work on their branch (substitute the name of the student and branch for issue-6):

$ git checkout -b issue-6 <name-of-student>/issue-6

Use this branch to review and test their work. Don't commit to it, though. We'll leave it "clean" of our changes.

If you ever need to update your local issue-6 branch to see new changes the other student has pushed to their fork, you can do that with git pull:

$ git checkout issue-6
$ git pull <name-of-student> issue-6

NOTE: if you do want to commit something to it, start a new branch first (substitute the name of the student and branch for issue-6):

$ git checkout -b issue-6-fix <name-of-student>/issue-6
$ git add file
$ git commit -m "Fixing x, y, z..."
$ git push origin issue-6-fix

You can share this work with the other student by having them add your repo as a remote and fetching:

$ git add upstream <https://git-url-of-original-studnet-repo.git>
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout -b issue-6-fix upstream/issue-6-fix

Now they can look at or test your work on the issue-6-fix branch. They might also decide to git merge it into their existing issue-6 branch:

$ git checkout issue-6
$ git merge issue-6-fix

If you have any trouble working with git during this process, make sure you ask for help in Slack.

Step 6. Merge the Feature When Ready

When you have completed working on the feature, and fixed any issues your reviewer has made, commit and push all the changes on your branch to your fork:

$ git checkout issue-6
$ git push origin issue-6

Let the other student know that you're done in the GitHub Issue, and ask them to look over your latest changes on your branch.

If they are satisfied, they can merge your work and push it to their upstream repo:

$ git fetch
$ git checkout master
$ git merge <student-name>/issue-6
$ git push origin master

Check the original upstream repo's master branch, and make sure this new work is all there. If it is, close the Issue and complete the submission below. If it isn't, figure out what went wrong, and get help on Slack.

Step 7. Write a Blog Post

Write a blog post about the process of working on this new feature using remotes. First, how did the code itself go? Did you run into any problems? How did you tackle the work? Second, how did it go using git? Did you find any of it difficult? How did you get around this? What would you do differently next time? What did you learn from the experience?


When you have completed all the requirements above, please add your details to the table below.

Name Blog Post (URL) Issue URL Merge Commit URL on upstream master
Example Name 10 ddeaf180
Khoi Nguyen Vu (Tony) To be updated 10, 11 adf3cf3
Paul Sin README 16, 17 c84fd58f3
Hyunji Lee 9 To be updated / PR
Roger Yu 8 28883bdc
Ekaterina Grinberg 12 to be updated
Muskan Shinh to be updated 6 8adf38f
Eunbee Kim 14 ed4bf2e
Junyong Liu 12 c53f6c9, e90c3bb
Michael Brackett 7 228fff4, 1e21f76, aa43a46
Chris Pinkney 14 3cc6f495
Plamen Velkov 26 1a6c3fd
Mintae Kim 6 8146f9a
Sanjida Afrin 10 ed0c03d
Yifan Zhao To be updated 7 To be updated
Jie Yang 13 e83fe72
Stella Jung 13 a31ea17
Abu Zayed Kazi 14 c3a9da3, 4d02541, d444fea, 4e896a9
Leon Li 17 58536f9
Tim Roberts 7 899b4c0, d04121a, 246ca6b
Matthew Stewardson 17 16 0b4f5cb
Yuan-Hsi Lee issue#20 42f554
Minh Huy Nguyen 24 463e05e
Thomas-Jayrell LeBlanc 9 58a2dfd
Thanh Tien Phat Nguyen To be updated 6 ddeb53e
Wei Huang 7 b7ab995
Joey Assal 15 9 95c7
Raymond Rambo 1 To be updated
Zongwei Yang issue-16 c1a7d4e 5d0d3376
Kimin Lee issue-10 To be updated (PR)3c0fe4d
Anthony Slater 11 246ca6b
Nesa Bertanico Ignore-Me-Not issue-13 a88601f
Palak Chawla Issue-6 bf4e7d3 , f583339 , 4de3280
Jasper Mui Issue-10 c43befc
Joel Azwar Issue-10 30e9766
Xiaolu(Isabella) Liu issue-7 a41b2d6
Royce Ayroso-Ong 8 Coming Soon
Jennifer Croft Issue-9 0268201e
Abdulbasid Guled e8e7d243
Mohammed Ahmed (Mo) d1bd9813,e40a0b,b5805ebb,da794afe,0693862
Philip Golovin 3 78b1f8d, 7f1e948
Zong Jin Jiang 14 Coming Soon
Mohammed Niaz Ul Haque 13 a4e9a5b17
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