SubseqSketch creates sketches of sequences using random subsequences. It exhibits strong correlation with the edit distance and outperforms other sketching methods in tasks such as nearest neighbor search and phylogeny reconstruction. See SubseqSketch-test for scripts that can be used to reproduce the evaluation results in the SubseqSketch paper.
SubseqSketch uses Eigen for matrix multiplication, the needed header files are included in this repository. Optionally, SubseqSketch uses OpenMP for parallel computing.
Clone SubseqSketch from github
SubseqSketch requires CMake to build. Use the following to compile SubseqSketch:
cd SubseqSketch
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
This should create an executable SubseqSketch
within the build/
A general pipeline for sketching with SubseqSketch is provided below. The detailed parameter information of SubseqSketch and its subcommands can be checked by
build/SubseqSketch [SUBCOMMAND] --help
- Generate a list of
$n$ random testing subsequences with token size$t$ , each subsequences contain$l$ tokens. They will be stored in a plain text filesubsequences.txt
by init -a alphabets/DNA -n 128 -t 3 -l 15
- Use the random testing subsequences to generate SubseqSketches for sequences in fasta format:
For each input file the sketches will be stored in a binary file such as
build/SubseqSketch sketch -s subsequences.txt input1.fa input2.fa ...
which can be viewed (or redirect to a plain text file) by theinfo
subcommand:build/SubseqSketch info input1.n128.l15.t3.sss | less
- Compute the all-vs-all sketch distances between two sketches:
build/SubseqSketch dist -o input1-vs-input2.sss-dist input1.n128.l15.t3.sss input2.n128.l15.t3.sss
has$s_1$ sequences andinput2.fa
has$s_2$ sequences, then the result is a$s_1\times s_2$ matrix$M$ where$M_{i,j}$ is the cosine distance between (the sketches of) the$i$ -th sequence ininput1.fa
and the$j$ -th sequence ininput2.fa
. The matrix is stored in binary format, which can be viewed by:or transformed into npy format for downstream tasks usingbuild/SubseqSketch show input1-vs-input2.sss-dist | less
:build/SubseqSketch show -p input1-vs-input2.sss-dist