- [Improvement] Update to Cake.Core v1.0.0
- [Improvement] Update to Cake.Core v0.33
- [Improvement] Update to Cake.Core v0.29
- [Improvement] Update build scripts
- [Improvement] Update to Cake.Core v0.26
- [Bug] Missing nuget reference
- [Feature] .net core build
- [Improvement] Support netstandard1.6
- [Improvement] Manipulate servers in WebFarm
- [Improvement] Creation of WebFarm with settings
- [Improvement] Updated Cake reference to v0.22.0
- [Improvement] Moved to net461 for Cake compatibility
- [Improvement] Upgraded solution to vs2017
- [Improvement] New .net core based build scripts
- [Feature] Added configuration aliases
- [Feature] Added enable / disable directory browsing
- [Improvement] Use Cake contrib icon
- [Improvement] Update Cake.Core reference
- [Bug] Fixed the SiteApplicationExists return value for local IIS.
- [Feature] Check application exists
- [Improvement] Configure enabled protocols
- [Feature] Virtual directory support
- [Improvement] Fix unit-tests and circular reference in Bindings
- [Improvement] New binding formats
- [Improvement] Standardised application authorization / authentication
- [Bug] Fixed SolutionInfo link
- [Improvement] Addin xml doc to assembly
- [Improvement] Add Cake namespace docs
- [Improvement] Update Cake.Core reference
- [Feature] Restart Site / ApplicationPool
- [Improvement] Remove Cake.Core from nuget
- [Improvement] Move certificate info to BindingSettings, allowing certificates to be applied at both levels
- [Improvement] Changed nuget references from dependencies to files
- [Bug] Fix incorrect log in "GetServer"
- [Improvement] Site AuthorizationSettings
- [Bug] Add / Remove SiteBindings using wrong settings
- [Improvement] WebFarm tests
- [Improvement] New Choco install script for AppVeyor
- [Improvement] Path fixes by Jake Scott
- [Improvement] Use GetPhysicalDirectory for ApplicationSettings and WebsiteSettings
- [Feature] WebFarm Aliases
- [Improvement] AppVeyor install script for IIS and WAS
- [Improvement] Renamed PhysicalPath to PhysicalDirectory in SiteSettings
- [Improvement] Use DirectoryPath instead of string to allow for paths relative to the working directory
- [Improvement] Change manager constructors to include the cake environment
- [Improvement] Add Thread.Sleep exception to start / Stop methods to take into account for IIS delays
- [Improvement] New UnitTests and Bug fixes by Jake Scott
- [Improvement] AppPool TimeSpan checks
- [Improvement] Added cake build example
- [Improvement] Added troubleshooting info
- [Improvement] Separate out BindingSettings
- [Feature] Add / Remove site binding
- [Feature] Add / Remove site application
- [Improvement] Change Debug to Information logs
- [Improvement] ProcessModel settings
- [Improvement] RequestTracing settings
- [Improvement] Shared Web and Ftp create function
- [Feature] Rewrite by Phillip Sharpe
- [Feature] Add support for remote servers
- [Improvement] Replace mixed functionality deploy methods with focused create / remove methods
- [Feature] Add missing Aliases for sites and pools
- [Feature] First release by Sergio Silveira.