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Releases: Shelf-nu/

[email protected]

01 Aug 11:49
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What's Changed

Full Changelog:[email protected]@1.2.3


01 Aug 07:57
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What's Changed

  • Maintained consistent font sizes for all inputs and improved input fields on mobile by @hunar1312 in #259
  • Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #238
  • BUG FIX: replacing zod's default email validation with a custom refine function by @DonKoko in #266
  • 260 chore update remix and fix warning about preparing for v2 by @DonKoko in #261

Full Changelog:[email protected]@1.2.2

[email protected]

25 Jul 15:05
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What's Changed

  • [Enhance]: Server and Client locales and timezone synchronization by @DonKoko in #258

v1.2.0 - Custodians

25 Jul 08:29
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This release introduces the custodian's functionality as well as prepares the DB an app for the future development of the Organizations module.

New Features

  • Each user now has a PERSONAL organization. This sets up the base for teams and organizations
  • You can now create Team members within your personal organization. Those team members are not linked to actual users(coming soon) but are meant more for having an overview of which asset is in the custody of which team member.
  • Give custody of an asset to a team member
  • Release custody of an asset from a team member
  • Asset status - we currently have 2 options: Available & In custody. Those statuses are managed automatically by shelf, depending on weather the asset has a custodian or not.

Database changes

  • Added a few new models to database: TeamMember, Custody & Organization including an OrganizationType enum.
  • When a new user is created, we create a PERSONAL organization for that user

How to update

Due to some changes in the database you if you are upgrading from v1.1.x you need to run the database manual migration from the relationship-data-updates folder.

npx @digitak/esrun app/database/manual-migrations/relationship-data-updates/add-organizations-to-existing-users.server.ts

I personally use @digitak/esrun to run the typescript file but you can use any other tool. This migration create a PERSONAL organization for all users who don't have one. Users that already have it will be skipped.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:[email protected]@1.2.0


24 Jul 14:23
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We had a issue where notifications belonging to one user were also received by other users. This release addresses and fixes this issue.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:[email protected]@1.1.2


24 Jul 11:12
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What's Changed

  • Improvement in table cells of assets index page on small screens by @hunar1312 in #248

Full Changelog:[email protected]@1.1.1

v1.1.0 - Tags and Locations

24 Jul 10:46
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  • Added Locations functionality which allows you to create and manage your asset locations and assign assets to them.
  • Added Tags functionality which allows you to easier group and organize your assets. Tags can also be used for filtering the asset index.
  • Numerous minor tweaks and updates to the UI
  • Added some e2e tests and replaced Cypress with Playright
  • Solved a few minor bugs

What's Changed

v1.0.0 - Initial release

24 Jul 10:08
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This is the initial release of Shelf.


  • Authentication powered by supabase
  • Asset management - create, edit and delete assets
  • Assets overview with category filter and asset search
  • Automatically generated QR codes for each asset with option to print them in 4 different sizes
  • QR code scanning - scanning a QR code will result in different behavior based on some different factors
    • Logged in owners of the asset will be led to the asset page
    • Non-logged in users will be prompted to either login or report that they found the asset
    • Orphaned(QR codes without an asset attached to them) can be linked to a new asset by their owner
  • Categories - create and assign categories to assets
  • User profile and settings - basic user settings such as setting your personal details

What's Changed

New Contributors