- Search images (10 to 100 per request)
- 3 cards layout
- Advanced Theme Customization
- Rating (Safe, Explicit, Questionable)
- Pagination
- Save image
- Browse all, see Top images and Hot images
- Blacklist (Exclude tags)
- Endless scrolling (in progress see #15)
Note: gelbooru-client is developped on Windows, but you can follow the Installing
part to build the .dmg for MacOS, it should work.
See releases to download the .exe
> git clone https://github.com/KeziahMoselle/gelbooru-client.git
Install dependencies :
> cd gelbooru-client && npm install
To run the app :
> npm start
To run the app with live reload :
> npx gulp
> npm run dist
The binaries will be created in the dist
- Electron - framework for creating native applications with web technologies
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- MaterializeCSS - A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
- Gelbooru API - An image board based on Danbooru
- Undraw Illustrations - Illustrations under MIT License
gelbooru-client is licensed under the MIT License.