sPCA-mapreduce is a scalable implementation of Principal component analysis (PCA) on top of MapReduce. sPCA-mapreduce has been tested on Hadoop 0.20.204 & Hadoop 2.4.0. In the following, we will take you through running sPCA-mapreduce on a toy matrix. We will run the example on the local machine without the need for setting up a cluster.
Download and setup a single node hadoop cluster by following the instructions in this link.
Open the shell and clone the sPCA github repo:
git clone https://github.com/Qatar-Computing-Research-Institute/sPCA
In order to build sPCA-mapreduce source code, you need to install maven. You can download and install maven by folliwng this [quick tutorial] (http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html). To verify that maven is installed, run the following command:
mvn --version
It should print out your installed version of Maven. After that, you can build sPCA by typing:
cd sPCA/spca-mapreduce
mvn package
To make sure that the code is build successfully, You should see something like the following:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Moreover, you will find a .jar file generated under sPCA/spca-mapreduce/target/mapreducePCA-1.0-job.jar
. This jar file will be used to run the example in the following step.
sPCA accepts the input matrix and writes the output in the Hadoop SequenceFile format.
The next step is to run sPCA-mapreduce on a small toy matrix. There is an example script located in sPCA/spca-mapreduce/spca-mapreduce_example.sh
. First, you need to set the environment variable HADOOP_HOME
to the directory where Hadoop is downloaded and installed:
export HADOOP_HOME=<path/to/hadooop/directory> (e.g., /usr/lib/hadoop-2.4.0)
Then you need to copy the input matrix to the Hadoop distributed filesystem (HDFS), using the following command
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal sPCA/spca-mapreduce/input/seqfiles/ hdfs:///user/<username>
You can then run the example through the following command:
The output will be written in the hdfs directory hdfs:///user/<username>/output
. The example involves a command similar to the following:
hadoop jar target/mapreducePCA-1.0-job.jar org.qcri.pca.SPCADriver \
-i <path/to/input/matrix/on/hdfs> -o <path/to/outputfolder/on/hdfs> -rows <number of rows> -cols <number of columns> -pcs <number of principal components> [-errSampleRate=<Error sampling rate>] [-maxIter=<max iterations>] [-normalize<0/1 (normalize input matrix or not)>]
This command runs sPCA-mapreduce on top of MapReduce in the local machine. The following is a description of the command-line arguments of sPCA:
Hdfs directory that contains an example input matrix in the SequenceFile Format<IntWritable key, VectorWritable value>
Hdfs directory where the resulting principal components is written<number of rows>:
Number of rows for the input matrix<number of columns>:
Number of columns for the input matrix<number of principal components>:
Number of desired principal components[<Error sampling rate>](optional):
The error sampling rate [0-1] that is used for computing the error, It can be set to 0.01 to compute the error for only a small sample of the matrix, this speeds up the computations significantly)[<max iterations>] (optional):
Maximum number of iterations before terminating, the default is 3<0/1 (normalize input matrix or not)>](optional)
: 0 or 1 values that specifies whether the input matrix needs to be normalized or not. 1 means that the matrix should be normalized, 0 means that matrix should not be normalized. Normalization is done by dividing each column by (column_max-column_min).