diff --git a/Release History.txt b/Release History.txt
index 1aecc02..1a818eb 100644
--- a/Release History.txt
+++ b/Release History.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+28 November 2023 - version 3.5.10
+ - Added RAD Studio 12 Athens support.
+ - Improved IDE macros parsing speed.
+ - Added {$LIBSUFFIX AUTO} parsing (introduced on Delphi 10.4 Sydney).
18 September 2023 - version 3.5.9
- Added GIT installation checking
diff --git a/Source/MultiInstaller.dproj b/Source/MultiInstaller.dproj
index 5812800..e43afa7 100644
--- a/Source/MultiInstaller.dproj
+++ b/Source/MultiInstaller.dproj
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 19.5
+ 20.1
diff --git a/Source/SpComponentInstaller.pas b/Source/SpComponentInstaller.pas
index 232a288..4c85f10 100644
--- a/Source/SpComponentInstaller.pas
+++ b/Source/SpComponentInstaller.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
unit SpComponentInstaller;
-Version 3.5.8
+Version 3.5.10
The contents of this package are licensed under a disjunctive tri-license
giving you the choice of one of the three following sets of free
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ interface
ideDelphiTokyo, // D25
ideDelphiRio, // D26
ideDelphiSydney, // D27
- ideDelphiAlexandria // D28
+ ideDelphiAlexandria, // D28
+ ideDelphiAthens // D29
TSpIDETypeRec = record
@@ -137,18 +138,24 @@ TSpIDETypeRec = record
(IDEVersion: 'D25'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '19.0'),
(IDEVersion: 'D26'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 10.3 Rio'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\20.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '20.0'),
(IDEVersion: 'D27'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\21.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '21.0'),
- (IDEVersion: 'D28'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 11 Alexandria'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '22.0')
+ (IDEVersion: 'D28'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 11 Alexandria'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '22.0'),
+ (IDEVersion: 'D29'; IDEName: 'RAD Studio 12 Athens'; IDERegistryPath: 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0'; IDERADStudioVersion: '23.0')
TSpIDEPersonality = (persDelphiWin32, persDelphiNET, persCPPBuilder);
TSpDelphiIDE = class
+ private
+ class var FCachedMacrosCommaDelimited: string;
+ class var FCachedMacrosIDE: TSpIDEType;
+ class procedure GetMacros(IDE: TSpIDEType; NamesAndValues: TStringList);
// IDE
class function Installed(IDE: TSpIDEType): Boolean;
class function PersonalityInstalled(IDE: TSpIDEType; IDEPersonality: TSpIDEPersonality): Boolean;
class function StringToIDEType(S: string): TSpIDEType;
+ class function IDEPackageVersion(IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
class procedure IDEPersonalityTypeToString(A: TSpIDEPersonality; out IDERegName: string);
// Path
@@ -175,8 +182,9 @@ TSpDelphiDPKFile = class
FOnlyDesigntime: Boolean;
FDescription: string;
FLibSuffix: string;
+ FIDEVersion: TSpIDEType;
procedure CreateAndCopyEmptyResIfNeeded;
- function RegisterPackage(IDE: TSpIDEType; Log: TStrings): Boolean;
+ function RegisterPackage(Log: TStrings): Boolean;
property DPKFilename: string read FDPKFilename;
property BPLFilename: string read FBPLFilename;
@@ -185,8 +193,9 @@ TSpDelphiDPKFile = class
property OnlyDesigntime : Boolean read FOnlyDesigntime;
property Description: string read FDescription;
property LibSuffix: string read FLibSuffix;
- constructor Create(const Filename: string); virtual;
- function CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL, IncludesL, Log: TStrings; TempDir: string = ''): Boolean;
+ property IDEVersion: TSpIDEType read FIDEVersion;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string; IDE: TSpIDEType); virtual;
+ function CompilePackage(DCC: string; SourcesL, IncludesL, Log: TStrings; TempDir: string = ''): Boolean;
TSpDelphiDPKFilesList = class(TObjectList)
@@ -769,6 +778,12 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.StringToIDEType(S: string): TSpIDEType;
+class function TSpDelphiIDE.IDEPackageVersion(IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
+ // If IDEVersion is D28 the package version would be 280
+ Result := Copy(IDETypes[IDE].IDEVersion, 2, 3) + '0';
class procedure TSpDelphiIDE.IDEPersonalityTypeToString(A: TSpIDEPersonality;
out IDERegName: string);
@@ -853,8 +868,8 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ReadEnvironmentProj(IDE: TSpIDEType; NamesAndValues:
-class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
-// Replace $(Delphi), $(BDS), $(BDSPROJECTSDIR), $(BDSCOMMONDIR),
+class procedure TSpDelphiIDE.GetMacros(IDE: TSpIDEType; NamesAndValues: TStringList);
+// Get $(Delphi), $(BDS), $(BDSPROJECTSDIR), $(BDSCOMMONDIR),
// $(BDSUSERDIR), $(BDSLIB) macros and IDE Environment Variables Overrides
// with full directory paths.
@@ -882,7 +897,7 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
R, MyDocs: string;
I: Integer;
- DefaultL, OverrideL: TStringList;
+ DefaultL: TStringList;
// In newer versions of RAD Studio (2007 and up) the macros are stored in:
// C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0\environment.proj
@@ -893,26 +908,25 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
// Variables.
// So when the IDE is not running we can't use SysUtils.GetEnvironmentVariable.
- Result := S;
+ NamesAndValues.Clear;
if IDE = ideNone then Exit;
DefaultL := TStringList.Create;
- OverrideL := TStringList.Create;
// Try to read Environment.proj file
ReadEnvironmentProj(IDE, DefaultL);
// Get the Environment Variables Overrides
- SpReadRegKey(IDETypes[IDE].IDERegistryPath + '\Environment Variables', OverrideL);
+ SpReadRegKey(IDETypes[IDE].IDERegistryPath + '\Environment Variables', NamesAndValues);
// Override the default macros
// $(Delphi)
- if not ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'Delphi') then
- OverrideL.Values['Delphi'] := GetIDEDir(IDE);
+ if not ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'Delphi') then
+ NamesAndValues.Values['Delphi'] := GetIDEDir(IDE);
// $(BDS)
if IDE >= ideDelphi2005 then
- if not ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'BDS') then
- OverrideL.Values['BDS'] := GetIDEDir(IDE);
+ if not ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'BDS') then
+ NamesAndValues.Values['BDS'] := GetIDEDir(IDE);
// It points to a different directory according to how you install Delphi:
@@ -921,7 +935,7 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
// If you choose Just Me during installation:
// C:\Users\x\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0
if IDE >= ideDelphi2007 then
- ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'BDSCOMMONDIR');
+ ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'BDSCOMMONDIR');
// Example: C:\Users\x\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects
@@ -931,7 +945,7 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
// HKCU\Software\Borland\BDS\4.0\Globals
SpReadRegValue(IDETypes[IDE].IDERegistryPath + '\Globals', 'DefaultProjectsDirectory', R);
if not TDirectory.Exists(R) then
- if not ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'BDSPROJECTSDIR') then begin
+ if not ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'BDSPROJECTSDIR') then begin
// Try to guess it
// Since BDSPROJECTSDIR is not defined in the registry we have to find it
// manually, looking for all the localized dir names in MyDocuments folder
@@ -955,40 +969,64 @@ class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
if TDirectory.Exists(R) then
- OverrideL.Values['BDSPROJECTSDIR'] := R;
+ NamesAndValues.Values['BDSPROJECTSDIR'] := R;
// Example: C:\Users\x\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0
if IDE >= ideDelphi2007 then
- if not ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'BDSUSERDIR') then begin
+ if not ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'BDSUSERDIR') then begin
// Try to guess it
// Get BDSPROJECTSDIR and add IDE version
- R := OverrideL.Values['BDSPROJECTSDIR'];
+ R := NamesAndValues.Values['BDSPROJECTSDIR'];
if TDirectory.Exists(R) then begin
R := TPath.Combine(ExtractFilePath(R), IDETypes[IDE].IDERADStudioVersion);
if TDirectory.Exists(R) then
- OverrideL.Values['BDSUSERDIR'] := R;
+ NamesAndValues.Values['BDSUSERDIR'] := R;
// $(BDSLIB)
// Example: C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\lib
- if not ReplaceWithDefault(OverrideL, DefaultL, 'BDSLIB') then
- OverrideL.Values['BDSLIB'] := TPath.Combine(GetIDEDir(IDE), 'lib');
+ if not ReplaceWithDefault(NamesAndValues, DefaultL, 'BDSLIB') then
+ NamesAndValues.Values['BDSLIB'] := TPath.Combine(GetIDEDir(IDE), 'lib');
// Not sure were to find this macro
// Since we're using DCC32 to compile assume Win32
- OverrideL.Values['PLATFORM'] := 'Win32';
+ NamesAndValues.Values['PLATFORM'] := 'Win32';
- // Replace all
- for I := 0 to OverrideL.Count - 1 do
- Result := StringReplace(Result, '$(' + OverrideL.Names[I] + ')', ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(OverrideL.ValueFromIndex[I]), [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
+ FCachedMacrosCommaDelimited := NamesAndValues.CommaText;
+ FCachedMacrosIDE := IDE;
- OverrideL.Free;
+ end;
+class function TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(S: string; IDE: TSpIDEType): string;
+// Replace $(Delphi), $(BDS), $(BDSPROJECTSDIR), $(BDSCOMMONDIR),
+// $(BDSUSERDIR), $(BDSLIB) macros and IDE Environment Variables Overrides
+// with full directory paths.
+// S string can be a single path or multiple comma separated paths
+ I: Integer;
+ L: TStringList;
+ Result := S;
+ if IDE = ideNone then Exit;
+ L := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ if (FCachedMacrosIDE = IDE) and not FCachedMacrosCommaDelimited.IsEmpty then
+ L.CommaText := FCachedMacrosCommaDelimited // use the cached macros
+ else
+ GetMacros(IDE, L);
+ // Replace all
+ for I := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ Result := StringReplace(Result, '$(' + L.Names[I] + ')', ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(L.ValueFromIndex[I]), [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
+ finally
+ L.Free;
@@ -1041,21 +1079,20 @@ class procedure TSpDelphiIDE.AddToSearchPath(SourcesL: TStrings; IDE: TSpIDEType
{ TSpDelphiDPKFile }
-constructor TSpDelphiDPKFile.Create(const Filename: string);
+constructor TSpDelphiDPKFile.Create(const Filename: string; IDE: TSpIDEType);
L: TStringList;
P, P2: Integer;
- Suffix: string;
- FDPKFilename := Filename;
+ FDPKFilename := '';
FBPLFilename := '';
FExists := False;
FOnlyRuntime := False;
FOnlyDesigntime := False;
FDescription := '';
FLibSuffix := '';
+ FIDEVersion := IDE;
- Suffix := '';
if TFile.Exists(Filename) then begin
FDPKFilename := Filename;
FBPLFilename := TPath.ChangeExtension(TPath.GetFileName(Filename), 'bpl');
@@ -1076,14 +1113,26 @@ constructor TSpDelphiDPKFile.Create(const Filename: string);
if P2 > 0 then
FDescription := Copy(L.Text, P, P2 - P);
- P := Pos('{$LIBSUFFIX ''', L.Text); // {$LIBSUFFIX '100'} // file100.bpl
+ // Try to parse $LIBSUFFIX
+ // Won't work if there are nested $IFDEFs, for example:
+ // {$IFDEF VER340} {$LIBSUFFIX '270'} {$ENDIF}
+ // {$IFDEF VER350} {$LIBSUFFIX '280'} {$ENDIF}
+ // Delphi 10.4 Sydney added the AUTO option: {$LIBSUFFIX AUTO}
+ P := Pos('{$LIBSUFFIX AUTO}', L.Text);
if P > 0 then begin
- P := P + Length('{$LIBSUFFIX ''');
- P2 := PosEx('''}', L.Text, P);
- if P2 > 0 then begin
- Suffix := Copy(L.Text, P, P2 - P);
- // Rename BPL filename to include the suffix
- FBPLFilename := TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FBPLFilename) + Suffix + TPath.GetExtension(FBPLFilename);
+ FLibSuffix := 'AUTO';
+ FBPLFilename := TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DPKFilename) + TSpDelphiIDE.IDEPackageVersion(IDE) + '.bpl';
+ end
+ else begin
+ P := Pos('{$LIBSUFFIX ''', L.Text); // {$LIBSUFFIX '280'} for example: file280.bpl
+ if P > 0 then begin
+ P := P + Length('{$LIBSUFFIX ''');
+ P2 := PosEx('''}', L.Text, P);
+ if P2 > 0 then begin
+ FLibSuffix := Copy(L.Text, P, P2 - P);
+ FBPLFilename := TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DPKFilename) + FLibSuffix + '.bpl';
+ end;
@@ -1113,7 +1162,7 @@ procedure TSpDelphiDPKFile.CreateAndCopyEmptyResIfNeeded;
-function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
+function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; SourcesL,
IncludesL, Log: TStrings; TempDir: string): Boolean;
// DCC = full path of dcc32.exe, e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcc32.exe
// IDE = IDE version to compile with
@@ -1128,7 +1177,7 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
S, R: string; // Auxiliary strings
Result := False;
- if IDE = ideNone then Exit;
+ if FIDEVersion = ideNone then Exit;
if not Exists then begin
if Assigned(Log) then
SpWriteLog(Log, SLogInvalidPath, FDPKFilename);
@@ -1156,12 +1205,12 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
L := TStringList.Create;
// Add the SourcesL directories to the registry
- TSpDelphiIDE.AddToSearchPath(SourcesL, IDE);
+ TSpDelphiIDE.AddToSearchPath(SourcesL, FIDEVersion);
// Expand SearchPath, replace $(Delphi) and $(BDS) with real directories
// and enclose the paths with " " to transform it to a valid
// comma delimited string for the -U switch.
- L.Text := TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(TSpDelphiIDE.GetSearchPath(IDE, False), IDE);
+ L.Text := TSpDelphiIDE.ExpandMacros(TSpDelphiIDE.GetSearchPath(FIDEVersion, False), FIDEVersion);
L.Text := StringReplace(L.Text, ';', #13#10, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
for I := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
L[I] := '"' + L[I] + '"';
@@ -1171,7 +1220,7 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
// Save the DCC32.CFG file on the Package directory
DCCConfig := TPath.Combine(WorkDir, 'DCC32.CFG');
- R := IDETypes[IDE].IDERegistryPath;
+ R := IDETypes[FIDEVersion].IDERegistryPath;
// SearchPath
L.Add('-U' + S);
@@ -1185,17 +1234,17 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
L.Add('-R' + S);
// BPL Output
- S := TSpDelphiIDE.GetBPLOutputDir(IDE);
+ S := TSpDelphiIDE.GetBPLOutputDir(FIDEVersion);
L.Add('-LE"' + S + '"');
// DCP Output
- S := TSpDelphiIDE.GetDCPOutputDir(IDE);
+ S := TSpDelphiIDE.GetDCPOutputDir(FIDEVersion);
L.Add('-LN"' + S + '"');
// BPI Output for the compiled packages, required for C++Builder 2006 and above,
// same as DCP Output
- if IDE >= ideDelphi2006 then
+ if FIDEVersion >= ideDelphi2006 then
L.Add('-NB"' + S + '"');
// Unit namespaces for Delphi XE2:
- if IDE >= ideDelphiXE2 then
+ if FIDEVersion >= ideDelphiXE2 then
// Includes, dcc32.exe accepts Includes as a semicolon separated string
// enclosed by double quotes, e.g. "C:\dir1;C:\dir2;C:\dir3"
@@ -1213,8 +1262,8 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
// Add -JL compiler switch to make Hpp files required for C++Builder 2006 and above
// This switch is undocumented:
// http://groups.google.com/group/borland.public.cppbuilder.ide/browse_thread/thread/456bece4c5665459/0c4c61ecec179ca8
- if IDE >= ideDelphi2006 then
- if TSpDelphiIDE.PersonalityInstalled(IDE, persCPPBuilder) then
+ if FIDEVersion >= ideDelphi2006 then
+ if TSpDelphiIDE.PersonalityInstalled(FIDEVersion, persCPPBuilder) then
@@ -1233,7 +1282,7 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
if Assigned(Log) then
Log.Text := Log.Text + DosOutput + #13#10;
if Result then
- Result := RegisterPackage(IDE, Log);
+ Result := RegisterPackage(Log);
@@ -1243,18 +1292,17 @@ function TSpDelphiDPKFile.CompilePackage(DCC: string; IDE: TSpIDEType; SourcesL,
SpWriteLog(Log, SLogErrorCompiling, FDPKFilename, '');
-function TSpDelphiDPKFile.RegisterPackage(IDE: TSpIDEType;
- Log: TStrings): Boolean;
+function TSpDelphiDPKFile.RegisterPackage(Log: TStrings): Boolean;
BPL, RegKey: string;
Result := False;
- if IDE = ideNone then Exit;
+ if FIDEVersion = ideNone then Exit;
// BPL filename
- BPL := TPath.Combine(TSpDelphiIDE.GetBPLOutputDir(IDE), FBPLFilename);
+ BPL := TPath.Combine(TSpDelphiIDE.GetBPLOutputDir(FIDEVersion), FBPLFilename);
- RegKey := IDETypes[IDE].IDERegistryPath + '\Known Packages';
+ RegKey := IDETypes[FIDEVersion].IDERegistryPath + '\Known Packages';
if FOnlyRuntime then begin
SpDeleteRegValue(RegKey, BPL);
@@ -1329,7 +1377,7 @@ procedure TSpComponentPackageList.LoadFromIni(Filename: string);
S := F.ReadString(rvOptionsIniSection, rvMinimumIDE, '');
FMinimumIDE := TSpDelphiIDE.StringToIDEType(S);
if FMinimumIDE = ideNone then
- FMinimumIDE := ideDelphi7;
+ FMinimumIDE := TSpIDEType(1);
// Read Component Packages
@@ -1510,7 +1558,7 @@ function TSpComponentPackageList.CompileAll(BaseFolder: string; IDE: TSpIDEType;
CompileL.CommaText := Item.PackageList[IDE];
for J := 0 to CompileL.Count - 1 do
- DPKList.Add(TSpDelphiDPKFile.Create(TPath.Combine(Item.Destination, CompileL[J])));
+ DPKList.Add(TSpDelphiDPKFile.Create(TPath.Combine(Item.Destination, CompileL[J]), IDE));
@@ -1520,7 +1568,7 @@ function TSpComponentPackageList.CompileAll(BaseFolder: string; IDE: TSpIDEType;
IncludesL.CommaText := StringReplace(Item.Includes, rvBaseFolder, ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(BaseFolder), [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
// Compile and Install
for J := 0 to DPKList.Count - 1 do
- if not DPKList[J].CompilePackage(DCC, IDE, SourcesL, IncludesL, Log, TempDir) then
+ if not DPKList[J].CompilePackage(DCC, SourcesL, IncludesL, Log, TempDir) then
diff --git a/Source/unit1.dfm b/Source/unit1.dfm
index 5d4c753..1b45323 100644
--- a/Source/unit1.dfm
+++ b/Source/unit1.dfm
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ object Form1: TForm1
Align = alClient
Style = tsFlatButtons
TabOrder = 0
- ExplicitWidth = 491
- ExplicitHeight = 264
object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
Caption = 'TabSheet1'
TabVisible = False
@@ -149,8 +147,6 @@ object Form1: TForm1
ParentBackground = False
ParentColor = True
TabOrder = 1
- ExplicitTop = 324
- ExplicitWidth = 491
DesignSize = (
@@ -193,7 +189,6 @@ object Form1: TForm1
Action = aNext
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
TabOrder = 0
- ExplicitLeft = 307
object ButtonBack: TButton
Left = 235
@@ -223,7 +218,6 @@ object Form1: TForm1
Color = clWhite
ParentBackground = False
TabOrder = 2
- ExplicitWidth = 491
object LabelTitle: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 15
diff --git a/Source/unit1.pas b/Source/unit1.pas
index 4d00810..3dcf09b 100644
--- a/Source/unit1.pas
+++ b/Source/unit1.pas
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ interface
IniFiles, Actions, SpComponentInstaller;
- rvMultiInstallerVersion = 'Silverpoint MultiInstaller 3.5.9';
+ rvMultiInstallerVersion = 'Silverpoint MultiInstaller 3.5.10';
rvMultiInstallerLink = 'http://www.silverpointdevelopment.com';