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Verite E2E Demo

This package contains examples showcasing issuance, verification, and revocation of Verifiable Credentials using the Verite protocols.

Additional examples showcase a DeFi use-case and smart contract integration, and a central custody service example in which Verifiable Credentials are generated dynamically.

Getting Started


  • Node.js v14
  • npm v7 or greater (npm i -g npm@7)


This package is set up as an npm workspace (requires npm v7 or greater), and as such, the dependencies for all included packages are installed from the root level using npm install. Do not run npm install from this directory.

From the root of the monorepo, run:

npm run setup

Starting the app

From the root of the monorepo, simply run:

npm run dev

Folder Structure

This app is built with next.js. Next.js is a development framework for React which has automatic routing (based on folder structure), server-side rendering, and other optimizations. Next.js maintains a folder structure which maps directly to app routes. For example, the file pages/hello.tsx would map to the route /hello.

The folder structure is as follows:

pages/       Contains top-level React components which are treated as "pages" mapped to an HTTP route
pages/api    Contains Server-Side API routes
components/  Contains shared React components
hooks/       Contains shared React hooks
lib/         Contains code shared between React front end and the API backend
prisma/    Contains the database schema and seeds

The root App React component is located in pages/_app.tsx. The root page for this demo is located at pages/index.tsx.

You can read more about the Next.js folder structure in their documentation.


This app uses a local sqlite database to maintain state, and uses prisma to access the database from code.

There are several database scripts which can be helpful during development:

Migrate the database

npm run db:migrate

Reset local database (rebuild and seed)

npm run db:reset

Seed local database

npm run db:seed

Inspect local database contents

npm run prisma studio


Demo faucets are not working on the Goerli Testnet

In some cases, the testnet faucets we use have run out of Eth. You should manually fill these faucets using a Goerli faucet (such as

The addresses to fill are:

  • 0x71CB05EE1b1F506fF321Da3dac38f25c0c9ce6E1
  • 0x695f7BC02730E0702bf9c8C102C254F595B24161
