diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f22e4572561 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatStandard = combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = An armoured helmet with a yellow visor and dual head-mounted lights. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatOfficer = security combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatStandard.desc } +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatMedical = medical combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = A lightweight armoured helmet with full-face blue visor and head-mounted light. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatCorpsman = corpsman combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatMedical.desc } +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatRiot = riot combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = A heavy armoured helmet with a sealed visor with yellow slits and dual head-mounted lights. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatWarden = warden's riot combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatRiot.desc } +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatAdvanced = advanced combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = A light but durable helmet with full-face protection and four head-mounted lights. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatHoS = head of security's advanced combat tacsuit helmet + .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCombatAdvanced.desc } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..43e0cc6c958 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatStandard = combat tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed to protect its user against all manner of enemy combatants in low pressure environments. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatOfficer = security combat tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed to protect its user against all manner of enemy combatants in low pressure environments. This one has station security markings. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatMedical = medical combat tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed to allow its user greater mobility for superior support of friendly units in active combat zones. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatCorpsman = corpsman combat tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed to allow its user greater mobility for superior support of friendly units in active combat zones. This one has station security markings. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatRiot = riot tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed for crowd control against armed combatants in low pressure environments. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatWarden = warden's riot tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit designed for crowd control against armed combatants in low pressure environments. This one has station security and warden's rank markings. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatAdvanced = advanced combat tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit of second-generation design, providing unparalleled protection against all manner of kinetic forces in low pressure environments. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCombatHoS = head of security's advanced tacsuit + .desc = A purpose-built combat suit of second-generation design, providing unparalleled protection against all manner of kinetic forces in low pressure environments. This one has station security and commander's rank markings. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8be3f679ac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hardsuit-helmets.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBasic = basic vacsuit helmet + .desc = A common vacsuit helmet that provides little more than basic protection from vacuum. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitAtmos = atmos hardsuit helmet + .desc = A special hardsuit helmet designed for working in low-pressure, high thermal environments. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineering = engineering hardsuit helmet + .desc = An engineering hardsuit helmet designed for working in low-pressure, high radioactive environments. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSpatio = spationaut hardsuit helmet + .desc = A sturdy helmet designed for complex industrial operations in space. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSalvage = salvage hardsuit helmet + .desc = A special helmet designed for work in a hazardous, low pressure environment. Has reinforced plating for wildlife encounters and dual floodlights. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMaxim = salvager maxim helmet + .desc = A predication of decay washes over your mind. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurity = security hardsuit helmet + .desc = Armored hardsuit helmet for security needs. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBrigmedic = corpsman hardsuit helmet + .desc = The lightweight helmet of the corpsman hardsuit. Protects against viruses, and clowns. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWarden = warden's hardsuit helmet + .desc = A modified riot helmet. Oddly comfortable. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCap = captain's hardsuit helmet + .desc = Special hardsuit helmet, made for the captain of the station. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineeringWhite = chief engineer's hardsuit helmet + .desc = Special hardsuit helmet, made for the chief engineer of the station. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMedical = ZhP-41m helmet + .desc = An extraordinarily lightweight helmet designed for use with the Ōkuninushi vacsuit. + It is primarily made from transparent hard-plastics, but its true value comes from a complete freedom of vision. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitRd = experimental research hardsuit helmet + .desc = Lightweight hardsuit helmet that doesn't restrict your head movements. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurityRed = head of security's hardsuit helmet + .desc = Security hardsuit helmet with the latest top secret NT-HUD software. Belongs to the HoS. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLuxury = luxury mining hardsuit helmet + .desc = A refurbished mining hardsuit helmet, fitted with satin cushioning and an extra (non-functioning) antenna, because you're that extra. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndie = CSA-51a helmet + .desc = A heavily armored helmet deployed over a Shanlin tacsuit. This one is painted the color of freshly-spilt blood. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieMedic = CSA-51m helmet + .desc = The Zhōngyào tacsuit's helmet features optic integrations for nearly every medical hud on the market, + it is designed to enable the survival of combat medics in the most dangerous of environments. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieElite = CSA-54UA helmet + .desc = An elite version of the blood-red hardsuit's helmet, with improved armor and fireproofing. Property of Gorlex Marauders. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieCommander = CSA-54c helmet + .desc = A bulked up version of the blood-red hardsuit's helmet, purpose-built for the commander of a syndicate operative squad. Has significantly improved armor for those deadly front-lines firefights. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCybersun = CSA-80UA helmet + .desc = Made of compressed red matter, this helmet was designed in the Tau chromosphere facility. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWizard = wizard hardsuit helmet + .desc = A bizarre gem-encrusted helmet that radiates magical energies. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLing = organic space helmet + .desc = A spaceworthy biomass of pressure and temperature resistant tissue. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateEVA = deep space EVA helmet + .desc = A deep space EVA helmet, very heavy but provides good protection. + .suffix = Pirate +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateCap = pirate captain's hardsuit helmet + .desc = A special hardsuit helmet, made for the captain of a pirate ship. + .suffix = Pirate +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTLeader = ERT leader tacsuit helmet + .desc = A special tacsuit helmet worn by members of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTEngineer = ERT engineer tacsuit helmet + .desc = A special tacsuit helmet worn by members of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTMedical = ERT medic tacsuit helmet + .desc = A special tacsuit helmet worn by members of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTSecurity = ERT security tacsuit helmet + .desc = A special tacsuit helmet worn by members of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTJanitor = ERT janitor tacsuit helmet + .desc = A special tacsuit helmet worn by members of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetCBURN = CBURN exosuit helmet + .desc = A pressure resistant and fireproof hood worn by special cleanup units. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitDeathsquad = deathsquad tacsuit helmet + .desc = A robust helmet for special operations. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitClown = clown hardsuit helmet + .desc = A clown hardsuit helmet. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMime = mime hardsuit helmet + .desc = A mime hardsuit helmet. +ent-ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSanta = Santa's hardsuit helmet + .desc = A festive-looking hardsuit helmet that provides the jolly gift-giver protection from low-pressure environments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..25c1a10589d --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/prototypes/entities/clothing/outerClothing/hardsuits.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitBasic = basic vacsuit + .desc = A common, colonial-era vacsuit of indeterminate make and model. It's strictly better than nothing, but not by much. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitAtmos = atmos hardsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has thermal shielding. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineering = engineering hardsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has radiation shielding. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSpatio = spationaut hardsuit + .desc = A lightweight hardsuit designed for industrial EVA in zero gravity. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSalvage = mining hardsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has reinforced plating for wildlife encounters. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitMaxim = salvager maxim tacsuit + .desc = Fire. Heat. These things forge great weapons, they also forge great salvagers. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurity = security tacsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has an additional layer of armor. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitBrigmedic = corpsman tacsuit + .desc = Special hardsuit of the guardian angel of the brig. It is the medical version of the security hardsuit. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitWarden = warden's tacsuit + .desc = A specialized riot suit geared to combat low pressure environments. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCap = captain's armored tacsuit + .desc = A formal armored spacesuit, made for the station's captain. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineeringWhite = chief engineer's hardsuit + .desc = A special hardsuit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments, made for the chief engineer of the station. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitMedical = ZhP-25m - "Ōkuninushi" hardsuit + .desc = A hardsuit manufactured by Zeng-hu Pharmaceuticals, often purchased for use by Nanotrasen senior medical staff. + It features an extraordinarily lightweight, chemical resistant hard plastic shell. With articulated protective layers attached to a silk-lined bodyglove. + Though offering no protection from physical trauma, it is favored by medical personel for its incredible agility. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitRd = experimental research hardsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has an additional layer of armor. Able to be compressed to small sizes. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurityRed = head of security's tacsuit + .desc = A special suit that protects against hazardous, low pressure environments. Has an additional layer of armor. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitLuxury = luxury mining hardsuit + .desc = A refurbished mining hardsuit, fashioned after the Logistics Officer's colors. Graphene lining provides less protection, but is much easier to move. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndie = CSA-51a - "Shanlin" tacsuit + .desc = A tactical combat hardsuit produced by the Cybersun-Armaments Corporation. + This one has been painted the color of freshly spilled blood. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieMedic = CSA-51m - "Zhōngyào" tacsuit + .desc = A tactical combat hardsuit produced by the Cybersun-Armaments Corporation. + Half of the suit is painted the color of lung-blood, the rest bears galactic-standard medical markings. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieElite = CSA-54UA - "Shìwèi" tacsuit + .desc = An "Up-Armored" tactical combat hardsuit produced by the Cybersun-Armaments Corporation. + Compared to the previous Model-51, this suit replaces the traditional steel plating with exotic alloys commonly found in starfighter hulls. + This affords the wearer unparalleled agility and protection from energy weaponry, though its protection against ballistics is below average. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieCommander = CSA-54c - "Tiānmìng" tacsuit + .desc = A "Commander" tactical combat hardsuit produced by the Cybersun-Armaments Corporation. + The Tiānmìng favors unparalleled protection against ballistic weaponry. + No self respecting fire team leader would ever willingly leave home without a fine suit such as this. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitJuggernaut = CSA-80UA - "Guan Yu" tacsuit + .desc = The pride and joy of the Cybersun-Armaments Corporation, named after an ancient Sol' War God. For when no cost is too great for personal protection. + Commonly known by others throughout the galaxy as a "Juggernaut", this tacsuit is feared by all who face it. + It features bulky, overlapping layers of composite armor, giving its wearer protection unmatched by any armor short of a mech. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitWizard = wizard hardsuit + .desc = A bizarre gem-encrusted suit that radiates magical energies. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitLing = organic vacsuit + .desc = A spaceworthy biomass of pressure and temperature resistant tissue. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateEVA = pirate vacsuit + .desc = A heavy space suit that provides some basic protection from the cold harsh realities of deep space. + .suffix = Pirate +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateCap = pirate captain's hardsuit + .desc = An ancient armored hardsuit, perfect for defending against space scurvy and toolbox-wielding scallywags. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader = ERT leader's tacsuit + .desc = A protective hardsuit worn by the leader of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer = ERT engineer's tacsuit + .desc = A protective hardsuit worn by the engineers of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical = ERT medic's tacsuit + .desc = A protective hardsuit worn by the medics of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity = ERT security's tacsuit + .desc = A protective hardsuit worn by the security officers of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitERTJanitor = ERT janitor's tacsuit + .desc = A protective hardsuit worn by the janitors of an emergency response team. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitDeathsquad = death squad hardsuit + .desc = An advanced hardsuit favored by commandos for use in special operations. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitCBURN = CBURN exosuit + .desc = A lightweight yet strong exosuit used for special cleanup operations. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitClown = clown hardsuit + .desc = A custom-made clown hardsuit. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitMime = mime hardsuit + .desc = A custom-made mime hardsuit. +ent-ClothingOuterHardsuitSanta = Santa's hardsuit + .desc = A festive, cheerful hardsuit that protects the jolly gift-giver while on sleighrides in space. Offers some resistance against asteroid strikes. \ No newline at end of file