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SinisterRectus edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 61 revisions

Discordia is an asynchronous Discord API library written in Lua for the Luvit runtime. Here, you can find tutorials and API references for the library. You can find more general information about Discordia in the repository's readme and more general information about Luvit at

Reading the documentation here should answer most of your questions. If you are still having trouble, visit our Discord channel.

Discord Documentation

Discord has its own official API documentation. Reading this is recommended, as it may supplement the Discordia documentation found here.




This is an index of Discordia classes and their properties and methods. This information can also be viewed by calling the help method on any Discordia object or class.

In addition to the documented methods, a get methods exists for every property, a set method exists for every mutable property, and get and find methods exist for the documented cached objects. See the topics above for more information about this.

With a few exceptions, Discord object methods and property mutators use asynchronous HTTP or WebSocket functions and must be called from within a coroutine or a client event callback (which is pre-wrapped with a coroutine). If you receive an "attempt to yield across C-call boundary" error, then you need to wrap the relevant code with a coroutine.




Discord Objects

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