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Crash on startup with Beta 28 (Beta 27 doesn't crash) #574

TechSupportRed opened this issue Dec 3, 2023 · 4 comments

Crash on startup with Beta 28 (Beta 27 doesn't crash) #574

TechSupportRed opened this issue Dec 3, 2023 · 4 comments
needs info Further information is requested


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Describe the bug

As soon as I launch the game, I immediately crash on Beta 28, but beta 27 works perfectly fine

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Beta 28
  2. Install mods in additional context
  3. Crash on startup


Additional context

Modpack is running forge 47.1.3 with Adoptium Java and my launch arguements are:
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:NmethodSweepActivity=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400M -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=12M -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods -XX:MaxNodeLimit=240000 -XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor=8000 -XX:+UseVectorCmov -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps -XX:+UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1 -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=3

All mods that ar e installed:
- achiopt 1.0.2
- ad_astra 1.15.5
- ad_astra_giselle_addon 5.8
- ad_astra_proxima_plus 0.1.7
- adaptive_performance_tweaks_core 10.2.0
- adaptive_performance_tweaks_gamerules 10.0.0
- adaptive_performance_tweaks_items 10.0.0
- adaptive_performance_tweaks_player 10.0.0
- adaptive_performance_tweaks_spawn 10.2.0
- additional_lights 2.1.7
- adorn 5.0.0+1.20.1
- advanced_runtime_resource_pack 0.6.7
- ae2 15.0.15
- ae2wtlib 15.1.5-forge
- aeroblender 1.20.1-1.0.1-neoforge
- aether 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1.4-neoforge
- aether_redux 1.20.1
- aiimprovements 0.5.2
- alexscaves 1.0.8
- amecsapi 1.5.3+mc1.20-pre1
- another_furniture 1.20.1-3.0.1
- apexcore 10.0.0
- appmek 1.4.2
- aquaculture 2.5.1
- aquamirae 6.API15
- architectury 9.1.12
- artifacts 9.2.0
- athena 3.1.1
- attributefix 21.0.4
- balm 7.1.4
- beautify 2.0.2
- bedrockify 1.9.1mc1.20
- bedrockwaters
- bellsandwhistles 0.4.3-1.20.x
- betterbeds 1.3.0
- betterf3 1.0
- betterfpsdist 1.20.1-4.1
- bettermodsbutton 8.0.2
- biggerreactors 0.6.0-beta.10.4
- blue_endless_jankson 1.2.3
- blue_skies 1.3.29
- boatbreakfix 1.0.2
- bobberdetector
- botarium 2.2.1
- canary 0.2.7
- carrotconfig
- cataclysm 1.0
- catalogue 1.8.0
- cfm 7.0.0-pre36
- chipped 3.0.1
- christmasfestivity 1.20.1-1.6.2-forge
- citadel 2.4.9
- citresewn 1.20.1-5
- clienttweaks 11.1.0
- cloth_config 11.1.106
- com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras 0.2.0-beta.8
- commonality 7.0.0
- connectivity 1.20.1-4.8
- connectorextras 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_architectury_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_continuity_compat 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_emi_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_energy_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_geckolib_fabric_compat 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_modmenu_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_rei_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectorextras_terrablender_bridge 1.7.0+1.20.1
- connectormod 1.0.0-beta.28+1.20.1
- consolesounds 1.2.0
- continuity 3.0.0-beta.41.20.1
- controllable 0.20.3
- controlling 12.0.1
- cookingforblockheads 16.0.1
- corpse 1.20.1-1.0.9
- cosmeticarmorreworked 1.20.1-v1a
- create 0.5.1.f
- create_confectionery 1.1.0
- create_crush_everything 1.0.2
- create_dragon_lib 1.3.3
- create_enchantment_industry 1.2.7.g
- create_mechanical_extruder 1.20.1-1.5.7.e-22
- create_new_age 1.0.1b
- create_power_loader 1.2.2-mc1.20.1
- create_things_and_misc 1.0.0
- createaddition 1.20.1-1.2.0b
- createarmory 0.5
- createbb 3.1.1
- createcasing 1.20.1-1.5.0-ht2
- createchromaticreturn 1.0.0
- createdieselgenerators 1.20.1-1.2e
- creategbd
- createsifter 1.20.1-1.8.1.e-22
- createsweetsandtreets 1.0.0
- cuisinedelight 1.1.11
- culllessleaves 1.20.1-1.0.5
- cumulus_menus 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1-neoforge
- cupboard 1.20.1-2.1
- curios 5.4.5+1.20.1
- davebuildingmod 5.0
- decorative_blocks 4.0.2
- deep_aether 1.20.1-1.0.12
- deeperdarker 1.2.1
- diagonalblocks 8.0.3
- diagonalfences 8.1.2
- diagonalwindows 8.1.3
- distinguishedpotions 8.0.2
- drinkbeer 1.0.4
- easyanvils 8.0.1
- easymagic 8.0.1
- embeddium 0.2.10+mc1.20.1
- embeddiumplus 1.0.1
- emotecraft
- endrem 5.2.3-R-1.20.1
- enhancedblockentities 0.91.20
- entity_model_features 1.1.0
- entity_texture_features 4.6.1
- entityculling 1.6.2
- epherolib 0.1.2
- exdeorum 1.9
- expandability 9.0.0
- fabric_api 0.90.7+1.10.3+1.20.1
- fabric_api_base 0.4.30+ef105b4977
- fabric_api_lookup_api_v1 1.6.35+67f9824077
- fabric_biome_api_v1 13.0.12+dd0389a577
- fabric_block_api_v1 1.0.10+0e6cb7f777
- fabric_block_view_api_v2 1.0.0+0767707077
- fabric_blockrenderlayer_v1 1.1.40+1d0da21e77
- fabric_client_tags_api_v1 1.1.1+5d6761b877
- fabric_command_api_v1 1.2.33+f71b366f77
- fabric_command_api_v2 2.2.12+561530ec77
- fabric_content_registries_v0 4.0.10+a670df1e77
- fabric_convention_tags_v1 1.5.4+fa3d1c0177
- fabric_data_generation_api_v1 12.3.2+369cb3a477
- fabric_dimensions_v1 2.1.53+8005d10d77
- fabric_entity_events_v1 1.5.22+b909fbe377
- fabric_events_interaction_v0 0.6.1+0d0bd5a777
- fabric_game_rule_api_v1 1.0.39+461110ab77
- fabric_item_api_v1 2.1.27+2272fc7f77
- fabric_item_group_api_v1 4.0.11+9801bf5177
- fabric_key_binding_api_v1 1.0.36+561530ec77
- fabric_lifecycle_events_v1 2.2.21+afab492177
- fabric_loot_api_v2 1.2.0+eb28f93e77
- fabric_message_api_v1 5.1.8+52cc178c77
- fabric_mining_level_api_v1 2.1.49+561530ec77
- fabric_model_loading_api_v1 1.0.2+142e25ab77
- fabric_models_v0 0.4.1+7c3892a477
- fabric_networking_api_v1 1.3.10+503a202477
- fabric_object_builder_api_v1 11.1.2+2174fc8477
- fabric_particles_v1 1.1.1+78e1ecb877
- fabric_recipe_api_v1 1.0.20+514a076577
- fabric_registry_sync_v0 2.3.2+1c0ea72177
- fabric_renderer_api_v1 3.2.0+1d29b44577
- fabric_renderer_indigo 1.5.0+67f9824077
- fabric_rendering_data_attachment_v1 0.3.36+a6081afc77
- fabric_rendering_fluids_v1 3.0.27+4ac5e37a77
- fabric_rendering_v1 3.0.7+1c0ea72177
- fabric_resource_conditions_api_v1 2.3.6+369cb3a477
- fabric_resource_loader_v0 0.11.9+142e25ab77
- fabric_screen_api_v1 2.0.7+45a670a577
- fabric_screen_handler_api_v1 1.3.29+561530ec77
- fabric_sound_api_v1 1.0.12+4f23bd8477
- fabric_transfer_api_v1 3.3.2+51502a0077
- fabric_transitive_access_wideners_v1 4.3.0+1880499877
- fancymenu 2.14.9
- fantasyfurniture 9.0.0
- farmersdelight 1.20.1-1.2.3
- faster_entity_animations 1.6
- fastipping 1.0.0
- fastitems 1.0.0
- fastload 3.4.0
- fastpaintings 1.20-1.2.3
- fastrandom 1.4.2
- ferritecore 6.0.1
- festive_delight 1.0.0
- feytweaks 1.20-1.2.7
- fishofthieves 3.0.2
- flib 0.0.11
- fluxnetworks
- flywheel 0.6.10-7
- forge 47.1.3
- forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0
- forgeconfigscreens 8.0.2
- framedblocks 9.1.6
- framework 0.6.16
- fusion 1.1.0b
- garnished 1.3-hotfix-2+1.20.1
- geckolib 4.2.4
- goldenagecombat 8.0.0
- gpumemleakfix 1.20.1-1.8
- handcrafted 3.0.5
- helditemtooltips 8.0.0
- iammusicplayer 3.22.0-alpha.2
- immediatelyfast 1.2.7+1.20.2
- immersive_aircraft 0.6.2+1.20.1
- immersive_armors 1.6.1+1.20.1
- immersive_paintings 0.6.7+1.20.1
- interiors 0.5.2
- jade 11.6.3
- jadeaddons 5.2.1
- jankson 6.0.0j1.2.3
- jei
- kiwi 11.1.1
- konkrete 1.6.1
- koremods 1.0.0
- kotlinforforge 4.7.0
- krypton 0.2.3
- l2library 2.4.14
- lazurite 1.0.1+mc1.20.1
- lazy_language_loader 0.3.3
- libgui
- libninepatch 1.2.0
- loadmyresources 1.0.4
- lost_aether_content 1.2.2
- lucent 1.5.4
- maidensmerrymaking 1.0.0
- manyideas_christmas 1.0.0
- manyideas_core 1.4.2
- manyideas_doors 1.2.3
- mcef 2.1.4-1.20.1
- mcwbridges 2.1.1
- mcwfences 1.0.7
- mcwlights 1.0.6
- mcwroofs 2.2.4b
- mcwtrpdoors 1.1.2
- mcwwindows 2.2.0
- mekanism 10.4.5
- mekanismgenerators 10.4.5
- memoryleakfix 1.1.2
- mgbuttons 2.2.1build.1853ad23a8
- mgbuttons_1_20_1 2.2.1build.1853ad23a8
- midnightlib 1.4.1
- minecraft 1.20.1
- mixinextras 0.2.0-beta.9
- mixinsquared 0.1.1
- modelfix 1.14
- modernfix 5.9.3+mc1.20.1
- modmenu 7.2.2
- molten_vents 2.0.5
- moonlight 1.20-2.8.67
- mousetweaks 2.25
- mutil 6.1.1
- myserveriscompatible 1.0
- naturalist 4.0.3
- nerb 0.3
- nightconfigfixes 8.0.0
- nitrogen_internals 1.20.1-0.1.3-neoforge
- novacore 1.0.0
- obscure_api 15
- oldpotions 0.0NONE
- otyacraftengine 3.7.0-alpha.2
- packetfixer 1.2.1
- panorama_screens 1.0+forge+mc1.20
- paperdoll 1.1.1
- patchouli 1.20.1-81-FORGE
- phosphophyllite 0.7.0-alpha
- pizzacraft 7.0.7
- playeranimator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20
- ppfluids 2.0.1
- prettypipes 1.15.0
- puzzlesaccessapi 8.0.7
- puzzleslib 8.1.9
- quartz 0.2.0-alpha
- radiantgear 2.1.2+1.20.1
- railways 1.5.3+forge-mc1.20.1
- reach_entity_attributes 2.4.0
- rechiseled 1.1.5c
- rechiseledcreate 1.0.1
- recipeessentials 1.20.1-3.2
- recipes_lib 2.0.1
- redirector 1.20.1-4.4.0
- reeses_sodium_options 1.0.4
- resourcefulconfig 2.1.0
- resourcefullib 2.1.18
- rrls 3.2.0-1.20.1-forge
- rubidium 0.7.1
- saturn 0.0.7
- searchables 1.0.2
- sereneseasonfix 1.20.1-1.0.8
- sereneseasons
- shulkerboxtooltip 4.0.4+1.20.1
- sit 1.3.3
- sliceanddice 3.2.0
- smallships 2.0.0-a2.3.3
- smoothboot 0.0.3
- snowrealmagic 9.0.2
- snowyspirit 1.20-2.2.6
- solarpanels 1.5.8
- sophisticatedbackpacks
- sophisticatedcore
- sophisticatedstorage
- spelunkers_charm 1.0.0
- spruceui
- structure_gel 2.15.1
- stylisheffects 8.0.0
- supermartijn642configlib 1.1.8
- supermartijn642corelib 1.1.15
- supplementaries 1.20-2.7.4
- sushigocrafting 0.4.3
- swplanets 1.1.0
- tact 1.0.5
- terrablender
- tetra 6.1.0
- tetracelium 1.0.1
- textrues_embeddium_options 0.1.3+mc1.20.1
- tiltbreak 1.20.1-1.4FE
- titanium 3.8.23
- twilightforest 4.3.1893
- undergarden 0.8.9
- venus 0.0.1
- visualworkbench 8.0.0
- voidscape 1.20.1-1.5.310
- webdisplays 2.0.1-1.20.1
- wi_zoom 1.5-MC1.20.1-Forge
- world_host 0.4.6
- xaerominimapfair 23.8.2
- yet_another_config_lib_v3 3.2.1+1.20

@TechSupportRed TechSupportRed added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 3, 2023
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Su5eD commented Dec 3, 2023

Please upload a crash report or launcher log

@Su5eD Su5eD added needs info Further information is requested and removed bug Something isn't working labels Dec 3, 2023
@Su5eD Su5eD moved this from 🆕 New to ❓Needs info in Connector Triage Dec 3, 2023
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TechSupportRed commented Dec 3, 2023

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Su5eD commented Dec 3, 2023

Unfortunately, neither of the two logs contain the crash stacktrace or expection. Please upload your crash report or launcher log.

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Fixed in Beta 29, I believe it was related to #572 and #571 as I had both of those mods installed.

@github-project-automation github-project-automation bot moved this from ❓Needs info to ✅ Done in Connector Triage Dec 6, 2023
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needs info Further information is requested
Status: ✅ Done

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2 participants