diff --git a/.changeset/strong-islands-relax.md b/.changeset/strong-islands-relax.md
index 580a77e1a3..d0266f9ebd 100644
--- a/.changeset/strong-islands-relax.md
+++ b/.changeset/strong-islands-relax.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
**Fixed:** `
` elements are now considered as respecting their specified dimensions
` elements whose `width` or `height` is specified are now considered to respect it when computing their concrete dimensions (i.e., they rescale rather than overflow, independantly from the `overflow` property).
` elements whose `width` or `height` is specified are now considered to respect it when computing their concrete dimensions (i.e., they rescale rather than overflow, independently from the `overflow` property).
-This is especially meaningful for tracking pixels with specified dimensions of 0 that are now correcly considered as invisible.
+This is especially meaningful for tracking pixels with specified dimensions of 0 that are now correctly considered as invisible.