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CRD Testing with CTY

From version v0.8.0 cty supports the command test.

test supports testing CRD schemas against snapshots of generated YAML files that satisfy the schema or small snippets of yaml strings.

Adding this test to your CRDs makes sure that any modification on the CRD will not break a generated snapshot of the CRD. This is from version to version, meaning the tests will make sure that API version is respected.


Let's look at an example.

Consider the following test suite definition that loosely follows the syntax of helm unittest definitions:

suite: test crd bootstrap
template: crd-bootstrap/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml # should point to a CRD that is regularly updated like in a helm chart.
  - it: matches bootstrap crds correctly
      - matchSnapshot:
          # this will generate one snapshot / CRD version and match all of them to the right version of the CRD
          path: sample-tests/__snapshots__
      - matchSnapshot:
          path: sample-tests/__snapshots__
          # generates a yaml file
          minimal: true
  - it: matches some custom stuff
      - matchString:
          apiVersion: v1alpha1 # this will match this exact version only from the list of versions in the CRD
          kind: Bootstrap

Put this into a file called bootstrap_test.yaml.

IMPORTANT: test will only consider yaml files that end with _test.yaml.

One test is per CRD file. A single CRD file, however, can contain multiple apiVersions. Therefore, it's important to only target a specific version with a snapshot, otherwise, we might be testing something that is broken intentionally.

Now, we can run test like this:

./bin/cty test sample-tests

The locations in the suite are relative to the execution location.

Running test like this, will match the following snapshots with the given CRD assuming we have two version v1alpha1 and v1beta1:

  • bootstrap_crd-v1alpha1.yaml
  • bootstrap_crd-v1alpha1.min.yaml
  • bootstrap_crd-v1beta1.yaml
  • bootstrap_crd-v1beta1.min.yaml

Note: At this release version the minimal version needs to be adjusted because it will generate an empty object without the closing {}.

If everything is okay, it will generate an output like this:

./bin/cty test sample-tests
| STATUS | IT                               | MATCHER       | ERROR | TEMPLATE                             |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly | matchSnapshot |       | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly | matchSnapshot |       | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |
| PASS   | matches some custom stuff        | matchString   |       | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |

Tests total: 3, failed: 0, passed: 3

If there was an error, it should look something like this:

./bin/cty test sample-tests
| STATUS | IT                               | MATCHER       | ERROR                                                                            | TEMPLATE                             |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |
| FAIL   | matches some custom stuff        | matchString   | matcher returned failure: failed to validate kind Bootstrap and version v1alpha1 | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml |
|        |                                  |               | : spec.source.url in body must be of type object: "null"                         |                                      |

Tests total: 3, failed: 1, passed: 2

In the above failing example, we forgot to define the URL field for source. Similarly, if the regex changes for a field we should error and be alerted that it's a breaking change for any existing users.

./bin/cty test sample-tests
| STATUS | IT                                | MATCHER       | ERROR                                                                            | TEMPLATE                                                           |
| PASS   | matches AWSCluster crds correctly | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io_awsclusters.yaml |
| PASS   | matches AWSCluster crds correctly | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io_awsclusters.yaml |
| PASS   | matches AWSCluster crds correctly | matchString   |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io_awsclusters.yaml |
| FAIL   | matches AWSCluster crds correctly | matchString   | matcher returned failure: failed to validate kind AWSCluster and version v1beta2 | sample-tests/crds/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io_awsclusters.yaml |
|        |                                   |               | : in body should match '^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$'   |                                                                    |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly  | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml                               |
| PASS   | matches bootstrap crds correctly  | matchSnapshot |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml                               |
| PASS   | matches some custom stuff         | matchString   |                                                                                  | sample-tests/crds/bootstrap_crd.yaml                               |

Tests total: 7, failed: 1, passed: 6

Updating Snapshots

In order to generate snapshots for CRDs, simply add --update to the command:

./bin/cty test sample-tests --update

It should generate all snapshots and overwrite existing snapshots under the specified folder of the snapshot matcher. Meaning consider the following yaml snippet from the above test:

      - matchSnapshot:
          # this will generate one snapshot / CRD version and match all of them to the right version of the CRD
          path: sample-tests/__snapshots__

Provided this path the generated snapshots would end up under sample-tests/__snapshots__ folder with a generated name that will match the template field in the suite. If template field is changed, regenerate the tests and delete any outdated snapshots.


For further examples, please see under sample-tests.