Here is a brief tour of where to find important parts of the game's code.
cmd/doodle/main.go is the main function for Sketchy Maze and handles the command line flags and bootstrapping the game.
pkg/doodle.go holds the root Doodle (d
) struct, the base object for the meat of the program - its setup funcs and MainLoop are here.
The gameplay is divided into scenes, each in a pkg/*_scene.go file:
- MainScene is the title screen (default)
- PlayScene is play mode
- EditScene is the level editor, etc.
pkg/scene.go defines the interface for Scene itself and the d.Goto(scene)
The game changes scenes with Goto and the MainLoop calls the active scene's functions (Loop and Draw).
This package provides the generic JavaScript API used by the developer console and doodads.
pkg/scripting/js_api.go defines global and generic JavaScript functions to doodads' scope, e.g.:
- console.log and friends
- Sound.Play
- RGBA, Point, and Vector
- Flash, GetTick
- time.Now() and friends
- Events
- setTimeout, setInterval..
- Self: provided externally.
The home of MakeScriptAPI() which installs various Play Mode objects into the script's environment, e.g.
- Actors and Level API
- Self: a surface of uix.Actor capabilities that point to the local actor.
The algorithmic stuff is here - the collision package focused on just the math and general types to handle logic for:
- Collision with level geometry ('pixel perfect')
- Collision between actors
- BoundingRect and collision boxes