A CDN base url that will be prefixed to the request path when serving images.
Example: CDNBaseurl for Dev environment: https://dev-cdn.nationalcareersservice.org.uk. if we set CDNBaseUrl then 'insert media' in html editor adds the CDN localtion to image tag like as : <img src="https://dev-cdn.nationalcareersservice.org.uk/media/image-123.jpg?202103091206" alt="image-123.jpg" data-source="CDN"
Config settings:
"OrchardCore": {
"OrchardCore_Media_Azure": {
"ConnectionString": "__MediaAzureBlobConnectionString__",
"ContainerName": "__MediaContainerName__",
"BasePath": "__MediaBasePath__",
"CreateContainer": false
set CreateContainer property to false to use existing Container Name. This setting helps to prevent to create new container from STAX Editor.