- Improved coloring of log messages
- Print logs history on exit to allow copying data from commands
- Added navigation using VIM keys (hjlk) within the canvas
- Refactored entire codebase
- Fixed a lot of small errors
- Inverse mandelbrot set
command- Custom burning ship exponent
- Beautiful log messages
- Bug with custom exponents
- Errors in help messages
- New render parameters
- Julia/Mandelbrot custom exponents
- Custom Mandelbrot start point
- State files are not compatible with previous versions.
- New state file format for better performance and compatibility with future versions.
- Bug with middle clicks
- Fixed typos
- Zoom out click mode
- Prevent clicks outside of the canvas to be registered as canvas clicks
- Weird zoom in behaviour
- I made the rendering process a lot faster with a new algorithm, its my first time with multiprocessing
- Minor display issues
- Bug with click markers
- Click modes
- (dev) Flake8 linting and type-checking
- Bug with state loading
- multithreading (multiprocessing)
command- screenshot threads (also command and cmdline option)
- A lot of new bugs for sure...
- Code quality (a lot)
- Load and save state commands
- #30 screenshots wrongly centered
- Fixed #17 - Custom numeric precision not taken into account
- Average divergence
- Allow cancelling screenshots
command- Value control commands without args now print out the current value
command- Show zoom level in canvas border subtitle
- Some errors in help messages, and better formating
- Fix random error at startup
- Capture command
- CaptureFit command
- MaxIter command
- Extra help for commands (
help command_name
- Errors in help messages
- Command input below log panel
option- Published on PyPI
- Minor imperfections
- Bump click_extra to 4.7.1
- Base code