- enable form validation for widget edit dialog
- custom apply function for edit dialog #152
- add event to toggle editMode
- adding styleClass to widget definition to bind custom css styles #171
- broadcast when dashboard is in edit mode #168
- added support for SCSS syntax in styles #167
- custom add edit templates #120
- added unit test support for angular-dashboard-framework #137
- support for frameless widgets #134
- fix incompatibility with angular 1.2 and 1.3, see issue #187
- check for sortable element before destroy, fix issue #118
- added immediate option to widget config, to fix issue #155
- fix typo rename event adfDashboardCollapseExapand to adfDashboardCollapseExpand, to fix issue #141
- edit widget cancel shouldn't cause the 'widgetConfigChanged' event #140
- added missing documentation for controllerAs of widget edit mode
- fix for widget title being overwritten #139
- update Sortable to version 1.2.1
- update bootstrap to version 3.3.5
- use angular dependency >=1.2 instead of 1.2.28
- Ok-cancel prompt for edit widget #127
- Added enableConfirmDelete option for prompt before widget delete #128
- Collapse and expand all widgets #121
- Add adf-widget-type attribute to panel div #117
- Added the ability to customize the dashboard and widget title templates #116
- Added adfDashboardEditsCancelled broadcast message to cancelEditMode() #114
- Fixed error when moving widget to empty column #119
- support for maximize/minimize option, see #87
- rap the JavaScript code in an IIFE, see #94
- pass model as parameter for widget filter, see #85
- pass maximizable and collapsible as options object, to simplify creation of new attributes, see #101 and #100.
- remove the unused dev dependency json3, see #92
- use backdrop static in $modal options, see #90
- implement more robust method to add new widgets to the model, see #81
- use ng-annotate to annotate unminified version, see issue #84 and #82
- use .adf-move as handle for sortable to fix issue #80
- reimplement drag and drop with Sortable instead of ui-sortable.
- remove jQuery and jQuery-UI dependency
- fix initialization without model attribute, to fix issue #73
- move widgets and structures to separate repositories and use it with git submodules
- use gulp instead of grunt
- build sourcemap of minified files
- added editable option to disable the edit mode, see #68
- fix collapsible option
- fix missing undo button
- switch from Font Awesome to Bootstrap glyphicons, see #56
- added widgetPaths option to replace {widgetsPath} in the templateUrl of widgets
- added missing css to bower main section
- fixed a scope leak #55
- fix missing files in minified version
- remove copy of ui-sortable and use official bower component to fix, see #37
- support for angular.js 1.3, see #42
- Changing dashboard structure copies widgets from previous changed dashboard structure, see #35
- fix bug with the collapsible attribute of the dashboard directive
- support for controllerAs syntax
- added inject value for template path
- added adfVersion inject value
- fixed displaying control btns outside the panel title, when title is long (#30)
- ability to reset dashboard to original view
- support for filtering widgets
- initial release