A simple country code picker on iOS, support chinese,english,spanish,national flag,ISO 3166-1 and calling code.(一个简洁的iOS国家代码选择器,支持中文、英语、西班牙语、国旗、ISO 3166-1、国际电话区号) your can search the ISO 3166 code,calling code or country name,the picker view will refresh automatically according to the content of your search.(你可以搜索ISO 3166码,电话区号或者国家名字,pikerView将会根据你搜索的内容自动更新搜索结果)
Add to your Podfile:
pod 'CountryPickerViewSwift'
And then:
pod install
Import the framework in your code:
import CountryPickerViewSwift
let countryView = CountrySelectView.shared
// countryView.dismiss() //dismiss the picker view
countryView.barTintColor = .gray //default is green
countryView.searchBarPlaceholder = "phone code" //default is "search"
countryView.displayLanguage = .chinese //default is english
countryView.countryNameFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18) //default is UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17)
countryView.countryNameColor = .brown //default is black
countryView.countryPhoneCodeFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10)//default is UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
countryView.countryNameColor = .black //default is gray
countryView.selectedCountryCallBack = { countryDic in
/* countrydic format like
"en": "Angola",
+ "es": "Angola",
"zh": "安哥拉",
"locale": "AO",
"code": 244
"countryImage": UIImage