important definitions:
@ Write a set of bytes then read a set of bytes using the repeated start option
port I2cWriteRead(
addr: U32 @< I2C slave device address
@ Buffer to write data to the i2c device
ref writeBuffer: Fw.Buffer
@< Buffer to read back data from the i2c device, must set size when passing in read buffer
ref readBuffer: Fw.Buffer
) -> Drv.I2cStatus
enum I2cStatus {
I2C_OK = 0 @< Transaction okay
I2C_ADDRESS_ERR = 1 @< I2C address invalid
I2C_WRITE_ERR = 2 @< I2C write failed
I2C_READ_ERR = 3 @< I2C read failed
I2C_OPEN_ERR = 4 @< I2C driver failed to open device
I2C_OTHER_ERR = 5 @< Other errors that don't fit
port I2c(
addr: U32 @< I2C slave device address
ref serBuffer: Fw.Buffer @< Buffer with data to read/write to/from
) -> Drv.I2cStatus