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ESP8266 ESP32
ESP32 is already integrated antenna and RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise amplifiers, filters, and power management module. The entire solution takes up the least amount of printed circuit board area.This board is used with 2.4 GHz dual-mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chips by TSMC 40nm low power technology, power and RF properties best, which is safe, reliable, and scalable to a variety of applications. Now, the ESP32 development board can be purchased from http://www.smartarduino.com/view.php?id=95103, in which, the ESP32 is originally from ESPpressif.
- High performance-price ratio;
- Small volume,easily embeded to other products;
- Strong function with support LWIP protocol,Freertos;
- Suppporting three modes: AP, STA, and AP+STA;
- Supporting Lua program, easily to develop.
Volumio is a dedicated distro, previously known as Raspyfi.
It is based on Linux MPD (Music Player Daemon - see below). It comes with a self-expanding installer ready to go onto an SD card (2GB or more) and a simple browser-based interface to configure all options.
Music can be based on an extended partition, another USB or on a NAS.
For full details see [Service.IN\Setup\Pi Volumio.md]
These are aimed at RPi hardware and use MPD as (part of) their music system:
- Archphile - http://archphile.org/
others may include:
- PiMusicBox - http://pimusicbox.com/
- Voyage
'personal' projects include:
Linux Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a client-server architecture where MPD is controlled by Music Player Clients (MPC) - for more detail see [http://www.musicpd.org/]. the MPD wiki.
The Pi has dedicated distros based around MPD, such as mpdpup, or Volumio (see above). Or you can simply install MPD yourself (e.g. [http://www.instructables.com/id/Linux-music-server-controlled-by-an-Android-device/])
If you're not sure which MPC client to use, try starting on Android with MPDroid and Lubuntu perhaps with QMpdClient. For an exhaustive list of MPC clients see [http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Clients], or check out some of our choices at [https://github.com/artmg/lubuild/blob/master/help/use/Music-and-multimedia.md].
# mkdir /media/Music
# chmod -R 777 /media/Music
# credit - http://www.raspyfi.com/ho-to-install-mpd-on-an-existing-debian-installation-on-raspberry-pi/
# credit - http://www.instructables.com/id/Linux-music-server-controlled-by-an-Android-device/
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y mpd
sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
# ? bind_to_address "any"
sudo /etc/init.d/mpd restart
# other packages required?
# does this sort perms issues? - http://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/1w8ia0/raspberry_pi_mpd_server/
# alternative using archlinux (quicker boot if you don't need HDMI)
# http://hempeldesigngroup.com/embedded/stories/raspberry-pi-setup-as-mpd-sever/
# troubleshooting - http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_HOWTO_Troubleshoot
# ArchLinux page on setup - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon
# ArchLinux page on troubleshooting https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon/Troubleshooting
# or consider whether mopidy might be simpler https://docs.mopidy.com/en/latest/installation/raspberrypi/
- some software and a couple of hardware suggestions: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=83616
- more about hardware and sound subsystems than player software: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27304
- some common players and explanations around: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=88088
- Older but detailed on MPD and also UpnP: http://lesbonscomptes.com/pages/raspmpd.html
- Squeezebox - e.g. http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/it-fud-blog/2011/06/weekend-project-linux-squeezeb.html
- XBMC Remote
- Unified Remote (URC ?)
For squeezebox also see Logitech Squeezebox Touch hardware
see also Media Centre
As an alternative to the on-board audio chipset, use an external sound card or USB DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor). Some of these are available as HAT expansion boards for the Pi. Even cheap devices may give an improved sound quality.
- IQaudio Pi-DAC+ Full HD Audio Card
- Behringer UCA202
- hifiberry
WinAMP syncs with Windows boxes - what about SMB?
Before settling on Raspberry Pi as a hardware platform, we considered using a dedicated audio appliance.
- "network audio player"
- "audio streamer"
- "network music player"
- "network stereo receiver"
- "music streaming system"
####With Amp
- Cocktail Audio X30 £600 incl CD + HDD
- Onkyo CRN755 £250
- Monitor Audio A100 £300
- Sonos Connect:Amp
- Simple Audio "Roomplayer+ with Amp" (only iOS or PC) £500
- Linn Sneaky
- Squeezebox Touch
QED uPlay stream - £70
Pioneer N50K £500
- Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 v2 £700
- Cyrus Xa £1,250
- Naim NDS/NDX £3,000-£6,000
Other makes to check: Raumfeld, Logitec, Lenbrook, Majik ?
Shenzhen Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co. Ltd: wwww.doit.am, SZDOIT official online Shops: www.vvdoit.com, and www.smartarduino.com
- Preface
- Start to Play ESP8266
- ESP-F1
- ESP-F2
- ESP-01
- ESP-01s
- ESP-07
- ESP-12E
- ESP-12F
- DT-W5G1
- DMP-L1
- DMP-P1
- ESP-M1
- ESP-M2
- ESP-M3
- ESP-M4
- ESP-1
- ESP32
- ESP32U
- ESP32-C2
- NRF24l01
- Preface
- NodeMCU
- miniNodeMCU
- WiFi Shield
- ESPduino
- 2-way&16-way motor&servo shield
- ESP32
- DT-06(TTLtoWiFi)
- ESPDuino-32
- 2/4ch DC motor & 16ch servo shield---motor and servo shield
- Preface
- Video
- Softwares
- Motors & Servos
- Assembling Chassis
- Wireless WiFi Tank Car
- Wireless WiFi Video Tank Car
- RC Robot
- Preface
- Humanoid
- Gripper/Claw
- Robot Arm
- 3dof Robot Arm
- Visual Programming blocks