diff --git a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/attributes.mdx b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/attributes.mdx
index e1b9dca..0826d93 100644
--- a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/attributes.mdx
+++ b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/attributes.mdx
@@ -86,4 +86,19 @@ It's important to consider how top-level attributes may impact performance when
- contractAddress (in the context of a token card)
- tokenId (in the context of a non-fungible token)
- ownerAddress (the owner of the current token, usually the currently connected wallet address).
-- chainId (The chain for the current token)
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+- chainId (The chain for the current token)
+## Complex return types
+Smart contracts often return complex data types such as multiple return values, arrays & structs (often referred to as tuples).
+TokenScript attributes can fetch and decode this complex data, as long as the ABI fragment for that method is available in the referenced `ts:contract`.
+Simply change the `as` parameter of `ts:call` to `abi`:
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diff --git a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/cards.mdx b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/cards.mdx
index 61b67c7..a258299 100644
--- a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/cards.mdx
+++ b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/cards.mdx
@@ -101,10 +101,19 @@ The `ts:view` element defines the web content for this card and also has several
### urlFragment
-The `urlFragment`
+The `urlFragment` fragment attribute is used to support routing within TokenScript projects built as an SPA.
+When the card is loaded this value is added onto the document.location.hash.
### uiButton
+For simple actions, TokenScript viewer UI provides a button at the bottom of the card that can be used to trigger the
+default transaction or invoke the window.onConfirm function defined by the script.
+This button is shown by default on action cards and disabled by default on all other cards. The "uiButton" attribute can be used to override the default behavior.
### fullScreen
+By, default cards are shown as a popup modal and should use a responsive design to ensure a good user experience on mobile devices.
+The default max size for the popover modal in TokenScript viewer is 500px wide & 700px high.
+If your card should be full screen, simply set `fullScreen="true"`.
diff --git a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/transactions.mdx b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/transactions.mdx
index 0125c96..fe1d562 100644
--- a/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/transactions.mdx
+++ b/pages/framework/tokenscript-syntax/transactions.mdx
@@ -1 +1,85 @@
-# Transactions
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+# Transactions
+One powerful feature of the TokenScript framework is the concept of declarative transactions.
+They provide an easy way to invoke ethereum transactions without writing lots of Javascript.
+In fact, it's possible to wire up simple transactions without a single line of imperative code!
+This is because transactions take advantages of attribute values which they can reference for use in the smart contract's method parameters.
+This is also true for user-input attributes, which can be automatically collected by the engine & card SDK before invoking a transaction.
+## A simple action card example
+This card implements the erc-721 transfer function and does so without any Javascript:
+ Transfer
+ To Address
+The syntax for transactions is very similar to attributes that use `ethereum:call`.
+Note: Attributes defined within the card (either in XML or via Card SDK `setProps`) should use `local-ref` rather than `ref` to reference attributes.
+Since we have defined our user-input attribute `toAddress`, we only need to supply an input field in the view with the same ID:
+ Account Address
+The engine will ask the card SDK to collect the input value before invoking the transaction.
+The other parameters (ownerAddress & tokenId) are intrinsic attributes that are known by the engine, but can also be user-define attributes.
+## Setting inputs programmatically
+Sometimes using direct user input may not be possible, such as when the input requires some
+processing to get the final value, or when the value is calculated based on some off-chain logic.
+The Card SDK's `tokenscript.action.setProps()` method can be used to programmatically set parameter values.
+You do not have to define `ts:user-entry` attributes when using `setProps`.
+Note: When using `setProps`, make sure you don't have any HTML input elements with the same ID as the keys you set may be overwritten.
+Alternatively you can define `data-ts-prop="false"` on the input element to disable the automatic collection of input fields.
+## Invoking transactions
+### UI Button
+### Card SDK