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-# Card SDK
-The Card SDK provides the glue between the Javascript defined in the TokenScript project and the engine.
-It is essentially a 2-way message bus that allows the TokenScript developer to make requests to the engine and to receive updated data and other events emitted by the engine.
-It also allows the user to access various data including context data, environment variables & contract information.
-## Token Context Data
-As explained in the introduction to TokenScript attributes, Token Context data is made available through the card SDK.
-Our starter templates already handles the dataChange event which is used to provide initial and updated token context data to your card.
-If you want to register your own listener, you can do so by overwriting the following eventHandler
-tokenscript.tokens.dataChanged = async (oldTokens: any, updatedTokens: ITokenData, id: string) => {
-For our Svelte & React templates, the `updatedTokens.currentInstance` is automatically written to a global context variable that your UI can react to.
-## Environment Variables
-To access environment variables within your card, ensure that the variables is added into `ts:meta` as demonstrated [here](./tokenscript-syntax/xml).
-You can then access these variables via the `tokenscript.env` object:
-## Event handlers
-The engine include event handler infrastructure that allows the registration of multiple event listeners throughout your application.
-Currently, there is only one handler however more will be added in the future:
-// Types
-interface TokenScriptEvents {
- TRANSACTION_EVENT: ITransactionStatus
-// Usage
-tokenscript.on("TRANSACTION_EVENT", (data: ITransactionStatus) => {
- // Handle transaction event
-The TRANSACTION_EVENT can be used to react to transaction status even when the default action button is used to trigger the transaction.
-## Bundled libraries
-To reduce the size of built TokenScripts, some common libraries are bundled with the Card SDK.
-This allows the use of these libraries without explicitly installing them via NPM.
-Bundled libraries
-- Ethers.js ^v6.13 - available via the `ethers` global variable
-## Engine & UX actions
-### setProps
-One of the most important engine actions is `setProps`. It allows the user to define values that can be used as inputs to attributes & transactions:
- myAttribute: "123",
- myAttribute2: 456
-When invoking this method, the engine checks these values to see if they are `ts:user-entry` attributes.
-If they are not user entry values the engine checks if any of these values are a dependency for another attribute defined in the current scope.
-If so the engine will reload those attributes and return the updated data to the card via the `dataChanged` handler explained above.
-In this way, attribute values can be updated automatically based on an input that is set programmatically from within the card.
-Likewise, declarative transactions can reference these values as transactions arguments.
-Both attributes & transactions reference these values using the `local-ref` XML attribute:
-### show/hideLoader
-A self-explanatory method, this allows the user to show or hide the default card loaded provided the TokenScript viewer UI:
-`tokenscript.action.showLoader()` OR `tokenscript.action.hideLoader()`.
-### setActionButton
-The setActionButton method allows the developer to control the state of the default action button:
-// Type
-type setActionButton = (options: { show?: boolean, disable?: boolean, text?: string }) => void
-// Usage
- show: true, // Whether to show the button
- disable: false, // Whether to make the button disabled
- text: "Transfer Now" // The text of the button
-This allows the user to hide, disable or update the button text based on some conditions defined in Javascript.
-### executeTransaction
-`executeTransaction` is used to invoke declarative transactions programmatically as discussed in [TokenScript Transactions](./tokenscript-syntax/transactions).
-// Types
-interface TXOptions {
- txName?: string
-interface ITransactionStatus {
- status: 'started'|'aborted'|'submitted'|'confirmed'|'completed',
- txNumber?: string,
- txLink?: string,
- txRecord?: any
-interface ITransactionListener {
- (data: ITransactionStatus): void|Promise
-type ExecuteTransaction = (optionsOrTxName?: string|TXOptions, listener?: ITransactionListener) => Promise
-// Usage
-// 1. Execute the default transaction (specified in `ts:card`)
-if (!await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction()){
- return; // User aborted transaction
-// Do some post-transaction processing
-// 2. Execute a top-level named transaction, with some input values from Javascript
- secretCode: "1234"
-if (!await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction("levelUp")){
- return; // User aborted transaction
-// 3. Use a transaction progress listener
-await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction("levelUp", (txInfo) => {
- // Update UI based on transaction process
-Since the executeTransaction method is async, it can be used to chain together transactions and other off-chain processes.
-### showMessageToast
-This allows the developer to show message notifications using the toast notification system provided by TokenScript viewer.
-Along with the other UI specific methods, this helps keep the user-experience consistent across all TokenScript applications.
-// Type
-type ShowMessageToast = (type: 'success'|'info'|'warning'|'error', title: string, description: string) => void;
-// Usage
-tokenscript.action.showMessageToast("error", "An error occurred", "Detailed information about the error");
-### showTransactionToast
-Like the previous method, this allows the user to show transaction specific notifications:
-// Type
-type ShowTransactionToast = (status: "submitted"|"confirmed", chain: number, txHash: string) => void;
-// Usage
-tokenscript.action.showTransactionToast('confirmed', 137, "0x05b9d22ce9ac87e399c18c488c3e02327945ffb4633890030789ea1f2f783e0b");
-Note: This method only needs to be used when using the injected ethereum provider. If you are using declarative transactions, notifications are already taken care of by the engine.
-### closeCard
-This method simply closes the current card:
-### openCard
-You can also switch between cards using the `openCard` method.
-// Type
-type OpenCard = (name: string, originId?: string, tokenId?: string) => void;
-// Usage
- name: "myCardName",
- originId: "ReallyCoolToken", // This is the name of the origin contract as defined in the tokenscript.xml.
- tokenId: "1" // The tokenId we want to open the card for
-If originId or tokenId are not provided, the current token context is used to open the new card.
-## Ethereum methods
-### Signing
-You can request the user to sign a personal message like this:
-// Type
-type SignPersonal = (msgParams: {data: string|Uint8Array}, callback?: (error: any, data: string) => void) => void|Promise;
-// Usage
-const signature = await tokenscript.personal.sign({data: "My message"});
-This method is async but can also take a callback as well.
-**Note: If you need typed data signing, use the Ethereum Provider**
-### getRpcUrls
-The `getRpcUrls` method provides an array of RPC URLs for the specified chain ID:
-// Type
-type GetRpcUrls = (chain: number) => string[];
-// Usage
-const rpcUrls = tokenscript.eth.getRpcUrls(137);
-These URLs are configured and provided by the TokenScript Engine.
-### getRpcProvider
-Instead of requesting URLs and configuring the ethereum provider yourself, you can get an ethers.js provider directly:
-// Type
-type GetRpcProvider = (chain: number) => AbstractProvider; // ethers.AbstractProvider
-// Usage
-const provider = tokenscript.eth.getRpcProvider(137);
-If more than one RPC URL is defined for the specified chain ethers.FallbackProvider is returned, otherwise ethers.JsonRpcProvider is returned.
-### getContractInfo
-It's often helpful to get contract information based on the name specified in the TokenScript XML.
-In this way there is no need to hard-code contract addresses and ABI JSON within your Javascript code.
-Instead, this config information can be specified within the `tokenscript-project.json` environment variables and made available via this API method.
-// Type
-type GetContractInfo = (name: string, chain?: number) => {chain: number, address: string, abi: any};
-// Usage
-const contractInfo = tokenscript.eth.getContractInfo("MyReallyCoolToken");
-If the chain parameter isn't provided, the chain of the current token is used or the first chain specified within `ts:contract`.
-### getContractInstance
-Just like getContractInfo, we can get an ethers.Contract instance based on the name & chain provided.
-These contracts must have an ABI specified within `ts:contract` for the methods you want to execute.
-// Type
-type GetContractInstance = (name: string, chain?: number) => Contract; // ethers.Contract
-// Usage
-const contract = tokenscript.eth.getContractInstance("MyReallyCoolToken"); // ABI with getTokenPoints is defined in `ts:contract`
-const points = await contract.getTokenPoints(token.tokenId);
-This is most helpful when we want to read contract data within a card, without the use of TokenScript attributes that are loaded when the card is open.
-## Ethereum provider
-To allow scenarios that are not supported by TokenScript's declarative transactions, the Card SDK provides an EIP-1193 proxy.
-This is the standard injected provider (`window.ethereum`) that you would be familiar with from integrating with Metamask and other browser extension wallets.
-To use this provider, it's recommended that you wrap it with Ethers.js BrowserProvider like so:
-const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);
-// You can then get an ethers contract instance to interact with a contract
-const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, provider);
-**Note: When using the injected provider, you must take care of chain switching, transaction notifications & error handling yourself.**
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+ "introduction": "Introduction",
+ "engine-actions": "Engine & UI Actions",
+ "ethereum-methods": "Ethereum Methods"
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+## Engine & UX actions
+### setProps
+One of the most important engine actions is `setProps`. It allows the user to define values that can be used as inputs to attributes & transactions:
+ myAttribute: "123",
+ myAttribute2: 456
+When invoking this method, the engine checks these values to see if they are `ts:user-entry` attributes.
+If they are not user entry values the engine checks if any of these values are a dependency for another attribute defined in the current scope.
+If so the engine will reload those attributes and return the updated data to the card via the `dataChanged` handler explained above.
+In this way, attribute values can be updated automatically based on an input that is set programmatically from within the card.
+Likewise, declarative transactions can reference these values as transactions arguments.
+Both attributes & transactions reference these values using the `local-ref` XML attribute:
+### show/hideLoader
+A self-explanatory method, this allows the user to show or hide the default card loaded provided the TokenScript viewer UI:
+`tokenscript.action.showLoader()` OR `tokenscript.action.hideLoader()`.
+### setActionButton
+The setActionButton method allows the developer to control the state of the default action button:
+// Type
+type setActionButton = (options: { show?: boolean, disable?: boolean, text?: string }) => void
+// Usage
+ show: true, // Whether to show the button
+ disable: false, // Whether to make the button disabled
+ text: "Transfer Now" // The text of the button
+This allows the user to hide, disable or update the button text based on some conditions defined in Javascript.
+### executeTransaction
+`executeTransaction` is used to invoke declarative transactions programmatically as discussed in [TokenScript Transactions](./tokenscript-syntax/transactions).
+// Types
+interface TXOptions {
+ txName?: string
+interface ITransactionStatus {
+ status: 'started'|'aborted'|'submitted'|'confirmed'|'completed',
+ txNumber?: string,
+ txLink?: string,
+ txRecord?: any
+interface ITransactionListener {
+ (data: ITransactionStatus): void|Promise
+type ExecuteTransaction = (optionsOrTxName?: string|TXOptions, listener?: ITransactionListener) => Promise
+// Usage
+// 1. Execute the default transaction (specified in `ts:card`)
+if (!await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction()){
+ return; // User aborted transaction
+// Do some post-transaction processing
+// 2. Execute a top-level named transaction, with some input values from Javascript
+ secretCode: "1234"
+if (!await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction("levelUp")){
+ return; // User aborted transaction
+// 3. Use a transaction progress listener
+await tokenscript.action.executeTransaction("levelUp", (txInfo) => {
+ // Update UI based on transaction process
+Since the executeTransaction method is async, it can be used to chain together transactions and other off-chain processes.
+### showMessageToast
+This allows the developer to show message notifications using the toast notification system provided by TokenScript viewer.
+Along with the other UI specific methods, this helps keep the user-experience consistent across all TokenScript applications.
+// Type
+type ShowMessageToast = (type: 'success'|'info'|'warning'|'error', title: string, description: string) => void;
+// Usage
+tokenscript.action.showMessageToast("error", "An error occurred", "Detailed information about the error");
+### showTransactionToast
+Like the previous method, this allows the user to show transaction specific notifications:
+// Type
+type ShowTransactionToast = (status: "submitted"|"confirmed", chain: number, txHash: string) => void;
+// Usage
+tokenscript.action.showTransactionToast('confirmed', 137, "0x05b9d22ce9ac87e399c18c488c3e02327945ffb4633890030789ea1f2f783e0b");
+Note: This method only needs to be used when using the injected ethereum provider. If you are using declarative transactions, notifications are already taken care of by the engine.
+### closeCard
+This method simply closes the current card:
+### openCard
+You can also switch between cards using the `openCard` method.
+// Type
+type OpenCard = (name: string, originId?: string, tokenId?: string) => void;
+// Usage
+ name: "myCardName",
+ originId: "ReallyCoolToken", // This is the name of the origin contract as defined in the tokenscript.xml.
+ tokenId: "1" // The tokenId we want to open the card for
+If originId or tokenId are not provided, the current token context is used to open the new card.
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+## Ethereum methods
+### Signing
+You can request the user to sign a personal message like this:
+// Type
+type SignPersonal = (msgParams: {data: string|Uint8Array}, callback?: (error: any, data: string) => void) => void|Promise;
+// Usage
+const signature = await tokenscript.personal.sign({data: "My message"});
+This method is async but can also take a callback as well.
+**Note: If you need typed data signing, use the Ethereum Provider**
+### getRpcUrls
+The `getRpcUrls` method provides an array of RPC URLs for the specified chain ID:
+// Type
+type GetRpcUrls = (chain: number) => string[];
+// Usage
+const rpcUrls = tokenscript.eth.getRpcUrls(137);
+These URLs are configured and provided by the TokenScript Engine.
+### getRpcProvider
+Instead of requesting URLs and configuring the ethereum provider yourself, you can get an ethers.js provider directly:
+// Type
+type GetRpcProvider = (chain: number) => AbstractProvider; // ethers.AbstractProvider
+// Usage
+const provider = tokenscript.eth.getRpcProvider(137);
+If more than one RPC URL is defined for the specified chain ethers.FallbackProvider is returned, otherwise ethers.JsonRpcProvider is returned.
+### getContractInfo
+It's often helpful to get contract information based on the name specified in the TokenScript XML.
+In this way there is no need to hard-code contract addresses and ABI JSON within your Javascript code.
+Instead, this config information can be specified within the `tokenscript-project.json` environment variables and made available via this API method.
+// Type
+type GetContractInfo = (name: string, chain?: number) => {chain: number, address: string, abi: any};
+// Usage
+const contractInfo = tokenscript.eth.getContractInfo("MyReallyCoolToken");
+If the chain parameter isn't provided, the chain of the current token is used or the first chain specified within `ts:contract`.
+### getContractInstance
+Just like getContractInfo, we can get an ethers.Contract instance based on the name & chain provided.
+These contracts must have an ABI specified within `ts:contract` for the methods you want to execute.
+// Type
+type GetContractInstance = (name: string, chain?: number) => Contract; // ethers.Contract
+// Usage
+const contract = tokenscript.eth.getContractInstance("MyReallyCoolToken"); // ABI with getTokenPoints is defined in `ts:contract`
+const points = await contract.getTokenPoints(token.tokenId);
+This is most helpful when we want to read contract data within a card, without the use of TokenScript attributes that are loaded when the card is open.
+## Ethereum provider
+To allow scenarios that are not supported by TokenScript's declarative transactions, the Card SDK provides an EIP-1193 proxy.
+This is the standard injected provider (`window.ethereum`) that you would be familiar with from integrating with Metamask and other browser extension wallets.
+To use this provider, it's recommended that you wrap it with Ethers.js BrowserProvider like so:
+const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);
+// You can then get an ethers contract instance to interact with a contract
+const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, provider);
+**Note: When using the injected provider, you must take care of chain switching, transaction notifications & error handling yourself.**
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+# Card SDK
+The Card SDK provides the glue between the Javascript defined in the TokenScript project and the engine.
+It is essentially a 2-way message bus that allows the TokenScript developer to make requests to the engine and to receive updated data and other events emitted by the engine.
+It also allows the user to access various data including context data, environment variables & contract information.
+## Token Context Data
+As explained in the introduction to TokenScript attributes, Token Context data is made available through the card SDK.
+Our starter templates already handles the dataChange event which is used to provide initial and updated token context data to your card.
+If you want to register your own listener, you can do so by overwriting the following eventHandler
+tokenscript.tokens.dataChanged = async (oldTokens: any, updatedTokens: ITokenData, id: string) => {
+For our Svelte & React templates, the `updatedTokens.currentInstance` is automatically written to a global context variable that your UI can react to.
+## Environment Variables
+To access environment variables within your card, ensure that the variables is added into `ts:meta` as demonstrated [here](./tokenscript-syntax/xml).
+You can then access these variables via the `tokenscript.env` object:
+## Event handlers
+The engine include event handler infrastructure that allows the registration of multiple event listeners throughout your application.
+Currently, there is only one handler however more will be added in the future:
+// Types
+interface TokenScriptEvents {
+ TRANSACTION_EVENT: ITransactionStatus
+// Usage
+tokenscript.on("TRANSACTION_EVENT", (data: ITransactionStatus) => {
+ // Handle transaction event
+The TRANSACTION_EVENT can be used to react to transaction status even when the default action button is used to trigger the transaction.
+## Bundled libraries
+To reduce the size of built TokenScripts, some common libraries are bundled with the Card SDK.
+This allows the use of these libraries without explicitly installing them via NPM.
+Bundled libraries
+- Ethers.js ^v6.13 - available via the `ethers` global variable