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Windows Manual Installation

Dmitry Kireev edited this page Jul 4, 2015 · 12 revisions

Sming Manual Installation

This is a DEPRECATED way of installing Sming. It will not be supported in the next versions.

Please consider using a simple way of installing Sming via Chocolatey. Package sources are available as well

If you still want to install it manually, please make sure the following steps are taken:

1. Install Unofficial Development Kit

  1. Install Universial Development Kit.
  2. Install Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Eclipse Luna. Unpack the archive to c:\Eclipse
  4. Install MingGW. Run mingw-get-setup.exe. Add install support for the graphical user interface. Install to c:\MinGW.
  5. Install additional modules for MinGW. Run install-mingw-package.bat
  6. Start the Eclipse Luna from the directory c:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe
  7. In Eclipse, select File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace, in the line Select root directory, select the directory C:\Espressif\examples and import work projects. Further, the right to select the Make Target project, such as hello-world and run the target All the assembly, while in the console window should display the progress of the build. To select the target firmware flash.

Install additional mingw packages

C:\MinGW\bin\mingw-get install "msys-make"

Create directory link for compatibility building (with admin permissions)

mklink /d c:\Espressif\sdk c:\Espressif\ESP8266_SDK

2. Set Environment Variables (requires Eclipse/cmd restart)

Windows System PATH variable should contain a path to mingw\bin and mingw\msys\1.0\bin:

Make sure it is in this exact order. This step is also required for some old sming installations.

SETX PATH /M C:\mingw\bin;C:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin;%PATH%

3. Make sure to set SMING_HOME and ESP_HOME environment variables

SETX SMING_HOME c:\tools\Sming\Sming
SETX ESP_HOME c:\Espressif

Please make sure there are no trailing slashes at the end of both paths!

Eclipse IDE variables

You can manually add variables into Eclipse IDE: Window > Preferences -> C/C++ > Build > Environment

It won't be accessible outside Eclipse IDE