Before pushing the new version to PyPI
you may want to develop and test the new code on your local machine.
# Create a new conda environment
conda create -n mpc-orb-public python=3.11
conda activate mpc-orb-public
cd mpc_orb
python3 -m pip install -e .'[test]'
You need to increment the version in pyproject.toml
- This controls the version number uploaded and made available on PyPI
- If you don't increment the version (e.g. from 'v0.0.5' to 'v0.0.6') the upload tp PyPI will likely fail
The GitHub action is triggered when you manually create a release.
Here’s a step by step:
- Go to the repo webpage:
- In the right pane, click “Releases -> Then click “Draft a new Release”
- Click Choose a tag -> Type v0.0.6 -> Create New Tag
- Also type “v0.0.6” as the Release title
- Optional release notes
- Click Publish Release -> This triggers the GitHub action to publish to pypi
- Watch the Actions to make sure it passes:
- Then check PyPI to make sure the new version is shown: E.g.