Virtual Event Starter Kit – Vercel Jumpstart your virtual event and scale to any size. Clone & deploy with one-click to Vercel, then customize for your event.
Microsoft performance tips for TypeScript
TypeScript 4.1
Facebook redesign - część techniczna
Inclusive Components A blog trying to be a pattern library. All about designing inclusive web interfaces, piece by piece.
Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework Production grade React applications that scale. The world’s leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
Książka „TypeScript na poważnie” To kompendium wiedzy na temat TypeScripta! Znajdziesz w niej wszystko, co potrzebne, aby nauczyć się programować w TypeScripcie od podstaw, aż po zaawansowane niuanse, dobre praktyki i wzorce.
Deno v 1.x
typeofweb/polskifrontend Contribute to typeofweb/polskifrontend development by creating an account on GitHub.
Polski Front-End Polski Front-End to serwisy i blogi na temat front-endu w jednym miejscu, tylko po polsku. Coś dla każdego web developera!
Flow Browser | The parallel, multithreaded HTML browser Crafted for the latest multi-core silicon, Ekioh's Flow browser delivers unbeatable HTML5 performance with extremely low memory consumption.
Edge na Chromium
Killed by Google Killed by Google is the Google Graveyard. A full list of dead products killed by Google in the Google Cemetery.
ReScript Documentation The ReScript language and ecosystem docs
Just JavaScript | A Course by Dan Abramov and Maggie Appleton Learn the JavaScript Mental Models
React hook forms React hook for form validation without the hassle
React Query Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
Yarn 2.0
Recoil A state management library for React.
Remix Run - Build Better Websites Remix brings you the state of the art in web development without leaving behind the fundamentals that make it great. Built for the serverless era, and on top of our open source that runs on millions of websites already, Remix gives you a sturdy foundation to build better websites.
Buggerpunk 2077 i Problem Dreamlinera Co łączy Dreamlinera oraz Cyberpunka i czego się nauczyłem o wprowadzaniu zbyt wielu zmian na raz.
Cyberpunk 2077 – zwrot pieniędzy
Web Almanac
Wszystkie proposale JS w jednym pliku
Zoom fatique
Festiwal React.js i GraphQL - Kup Pełny dostęp Otrzymaj nieograniczony dostęp do nagrań wszystkich wystąpień. Materiały dodatkowe, slajdy i kod źródłowy. Dołącz do zamkniętej grupy uczestników i prelegentów.
The Best Software Developer Conferences to Attend in 2020 Conferences are a great way to build your network and broaden your technical horizon. This is a shortlist of the biggest and best software developer conferences in 2020.