Releases: SocialGouv/carte-jeune-engage
Releases · SocialGouv/carte-jeune-engage
0.53.0 (2024-11-06)
Bug Fixes
- add disabled button in amount validation (be7b954)
- add loading component in order process modal (a9d0e20)
- begin component summary of order and enhance discount amount blocks (0b2e0af)
- begin fixed_price in order process modal (9e7c3ac)
- code_obiz to instore section (83f9a6a)
- correct build issue (d671d8b)
- handle kind fixed_price in recapt order component (397ada6)
- handle obiz route order with multiple articles with quantity (2744ce2)
- insert ligne commande obiz (5d6887e)
- logs (3e42031)
- not delivred order state (cd27c5f)
- put publicPrice instead of discount price in order table (954ceff)
- add order relation to offer (5dec206)
- add orders to wallet view (d283218)
- add PDF generation & save on sync (5c4c479)
- begin component discount amount blocks for order kind of offer (bc6d2d0)
- begin order obiz creation (40f155c)
- create obiz commande (16fc470)
- download and show pdf (6f06798)
- GET_BILLETS soap call (908ea3c)
- handle order with multiple articles with quantity (a5a06d5)
- handle sync order if not delivered (bae0f1b)
- history page - handle new order schema (c056793)
- order collection & creation (74bb61c)
- order page instance (65f853a)
- order page integration (88717b7)
- put order process modal in offer obiz page and redirect to payment link (92f9735)
- synchronizeOrder route with obiz SOAP service (c1bb349)