Releases: SocialGouv/carte-jeune-engage
Releases · SocialGouv/carte-jeune-engage
0.16.0 (2024-03-11)
Bug Fixes
- add cursor pointer to element in not eligible form (6660991)
- add migrations (279500e)
- add preprod value to qr code instead of fake data (1c29603)
- border color on footer omponent (f4eaec5)
- faq padding for anchor purpose (d6014ba)
- map image on desktop (a52b5c9)
- move useState isOtpGenerated to auth provider to remove footer on generation (dd829d0)
- qr code zIndex (f3a35bb)
- add active nav item when section is displayed (407606f)
- add anchor to sections on landing page (2f197f0)
- add burger navbar for mobile view (818e101)
- add eligible modal on desktop, fix multiple issues (c2940ed)
- add footer for desktop (0f717fa)
- add footer to landing page (e3dce8a)
- add introduction section and map section (206003c)
- add logo to desktop page (befc090)
- add mode desktop to landing page (c0a443e)
- add not eligible modal and form (6b89c9b)
- add two new section, how it works and faq with dynamic question in global payload (ac43070)
- begin homepage with header component, cta section and partners logo section (c2d6048)
- finish landing mobile with footer cta and fix overflow with background color specific for landing page (181cbf4)
0.15.3 (2024-03-08)
Bug Fixes
- hide eligible articles for now (5df8917)
- offer available loading performance - reduce data checking (55a3f08)
- seed new schema (625bc2f)
- simplify condition (e61930f)
- timeout external link to 2 secondes (335f5a2)
- update payload pgqsl pacakge (797737b)
- update yarn.lock (2398aaa)
- useAsTitle for coupon (f9f8c52)
- wording (992977c)