UVLS is a language server for UVL(Universal Variability Language). The server is still in active development but should provide a solid editing experience.
Currently supports
- completions
- semantic syntax highlighting
- decent error messages and robust parsing using tree-sitter
- Z3 based configuration
- Inlays
- goto definitions
- configuration editor
On most common platforms installing this extension should just work, without any dependencies.
When the automatic install fails you will need to build the server you're self.
Build instructions can be found here.
To use a custom build server specify its location via uvls.path
or add it to PATH
To use the Visualization of Feature Models please install the Graphviz Interactive Preview Extension (tintinweb.graphviz-interactive-preview).
You may use any other Graphviz Preview Extension, but this is highly compatible with the UVLS.
: Path to the server executable eg.uvls
: Choose to check for updates automatically