Let’s look at a sample scenario through which you can build a Gradle project using Visual Studio Code editor.
Ensure that you have
- Cloned webmethods-api-control-plane-agent-azure Git Hub repository using any GIT client.
- Downloaded the IBM webMethods API Control Plane 3rd Party Runtime Agent SDK zip file from IBM Integration Community.
- Installed Java 17 and Gradle 7.4.2
If you plan to upgrade Gradle, ensure that you also upgrade the supported Java version accordingly. For details about the compatibility between Java and Gradle versions, see Compatibility Matrix.
To build the Gradle project
Unzip Agent SDK folder downloaded from IBM Integration Community and place the (api, core, and model) Jars under libs folder in the cloned repository.
Open Visual Studio Code editor.
Go to File > Open Folder and select the cloned webmethods-api-control-plane-agent-azure repository.
Run the following command in the Visual Studio Terminal to build the project:
gradle build
(if you have installed Gradle globally) (or)./gradlew build
Build Successful message appears, and the following Jars are created for the application and Azure functions:
Spring Boot application: application-version-SNAPSHOT is created at application / build / libs
Azure Functions: Jars and dependencies are generated in Function / build
Troubleshooting Tips: For permission denied issues:
1. Verify if the Gradle has execution permissions.
2. Rungradle build
(or)./gradlew build
3. If the issue persists, run:sh ./gradlew build
(or)bash .gradlew build