The Crada&Chill project is a web application for recommending movies. You will be able to see a gallery of movies with their rating and you will be able to add new movies.
We introduce ourselves a bit in the Spring Boot and React framework making a CRUD-style Microservice.
- Users will be able to add a movie with an image, title, genre, director name and score
- Users will be able to edit the cards
- Users will be able to delete the cards
In this repository we create the API for Crada&Chill
You can access the FrontEnd of Crada&Chill here
We use Spring Boot
- We start by creating the project with Spring Initializr
Maven project
Dependencies: Spring Web | Spring Data JPA | MySQL Driver | Spring Boot DevTools
- Git clone or fork this repository
- cd crada-chill-back
- Create a file named "" and fill it with the information of your database, you can use the example file ""
- Create a table called "movies" in MySQL
- Now you can run the API
- Spring Boot
- Intellij IDEA
- Tell others about this project 📢
- Support our projects ⭐
- Made with ❤️ by CRADA 🐱