- You can now browse to any website and make transactions using any of your attached wallets, including your Ledger!
- Landscape is now supported to enable better interactions using and iOS device. This is to enable easier usage on iPads and macOS devices.
- Scroll views might act a little weird on the wallet pages. Please submit bug reports for any weirs things you see here.
- Swaps may not be working. This might be removed for the public release. Submit feedback if you're against this decision!
- Bug fixes before the public release!
- Added support for Solana Pay QR codes and public key QR codes
- Export mnemonic text is copied on touch from the 'export mnemonic' screen
- Updated app icon and splash screen
- Export mnemonic screen might not always show the text as copied when clicked, but it is.
- Added layout animations to initial token loading screens and send tokens screen (Thanks Alex!!!)
- Fixed portfolio balance to never spill over to more than one line
- Add the ability to view and create staking accounts
- Validator stats page maybe?
- When you click on a transaction toast solana explorer now opens in app instead of linking to safari
- Wallet name is now in the header
- Simplified the layout of data on the main wallet view
- The view and send token screens are updated to better match the design of the rest of the application
- Selecting a wallet that was already active used to clear token state
- App would initially load default settings after loading other data
- Airdrops now wait for confirmation before firing success
- Add the ability to view and create staking accounts
- Validator stats page maybe?
- Users can now send SOL and SPL tokens using registered Twitter handles or .sol TLD names
Big changes to navigation
- Wallets now live in an ever present drawer component
- View and swap token screens now take up the whole screen, and pop in
Lots of small style changes, mostly simplifying UI and making it more consistent
- Opacity looks strange when selecting a wallet from the drawer menu
- Adding built in web view in order to view Token info on Solscan & view transactions in app
- Adding SOL DNS lookup to send tokens to a .sol address or twitter handle
Added import mnemonic phrase option.
- Importing a mnemonic will overwrite the existing phrase on device, but keep any keypairs derived from it usable. Please test!
Added network options to swap
- While Jupiter Aggregator doesn't play well with anything other than mainnet-beta, you can now check for routes on devnet and testnet.
Bug with network switching and main token list
- I noticed a weird bug where my token list wouldn't load after I switched from devnet back to mainnet-beta, but I was unable to reproduce. Please report if you notice this as well.
- Wallet list items padding adjusted
- Keypairs now generated asynchronously - not as much of a speed bump as I would have thought though...
- All views are now rendered in a SafeAreaView to help the display on different device sizes
- View Tokens & Send Tokens screens do not respond to swipe gestures.
- NFT/Token headings are not clickable and do not reset on wallet changes
- Importing a wallet and not making any other wallet based change will not save the new data on device