To use your own dataset, a load data file
should be created under ./src/load_data
folder. The load data file is responsible for loading the source data and preprocessing it based on your needs. The returned dataset should follow the same standard: return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, used_features
This file includes the preprocessing of the dataset. To prepare the training and learning on a new dataset, the dataset loading and preprocessing steps are necessary. With the .csv
dataset files saved in a directory, several preprocessing steps need to be added in this load data file
, such as a) reading the dataset, b) replacing/removing the N/A values, c) encoding & selecting the features, and d) splitting the training/testing sets. The file includes one main function described below.
The overview of
functiondef load_data(num_features, data_dir): label_index = ... # the name of dataset label index file_dir = data_dir+... # the dataset directory files = [] # read all the files under the dataset folder for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(file_dir): for file in filenames: files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file)) ... return X_train, np.array(y_train), X_test, np.array(y_test), used_features
The input of
functionnum_features # integer # number of features to be used for model training # read from the user input data_dir # string # the dataset directory
The output of
functionX_train # data frame/ndarray/list # training data y_train # data frame/ndarray/list # the training labels X_test # data frame/ndarray/list # testing data y_test # data frame/ndarray/list # testing labels used_features # int # number of used features