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It is difficult to write a reliable unit test for logging behavior of an application #156

exarkun opened this issue Jan 8, 2025 · 4 comments


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exarkun commented Jan 8, 2025

As an application developer on a project that uses Katip, I want to be able to write unit tests that demonstrate my application code emits log events that meet certain criteria - for example, so that if I add HTTP request logging behavior to my HTTP server that I can be confident it logs correct details from the HTTP request.

It is currently very difficult to write a reliable unit test for this kind of thing using the public Katip APIs because there is an asynchronous step between application code emitting a log event (say, using logLocM) and test code observing that log event (eg, by registering a scribe to accumulate all events).

The asynchronous step arises from use of TBQueue and an Async task (created in spawnScribeWorker) to read from the queue and deliver messages to a scribe.

In one case, the delivery of the message itself serves as notification that the asynchronous step is complete and the test can proceed to make assertions about the log event. However, in the general case, there's no way for a test to know how long to wait for that message to be delivered. If the application code is broken, it might wait forever for an event that will never arrive.

Additionally, a naively written test may initially pass due to lucky timing / scheduling outcomes that cause the event to reach the scribe before the test code runs but it will eventually fail when it gets unlucky and the test thread runs before the spawnScribeWorker thread.

It would be great if there were a reliable way to know that all log events that have been emitted as of some point in time have been delivered to all registered scribes (or even to one specific scribe) or if there were a public interface to Katip for skipping all of the asynchronous processing and doing all log event processing in a single thread.

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Would it be reasonable to use closeScribes for your test? When you run that it should close the queues to new writes and wait for them to empty out. It calls scribeFinalizer on all the scribes. Scribes are supposed to provide a finalizer that blocks until all writes are flushed.

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exarkun commented Jan 23, 2025

Initially I tried using closeScribes for just this reason. From what I can tell, it doesn't wait for shChan to empty out and so there's still a chance of missing a message (and in some of my very simple tests, it worked just often enough to convince me I'd solved the problem but fortunately not often enough to make it through CI before landing my changes).

The workaround I have in place right now is that I provide an IO action for retrieving the current logs and in it I dig out shChan, wait for it to be empty (so I don't miss messages that haven't been grabbed by the scribe's worker thread yet), then also threadDelay 1 (so I don't miss messages that have been removed from the queue but haven't been delivered to the scribe yet) before fetching log events from my scribe and returning them.

Ideally there'd be a way to make reliable log observations without closing the scribe (to support more complex tests where there might be multiple actions emitting multiple log events) but something that relied on closeScribes would also probably be usable.

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That seems like a bug to me. Are you using a custom scribe or one of the ones that ship with the project? It's been a long time since I wrote this code but it looks like when you close a scribe it writes a special poison pill message to the queue. The worker loops over the messages in the queue sequentially and then quits. Then the main thread calls the finalizer callback on the handle before unblocking. Scribe implementers are supposed to ensure that all writes are flushed in the finalizer. I could see writes getting lost if you're somehow writing to the handle after you've attempted to close the scribe. I think the write would go on to the queue but then the poison pill would cease reading from the queue and it would eventually get GCed.

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exarkun commented Feb 5, 2025

Here's the implementation of my current test helper. I've left in the bits that integrate with HSpec for context but you might be most interested in the implementation of observing near the end

  import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
  import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, check, isEmptyTBQueue)
  import Control.Lens (At (at), (^.))
  import Control.Monad (void)
  import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef)
  import Katip
    ( Item,
      Scribe (Scribe),
  import Katip.Core (ScribeHandle (shChan))
  import Test.Hspec
    ( ActionWith,

  -- | A log event that was emitted and was observed by the test fixture.                                                                                                                 
  data Observed = forall a. Observed a

  -- | Turn a function that accepts a reference to observations and an                                                                                                                    
  -- application object that does logging into a 'Spec'.  For example:                                                                                                                    
  -- > makeApp :: LogEnv -> ...                                                                                                                                                           
  -- > makeApp logEnv = ...                                                                                                                                                               
  -- >                                                                                                                                                                                    
  -- > observeAppLogs makeApp $ do                                                                                                                                                        
  -- >   it "can log" $ \(events, app) -> do                                                                                                                                              
  -- >     doSomething app                                                                                                                                                                
  -- >     readIORef events `shouldReturn` expectedEvents                                                                                                                                 
  observeAppLogs :: (LogEnv -> b) -> SpecWith (IO [Observed], b) -> Spec
  observeAppLogs makeApp = observeLogs . runAppWithLogging makeApp

  -- | For use with 'around' to manage a Katip log environment for use by a                                                                                                               
  -- 'Spec'.  For example:                                                                                                                                                                
  -- > around logging $ do                                                                                                                                                                
  -- >  describe "some tests" $ do                                                                                                                                                        
  -- >    it "can log" $ \logEnv -> do                                                                                                                                                    
  -- >      ...                                                                                                                                                                           
  logging :: ActionWith LogEnv -> IO ()
  logging action = initLogEnv "Test" "" >>= action

  -- | For use with 'aroundWith' and 'logging' to observe log events emitted by                                                                                                           
  -- a 'Spec'.  For example:                                                                                                                                                              
  -- > around logging $ do                                                                                                                                                                
  -- >  aroundWith observing $ do                                                                                                                                                         
  -- >    describe "some tests" $ do                                                                                                                                                      
  -- >      it "can log" $ \(readLogEvents, logEnv) -> do                                                                                                                                        
  -- >        readLogEvents `shouldReturn` []                                                                                                                                          
  observing :: ActionWith (IO [Observed], LogEnv) -> ActionWith LogEnv
  observing action logEnv = do
    -- A mutable reference to a list of observed log events in order from most                                                                                                            
    -- recently emitted to least recently emitted (i.e., backwards).                                                                                                                      
    ref <- newIORef []
    let scribe = Scribe (push ref) (finalise ref) permit
    logEnv' <- registerScribe scribeName scribe defaultScribeSettings logEnv
    action (readWithBarrier (getKatipQueue logEnv') ref, logEnv')
    void $ closeScribe scribeName logEnv'
      scribeName = "test observer"

      getKatipQueue env =
        case shChan <$> (env ^. (logEnvScribes . at scribeName)) of
          Nothing -> error "Failed to find Scribe message queue"
          Just tbq -> tbq

      push :: IORef [Observed] -> Item a -> IO ()
      push ref item = atomicModifyIORef' ref ((,()) . (Observed (item ^. itemPayload) :))
      finalise _ = pure ()
      permit = const (pure True)
      -- Katip log functions only push the log event to a TBQueue.  The log                                                                                                               
      -- event is later read from the queue by another thread and only there                                                                                                              
      -- delivered to the scribe.  This means that single-threaded code which                                                                                                             
      -- emits a log event and then immediately tries to read it back risks not                                                                                                           
      -- seeing the event because it has looked in `ref` too early.                                                                                                                       
      -- There don't seem to be any synchronisation primitives in Katip for                                                                                                               
      -- dealing with this.  Here we build our own by waiting for the message                                                                                                             
      -- queue to empty before returning the log events from our scribe.                                                                                                                  
      readWithBarrier q ref = do
        atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue q >>= check
        -- Unfortunately an empty queue does not perfectly indicate all messages                                                                                                          
        -- have been delivered.  There is a brief window after the log event is                                                                                                           
        -- taken out of the queue but before it has been delivered to the scribe                                                                                                          
        -- where we can still miss it.  Therefore, also delay ever so briefly                                                                                                             
        -- after detecting an empty queue.  This is not guaranteed to work but                                                                                                            
        -- experimentation suggests that (in at least one environment) the                                                                                                                
        -- chance of failure is below 1 in 3000.                                                                                                                                          
        -- Hopefully Katip will make some change that removes the need for this:                                                                                                          
        threadDelay 1
        readIORef ref

I don't believe the poison pill addresses this issue because it is processed by Scribe - which only sees it after the event has clear the internal TBQueue. Most of the code in observing is concerned with dealing with an event that's either still in the TBQueue or has just been taken out of it but hasn't quite been passed to the scribe.

I think that I could implement a similar poison pill mechanism by replacing the implementation of readWithBarrier with one that:

  1. logs the new poison pill
  2. waits for the poison pill to appear in ref
  3. returns the events prior to the pill as the read result

This might even be a better solution than any change that could easily be made in Katip - I'm not sure. I didn't attempt it when I was initially working on this code because I got confused about how I would recognize the pill (and I still haven't revisited this sufficiently to know the answer to that question yet).

(Note: I edited the code after posting because I noticed there was an error in one of the usage examples)

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